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Sixth Pokemon Help?


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I got my 7th badges and went through the adventurine forest already but I still don't know what to put in my sixth slot, also any ideas for switches/replacements for anything? So far I have as follows

Pachirisu@ Zap Plate lv 53

Calm Nature, Volt Absorb

-Sweet Kiss


-Thunder Wave

-Super Fang

Gardevior@ Metronome lv 54

Quirky, Telepathy

-Shadow Ball


-Magic Leaf

-Calm Mind

Blaziken@ Air Balloon lv 57

Naive, Speed Boost

-High Jump Kick

-Blaze Kick

-Brave Bird

-Bulk Up

Swanna@ N/A lv 53

Naive, Hydration

-Feather Dance

-Water Pulse

-Brave Bird

-Air Slash

Furfrou@ Bright Powder lv 41 (Still training it..)

Hasty, Fur Coat

-Hidden Power (Ice)

-Grass Knot

-Charge Beam

-Rock Smash

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I think either a tank or physical attacker or both. I find Escavalier to be pretty amazing. Bug/Steel should add more coverage to your roster. He will be amazing against Luna but I suggest not bringing it to fight Charlotte as she will eat him. If not Escavalier I think any ground or steel would be a decent addition to your team.

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How come Furfrou doesn't have Retaliate? in the right situation it can have 140 power with STAB. Keep in mind he's not good with Sp. Attack so take out Charge Beam for Sucker Punch when he learns it.

Now for the 6th member definitely get Durant. Not only he's fast like the rest of your team but learns Dig, you need Ground-Moves since you have none. I use Durant myself, make sure you get it with the Hustle ability so he can do even more damage. Not fan of slow pokemon like Escavalier....

Blaziken with Speed Boost should sweep Luna by himself, he's OP. I'm going to be making a whole thread about it to see what the community thinks...

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swap pachirisu for an amphoros for a better electric type, but emolga is also an option.

gardevoir needs moonblast. forget magical leaf

blaziken looks ok but i use flare blits instead of blaze kick on mine, more power and accuracy

swap swanna for an empoleon w/ ice beam/scald(both from smeargle, sketch)/agility(from buizel i believe?)

swap furfrow for a huge power diggersby, with its attack stat, swords dance/EQ is too OP.

for a sixth member i would say either archaeops( bred for EQ) or noivern both are great options

kill me if Ame removed these guys in ep 13

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Im in the idea that if you like those pokemons you should keep them and still use them, if not i suggest you to catch a heracross by event in route 1, it will help you a lot with the 3 following gyms (8,9 and 10). Also a ground type will be a good ad to your team like krokodile. Hope I help you a little bit :)

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