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New Game without losing your Pokemons?


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Now where i have freetime again and saw that ep 13 is out.. (perfect timing /*^*/)

I wanted to start a new game, but keep my pokemons because i lost track of most of the relationships between the characters.

Besides that i would really like to play it again (for its awesome story x)) without raging about Fern~

Any Ideas/Advice?

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There is no sort of New Game + feature, unfortunately. If you start over, you start over. I'd suggest another way of refreshing yourself with the story, unless you're caught on playing through it again. If it's the later case, then go ahead and restart. The game may be tough, but if you got through it once, you can do it again.

I don't know what sort of advice I can give beyond that. It just depends whether you want to play from the start or keep your current pokemon more.

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You can have multiple save files. What you need to do is go into the game folder and look for your save file called Game.rxdata. Rename this file to something like Game1.rxdata (it doesn't matter what the name is as long as it isn't Game) and start up the game. If you did this right, you won't have an option to continue and can then start a new game. To go back to your original file just rename you new Game.rxdata file to something else (say Game2) and edit the original to be called Game.rxdata again.

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I guess ill just watch some Lets Plays about it x)

You can have multiple save files. What you need to do is go into the game folder and look for your save file called chicken.rxdata. Rename this file to something like chicken.rxdata (it doesn't matter what the name is as long as it isn't chicken) and start up the game. If you did this right, you won't have an option to chicken and can then start a new game. To go back to your original file just rename you new chicken.rxdata file to something else (say chicken) and edit the original to be called chicken.rxdata again.

I wanted to keep my Pokemons to rush to my actual part of the story to know whats going on between them again x]

Thanks anyway~

Edited by Celestielle2
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I guess ill just watch some Lets Plays about it x)

I wanted to keep my Pokemons to rush to my actual part of the story to know whats going on between them again x]

Thanks anyway~

So if I got it right, you want your current pokes in a new file, so you can sweep throw the game easily to recover the story of the game quickly, is that correct?

The only way to do such thing that I'm aware of is modifying your new savefile to include the pokes from your old savefile. However most people are not usually okay with this cuz of the cheating, but whatever, if you want that done it can be done.

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Yes its possible, you can edit in your old pokemon into your new file that's how people were trading a while ago though I'm not certain how its done.

You do that with RPGmaker, editing the saves. It's a shame reborn does not have a legit trading service, though.

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Maybe a "NewGame+" option unlocked when one beats the Champion.

But that would need multiple game files ala Zeta/Omicron

Like, you keep all your pokemon/dex entries, but your pokemon are resetted to their base forms (the ones who evolve) at Lv5 and you must catch the legendaries again.

This way you can have a new save along your current one.

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