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So I just beat Shelly, and it took some grinding to get a camerupt to help, but it was worth it. My current team is:







And I have a side Loudred in the PC. As you can see, fire types rip my team apart, and I'm sure there's plenty more weaknesses. Any suggestions for different pokes? Thanks!

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#TeamChespin. #Sweg...

The next part of the story involves you facing off against Shade, followed by a LONG stretch of not getting a badge that raises your level cap story-wise. I've got some recommendations.

1. For Shade, Camerupt is going to put in some solid work. Keep him aboard.

2. You might consider taking out Drifblim momentarily for Mightyena or something with a decent Dark type move to clean up for Shade.

3. You might consider replacing Dribflim long-term in favor of Cofagrigus or Dusclops, which you can obtain in the wings of Shade's Power-Plant.

4. Camerupt should cover Shade's largest threat in -my opinion, and you might take out Kricketune shortly for some more resistance to Fire/Electric moves.

5. Thinking long term, you might consider keeping Hariyama, or replacing it with a faster Fighting type.

6. For the third time, Camerupt is a GREAT pokemon for the stretch your going into.

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Thanks for the reply! So would switching out drifblim for dusclops permanently be a good choice? I also just got a carvhana as a water type, considering grinding him up to switch out for kriketune. What do you think?

Thanks again :)

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Shade's field effect really helps out his Electric type pokemon. Sharpedo isn't terrible, and I can't say anything definitively regarding it, but you'll have to see how badly the field stacks the odds against it.

or Cofagrigus. Eventually, and soon, Drifblim will get outclassed. It's really just a judgement call. In the short time however, I would consider getting Dusclops ready for the leader after Shade.

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Yes it is possible to get Corey's Croagunk, but even with sucker punch he's no where near as good against Shade as Sharpedo or Zoroark are. Those two are probably the best dark types in the game at the moment.

Additionally, I'm gonna second the fact that Kricketune should go. There's not much more he can do for you at this point.

When you do go head to head with Shade, make sure to bring something with charge beam. Swapping his field effect around turn 1 is a really useful thing to do.

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