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Hardest/Easiest Gym Leader so far?


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Hardest: Until I worked out a pattern, the psychic leader Radomus, he just kept using Chess Moves on me and when I had a few fire and flying types, that sucked, he never once got Trick Room up though. Charlotte was hard until I found out Rain Dance ruins her effectively. I did have some issues with Noel, but TerraTwig just kinda made them go away. But then there was Shade... and his Chandelure... didn't have anything faster then it, so I had to resort to Noble Roar from Brave Heart to cripple it, although I do feel like I've done that a lot before... Serra was hard couse of 2 Pokemon, Cloyster and Lapras, everything else I was fine with except those two.

Easiest: Flobot, Luna or Samson, Torterra just destroyed them all with Curse/Seed/Eq/Razor Leaf, 1st shot all 3.(Please note I did get a 4x attack Razor Leaf crit the Cradily.)

So in order from hardest to easiest from the listed above:

Radomus, Shade, Serra, Charlotte, Noel, (skip a fair few leaders), Shelly, Aya, Flobot, Luna then Samson

*Edit* Aya wasn't that hard, more of the same, know what's gonna kill you then cripple it with BraveHeart, it works, well for me anyway.

Shelly was kinda meh, Emolga was clutch for me in that battle, having a Growlithe and a Pyroar helped a lot, just same, cripple then STAB kill after a few work ups.

Edited by Neith
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The easiest for me were the fire gym, Aya (ep 12), and Flobot

Fire Gym: My semi-ev trained Camerupt (with focus band), swept her entire team. I was stunned at how quickly it went.

Aya: I got my sandslash and camerupt earthquake and they just steamrolled almost her entire team, though they kept KOing my other mon so that it looked like the two of them were the three stooges.

Flobot: It wasn't too hard thanks to my infernape and beautifly.

Hardest one for me were Radomus, Julia, and maybe Corey and Shade.

Julia: None of my mon had ground attacks and the ones I had been levelling up were weak to electricity. My pachirisu was a boss though, she used bide and endured both voltorbs exploding and just rammed it up emolga's butt. The rest was trying to keep my monferno alive by using my other mon as shields.

Corey: like Julia I didn't have any psychic mon/attacks and my only ground one was my Arbok's mudshot. It was the poison spikes that were a pain in the butt.

Shade: Despite levelling up my best mon to nearly the level cap I couldn't beat him so I had to train up a Raticate ghostbuster specifically for that fight, she took out over half shade's team.

Radomus: If it wasn't Gardevoir it was slowking or Metagross killing my Mawile and other key mon. I had to train up a boufalant since it knew Megahorn and could tank their shots. The key moment was when my Mawile and Boufalant had their big attacks aimed at slowking, by either the RNG gods smiling on me or Radomus' error, he sent out Gardevoir. Both shots took her to under half health and I just thwomped her before she could get a calm mind or moonblast off. I should not have won that one.

I've been training up mon for future gym fights but even with them EV trained half of them will probably prove useless knowing Ame and reborn. The fights have been hard but they've almost always been memorable and provide plenty of moments of awesome for my mon.

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In all honesty, Aya was the only leader that legitimately gave me trouble. Maybe it was just my team, but I actually swept through most of the other leaders on the first or second try.

Julia: She was very kind in powering up my lightning rod Electrike for me.

Florina: Kriketune (probably misspelled) set up and destroyed everything.

Corey: I don't remember what I did here exactly, but it swept through quickly and I moved on.

Kiki: Gothita and Noibat won this one for me, along side my Greninja who baited her into using moves like HJK, then used lick to turn into a ghost.

Aya: I ended up completely revamping my team. I trained a Flygon, Sandslash, Klink, Magneton, and Shedinja just to make sure that i could beat her.

Serra: I fought her in Episode 12, so she wasn't as difficult anymore, so my Pyroar and Magneton plowed on through.

Noel: I had a Scrafty which decimated. I also had Magneton and Manectric to kill the birds and Clefable.

Radomus: I trained up some new Pokemon here, but that was simply because I knew I'd be leaving the area for a while. I grabbed Aggron, Gardevoir, Archeops, and Mawile here. When I went into the gym, it was a cake walk.

Luna: Gardevoir, Scrafty, and Pyroar swooped in from above and 6-0ed her.

Samson: At this point I did some training and rotating out because 5/6 of my team were weak to fighting types. I trained Archeops and grabbed Hawlucha. These two combined with Gardevoir won it easily.

Charlotte: After fights that are meant to force you to think, I was kinda disappointed in this one. Rain Dance+Archeops and Flygon spamming Rock Slide kills everything.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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The bug gym. That probably has a lot to do with the fact that my starter is a fire type and my other two Pokemon were flying types. xD (At the time my Pokemon were Delphox, Noivern/Noibat, and shiny Pidgeot)

Edited by Dei
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