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Hardest/Easiest Gym Leader so far?


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This probably depends a lot on the player's team - but what Gym Leader have you personally found hardest/easiest to defeat?

My top 3 (not in any order) would be Serra, Luna and Corey/Noel.

Serra was tough because of that friggin Cloyster. As much as I love Ice Pokemon (in fact, Cloyster is among my favorites), its 5-hit Icicle Spears just made me curse it. And WHY does it have to a Focus Sash?? :( The rest of her team was alright I guess. Lapras and Froslass were pretty tough - but not as annoying as her Cloyster.

Luna had a trio of deadly Pokemon - Tyranitar, Malamar and Honchkrow. Personally, the Malamar was the most difficult to get rid of - due to its ability.

And we all know about Corey's Crobat and Noel's Cinccino/Swellow

I've done 3 playthroughs so far - but never have I defeated them with more than 1 Pokemon alive in the end. I shudder to think how many attempts I would have needed if Serra's team wasn't nerfed.

Easiest = Radomus and Julia

Edited by Xiri
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Easiest: Julia

Hardest: ayA..... I HATE HER.


I hate Aya so much that I came back to rant about her. HER TEAM WAS MERCILESS. MERCY|LESS. I ONLY WON BECAUSE I HAD TO TRAIN UP A STEEL TYPE, BUT EVEN THEN SHE DESTROYED ME A COUPLE OF TIMES. I think if I played the game before fairy type was introduced, I'd have a better time with her.

Edited by SuperJanBro
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I want to add that to everyone I was just stuck on some Pokemon that was needed to train something only for that

Samson's Hariyama needed to OHKO with Gardevoir b/c of Heavy Slam

Noel's Chinchino/Swellow, Flobot's Cradily, Luna's Umbreon, Aya's Muk(?)

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Most difficult Leaders in order based on my current progress - Kiki, Aya, Serra

  • Early on, I was swamped with my most dependable type being Normal, and lost to Kiki MULTIPLE times trying to make the least amount of patchwork as possible.
  • Aya prompted me to find early resistance to Dragon types, if you can believe it. My answer was Mamoswine, who arguably is a real gift before battling her.
  • Serra is a cinch.....once that demon-spawned Cloyster is dealt with. Thing swept me twice right out of the gate..

Cakewalks - Julia, Corey, Florinia

  • Julia was the unfortunate victim of Moxie Litleo. EZ PZ.
  • Corey didn't have his field effect during his match with me, so I don't have the best sense of how difficult he is now. I remember Luxray was a huge help in the match though.
  • Florinia's sand mono grass team. A work of art considering the low levels she graces your presence with. Again, Litleo, Quilladin, and new addition Tranquill shined though.
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Hardest for me was probably Noel in my first playthrough, Noel happened to counter every one of my pokemon and in my current one its gotta be Charlotte, didn't have a high enough leveled pokemon.

Easiest would be Shade and Luna since I depended on my highest level pokemon for them :P

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Hardest gym leaders:

Aya: I lost four times to her until i was like: "F* this, i'll get an Aggron." Aaand i didn't even use it in the gym battle ._.

Serra Pre-Nerf: Try fighting her without getting rid of the Hail. NOT COOL even though it's hailing all over the place. Not cool.

Noel: Was an asshole until Chlorophyll Jumpluff. Dat Stun Spore everywhere.

Easiest gym leaders:

Every single one of them bar Julia. The reason for that is because GOD Gyarados is kinda not viable against Julia, cuz Level 20. But Gyarados made quick work of every gym leader that i didn't mention over there.

all hail lord Gyarados

EDIT: I'm hyped for episode 15 cuz Serra be getting a field. #WHOOP

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Hardest: Aya. Good lord it took me so many tries to beat her, and I'm pretty sure I only did because I got lucky. Noel and Luna gave me a hard time, too.

Easiest: Serra, but only because I had Drought Ninetales. Charlotte was pretty easy too, but again, only because of Rain Dance. Funny how much of a difference weather makes.

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Corey was the hardest for me, especially because of my lack of poison and steel types. Venoshock and corrosive mist field. OP combo.

Easiest was actually arya, glare dunspare and prankster light screen, light clay Meowstic.... Super Effective.

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I decided to do an updated run through of the game and so far it took me about 6 tries to beat Shade and his Candle ..... *shivers* The only reason I won was because of my dual-Se Jun combo...

Easiest? ( '-') I guess Corey since i did it in only one try unlike all other gym leaders

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Hardest: Noel. Forever Noel. Stupid birds and stuff.

(In Order from Hardest to Easiest)

Easily Aya comes second, with her evil dual Poison types. "Weakest Leader" my arse.

PEOPLE SAY SHELLY IS SIMPLE. OH HELL NO, SHE'S HARD. REAL HARD. Technician Wing Attack took out me Torterra, and I had no counters. I end up taking emolga, praying it lives, nuzzle. THEN THERE WAS YANMEGA. Then Nuzzle. BUT STILL.

And then Samson, because I did not have a method for Hariyama.

Charlotte was bitch with Typholsion, but thanks to everyone telling left and right how to beat her......

Once Corey's field is out he's easier. sorta.

Serra/Kiki was hard-ish. That's about it.

Shade/Luna/Radomus is here, coz they weren't overly powerful. Threatening though.

Julia is a scrub with Toxic Spikes Trubbish, and Pachirisu > Emolga coz Bide.

Rini was a laugh with Kricketune which took 4/6 of her pokemon once I set Toxic Spikes up.

I should add this because I hate Bennett. TBH He ranks above Aya imo, so stronk hiz Pogeymoomoos. So hardsies.

....Terra what did you do now.

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1. The hardest challenge I have ever had on reborn was monobug Shelly, yes I say this all the time but it was brutal. Pretty much stealth rocks cut my teams hp in half once they were laid, yamega and scyther outspeed and OKO nearly all of my pokemoon and volbeat just sits there healing and confusing me to death. It took me roughly 25 tries and I only won because i got a crit. How brutal do you guys think Serra is going to be?

2. My second toughest gym has to be Corey on my original run, I had a kirlia, bayleaf, trubbish, and loudred. I could get past most of his pokemon fine but crobat just straight up tears through all of my pokemon. It took me 15 tries and i had to raise a boldore and graveller to beat him.


Aya,for some reason shes never really challenging for me

Flobot, shes actually not that hard once you understand how to beat cradily

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I'm gonna go with the masses here.

The hardest gym leaders in my opinion are Aya, Noel, Luna, and pre ep 13 Shade.

The easiest gym leaders are Julia, Corey, and probably new Radomus. Simply because there are so many ways to stop trick room when you know it's coming.

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Hardest for me was the old Shade because I really had no way to deal with his Gengar and it basically tore me to pieces waaay too many times to count.

Easiest ones for me were probably Samson and doubles Radomus in that I didn't have to prepare for them in any way and beat them on my first try. Really, Gyarados with Bounce completely DESTROYED Samson, and Moxie Earthquakes and Crunches by Krookodile along with Gyarados sweep Radomus in about a minute.

In all reality though the game becomes a lot easier if you use Gyarados

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Hardest top 3:

1) Serra pre nerf i simply couldn't win till i set up my weather and it still took me more than 20 tries (i didn't count but i spent several hours on it)

2) Aya pre nerf (yes she was stronger before) it took me at least 15 tries (i won only after my Gyarados learned Dragon Dance)

3) Noel took me 5-6 tries, a good fight.

The rest was pretty easy, swept at first try most of them (Gyarados OP) and never more than 2-3 tries

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  On 9/18/2014 at 6:30 AM, Skullkin said:

Serra pre-nerf only took me two tries with sunny day magmar and that fire anteater one with flame burst.

Have you ever tried to beat her without weather? It was literally a massacre for me, even my DD Gyarados didn't stood a chance

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