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  1. ~ Excerpts from Patreon ~ Happy Year of the Snake folks! Posty here with your monthly installment of “what has the development team been cooking?” And we have been, well, cooking in certain departments to say the least. As I have now taken over as lead for the project, I am the one who is now focusing on tackling the majority of the EP7 eventing. What this means is that some of the areas and questlines that I would have been looking to work on this Episode, are now being delegated to other members on the Deso team to work on. With that said, the main part of this blog will be showcasing some of their work with you all, so let's jump into it shall we? I will not be going fully into details about what this area is and where you can find it (you will have to play EP7 to find out…), but it will be unlockable at some point as you continue your adventures through Ayrith. You are more than welcome to take a guess in the comments down below, but we will not be revealing any information at all (or well, at least for the time being), anyways take a look! Where have we seen crystals like that before A giant rock of crystals? Maybe there’s a puzzle instore for you here? So a quick note, this area has not been finalised and things will be updated as we continue to progress with development (the boulders may be placeholders… or are they? Yes they are placeholders), but this is just a sneak peek of a new area that is coming with EP7, so it’s best to get exploring when it releases! Before I close out this month’s post, our music men have been at it again and have provided you all with a little teaser for another new original track coming with the next update, check it out below! Axel's Theme Patreon Snippit.wav Yes, this is quite a shorter post than normal, the main reason for that is a lot of the content we have been working on lately is quite spoiler heavy, you can probably guess why. We aren’t ready to begin showing off some of the content we have been working on, but down the line you can expect that to be revealed, so stay tuned on that front. Next month’s blog post will be a little bit of fun that I’ve been working on as a little break from EP7 content (and from a recent Patreon Stream), all I will say as a hint is… yeehaw. And with that, I bid you adieu, hope you all have a wonderful year and… don’t get bitten by any snakes, hiss. Posty
    30 points
  2. 02/14/2025 Dev Blog Welcome to 2025! We're a little late... but don't worry! Progress has been moving along smoothly since the start of the New Year, with most forms being finalized, and general important assets near completion. With the progress that we've made so far, we are on-track for release this year as planned. (As long as v14 doesn't ruin EVERYTHING). As for story writing, I am pleased to announce that Act 1 of Renegade has been finished, and is now being internally tested by the development team! So far, the act is around three and a half hours long for story content alone. This does not include in-depth exploration, side quests, and does not factor how long it takes to complete fights. Act 2, 3, and postgame are intended to be longer, so we can definitely confirm that there will be no shortage of playtime. Act 1 of Paragon will be worked on next, and will not take as long to develop as Act 1 of Renegade, due to some eventing overlaps. From there, we will work on Act 2, and Act 3 of Renegade at the same time, and potentially Postgame as well. From there, we will wrap up Paragon, finalize and sidequests, music tracks, and any other outstanding assets, and hopefully get into a full on internal testing, and beta testing. Thank you all for your patience as we develop all of this! We are excited to showcase the story upon release. Now for actual content to showcase, here's come screenshots from around Aeternus's local businesses, and a new Aevian Form. Second cNPC Submissions About a week ago, we announced that people can submit for a second cNPC within the mod (We need more residents) This is still active, and the guidelines for this are posted in our Discord. I won't be going into it too much on this post, as we have everything needed to be mentioned in the announcements channel. And for this posts form, we have: Aevian Salandit / Salazzle Design & Art by IronicOmens Dark, Dark/Fairy Type Salandit: Native to the Voidal Chasm, these creatures are often compared to Murkrow for their similar fascination with shiny trinkets. Salazzle: Experts at navigating the Voidal Chasm, they'll approach lost people and escort them out. However, these people have found themselves absent of any valuables after being guided away from the Chasm. That's all I have for this post. On the shorter side again, but with story writing, we're definitely limited as to what we can share, so I'll see if I can tease some story content next post! Make sure to check our Discord for semi-regular teasers, and out of context stuff that we post. See you all next time! Overseer Files Discord
    5 points
  3. Seems like my last post was done sometime in... July? What? Time goes by SO quickly. Anyway, I just wanted to crawl out my grave and actually show that yes, I'm doing science and I'm still alive. Before I continue, I did upload a bit of a preview back in November! You can view that here if you missed it: So, besides that, what's going on in the rejuv world? It's been a year! You said this time it wouldn't take as long! Well, I was wrong as usual. Life comes at you fast. To the people who thought the game would drop the february after v13.5 dropped... Uh, no. This game takes time and I will take my time. I still plan on being 60 and playing Pokemon and that's just a fact we're all going to have to live with. That being said, update! Where am I now? Well, Paragon is in its final stages! (Besides one big thing but that's something i need to work on over time, even during Renegade's development.) I'm in the final new area and I'm working on finishin up the story. One event takes me a day. Maybe more sometimes. I wanted Paragon to be done by the New Year, but I always forget that December is my suffering month (aka holidays), so that never gets done. And then I remember January is my annual I'm so fucking burned out from life month. So progress has been a bit slow now, too. But then February rolls around and I'm like hold on I'm a beast? Also, I know I'm going to be asked this. Q: "Will you release Paragon once it's finished, or will you release that when Renegade is finished?" A: I will not release Paragon once it's finished. Paragon and Renegade are meant to coexist together. Even if it means I hold onto a finished Paragon for a year, it is what I've decided. ty. And yes, I did say Renegade probably won't take as long, and that's PROBABLY still true but please don't hold that as a promise. Nothing is a promise. Except for the things I'm going to promise right now. Gearen Laboratory I didn't expect the lab changing to look more sleek was going to be such a contentious topic. Though, I am willing to give some context on the decision. Whether or not you like it is up to you. (Spoilers for v13 story. I can never remember the chapter number/plot correlation.) During the expo drop, it was revealed that Celine went to Reborn City to learn more about their league process and how it was done. Inspired by the way the league is run in that region, she chose to emulate that process and as such, the Gearen Lab (The PUBLIC league HQ) was meant to look more like the Grand Hall. But that in of itself isn't the main issue. People found problems with the way you get your starter. Calling it boring and less exciting than previous versions. I do agree. However, the intent was to streamline the first few moments so that you get your starter as fast as possible. And as of this moment, I'm still quite happy with that. There was another reason for this change, though. Gen 9 was coming out and I knew I wanted to include it. Which means more events taking up space in the mini biomes. tl:dr i was running out of space and expanding the biomes took a lot more technical work than expected and thus just defaulted to tables i could just perma extend. Regardless, I understand that the more personal way of obtaining your starter is important to some people. Especially those who like to create OC's. I hear you, and I understand you. Which is why I plan on creating two versions of this experience! Express Version: Is exactly how it is now in game. You go up to the table and adopt your gerbil. Standard Version: Amanda will take you downstairs into an enlarged biome where you can walk around and find your starter and pick it. Older rejuv versions did have this. But it was removed due to the maps being ugly lol. Now, this is not promised for v14. I would much rather work on new content than spend energy working on this rn. However! I am promising that this will come eventually. It may even come in v14 if I finish things up early! Or who knows, I may gain inspiration randomly during a testing period or whatever and knock it out in a day. These things happen. I have ADHD. It is what it is. Prologue Intro: Everyone knows the intro with lil Maria walking around her house and then somehow finds herself in some horror game! Well, the quality of the intro has been bugging me for several years now. When I take a break from a release, I usually do something fun to unwind and shake off the rust. This cycle, I finally went back and used my current skills to update the intro. Yes, with the Pangoro story still present, if not a bit changed. Old intro: New Intro: (These gifs/images are a quite a bit old as I've shown these off on my patreon like a year ago, but theyre still like 99% relevant minus some polish and detail.) There's also a few new secrets to be found in the intro, so you definitely want to keep an eye out for those :). And also no it is not necessary to play the entire damn game again just for the intro. It's neat! but not necessary. Uhhh, what else do I got to say? I guess I can dump some stuff I posted on my discord? There's not much this time around. but ye. Yeah, that was kind of a bad showcase, rip. Everything is very hush-hush. under wraps. CIA. FBI. Uhhh idk 9/11... never forgetti spaghetti whatever. idc. I do care, but also I'll leave you with one thing. A word to have you prepare a lil better. But. [Image ID: Image of a mysterious room with a Zygarde statue at the very back of it."] You better start collecting those cells.
    3 points
  4. Wow, now having finished playing through Case 20, clocking in at about 68 hours of play (about 6 of which were spent on a certain double battle in some certain woods) I can confidently say that this is my new favorite fangame ever. This game gave me so much joy that I feel like I should try to give something back by sharing my thoughts in what turned into a small novel xD There's so much to gush about I hardly know where to start! I'll try to start broad and get narrower. The structure/conceit: I love the case system. While I enjoy how games like Reborn and Rejuv have integrated gyms into the story, having a completely different way to mark progression made this game really stand out from the crowd. I love how it let all the battles and trainers feel more naturalistic--every opponent's team felt like it was something they would put together, and it meant that there could be stretches of battle-lite play where it felt appropriate. Progression felt more tied to story and character development than you proving yourself as a trainer. Also the case system in general was really fun! I'm a sucker for mysteries and puzzle games and despite how limited the medium of this kind of fangame is technically, the system you built captured the vibe of like a Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes game. The mysteries were also well constructed--there were only a few instances were I couldn't figure out what to do next or had to brute force the evidence presentation, and they were uncommon enough that they did not diminish my overall enjoyment. Story - General Vibes: The fucking atmosphere of this game...exquisite, effervescent, empyreal. Noir may be my favorite genre/subgenre, so I am already 100% the target audience here, but holy shit you guys nailed it. The moody jazz ost, the hardboiled internal monologue, the smaller scale urban setting... It's so delightfully contrasted with the simple Gen 3 graphics and the general silliness that is kinda built into Pokemon. In that vein, contrast is something this game does incredibly well. The hardboiled, gritty noir is often lightened by humor and some outright goofy sequences, but those add rather than detract from the tone. It keeps it from being a joyless grim slog and then when the game does decide to get real for a bit, the gut punch leaves you reeling (I still haven't recovered from the end of case 19 ;-; ). I was also impressed and pleased with how well Pokemon are actually integrated into the story and world. I feel like in a number of fangames, Pokemon are just sort of the gameplay vehicle and you could remove them without losing much of the story. But this games actually does the thing I always wanted fangames to do: give you a non-negotiable partner so the game can truly integrate them into the story and gameplay. Even as someone who never had particularly strong feelings about the Swinub line, Truffles instantly became my darling, and I love how she both gets to be a character and that her unique snow-pig attributes get to shine in a variety of ways. (Also, it should be stated that now I do have strong feelings about the Swinub line, thanks to this game!) Story - Characters I feel like most people tend to prefer OC/blank slate/self-insert playable characters in pokemon fangames, not because they're inherently a better fit, but because writing a good protagonist is hard. And if a player doesn't click with the protagonist they're playing, they'll probably bounce off the game. Sylvester Lafayette IV is the exception that proves the rule. He is so well drawn as a character and I was so invested in his story. It certainly doesn't help that he is also the kind of character that is absolute crack for my brain: gruff, repressed stoic, trying to shield his soft heart with cynicism and dissociation (and failing), collects strays and is mad about it, unable to walk away from perceived injustice despite it always leading to trouble... Absolute pathetic wet cat of a man, 10/10 no notes, S-tier blorbo material. And everyone else is so good too! I don't know if there are characters I don't feel strongly about. I love most of them, and the ones I don't like, I get to loathe with the strength of 1000 suns, which is just as fun. Even down to the throw-away npcs like the Number Guy. All their relationships are so well drawn and distinct. My favorites are probably (early-mid game spoilers): Gameplay: I already gushed about the case system above, so I'll talk more about the Pokemon aspect of it. I was playing on normal/medium and found that was mostly the perfect difficulty for me. I wanted to make a team of pokemon that seemed fitting for a PI and/or were obtained through story significant events, which means my team was not particularly optimized. The harder encounters sometimes took a few tries and creative approaches to overcome, but only one fight ever left me frustrated to the point I stopped having fun (again, a certain double battle in some certain woods). There was also a satisfying sense of gameplay/story harmony when (mid-game spoilers) Last Thoughts: I'm very grateful that I found this game when I did. Between being in my last semester of law school and the everything happening in the world right now, I've needed something to latch onto to keep my head above water. Especially since I'm in a video game law class right now, and most days I leave that class feeling like the video games industry is doing everything it can to crush the artistic spirit out of this medium. I don't know if it's common knowledge outside IP law spaces, but there's this overriding theory in both the legal system and industry that no one will make art if they can't make money off it. Coming back here, both to Ashen Frost and the pokemon fangame space in general is such a thorough refutation of that mindset. So thank you again for a bit of respite and fun in a difficult time, and I can't wait for the finale!
    3 points
  5. Reuploaded to fix a game-breaking issue where Sushi's placement at Crolea's birthday party blocked the player from reaching and interacting with Wendy. I moved Sushi to the stairs where she won't be in the way of any guest or walking path. Thankfully someone happened to be close to this part of the game around the same time as the reupload so this was caught quickly.
    1 point
  6. oh maybe I meant the battle VR. That sound super interesting. I thought there was something in this game where I can set up Ai vs Ai in battles post game or something. I think i mightve gotten this confused with pokemon island, unless something similiar is in this game? Either way this looks like the best fan game ive seen in forever, would love a world tournament with all the trainers from the anime or something similiar. also thank you for answering all these questions
    1 point
  7. Reuploaded Spork Updates: -Professor Mangrove can now be battled; battle sprite made by Palletite -new custom shiny Gastly line made by Steffi and myself -new custom shiny Gimmighoul line made by surfing-raichu -if you speak to Seamus in the Ceolis Ranger Base after completing all the ranger missions, he now gives you a Clear Amulet -the Bulbasaur in the Forest of Feeling now wakes up after you clear all the ranger missions instead of after the 12th Gym -added Sushi to Crolea's birthday party (with dialogue accounting for whether you've done the Sprigatito quest) -the shiny Unown in Wonky Woods is now always the letter A when you obtain it, like it is in the trainer and overworld sprites -the conversation when you enter Mt. Comet for the first time now has extra dialogue if the player is from Hoenn, referencing the white rock in Mossdeep City -the conversation when you enter Dyserean Pyramid now has extra dialogue if you're from Hoenn (referencing the Battle Pyramid), Unova (referencing Relic Castle), or Paldea (saying that Raifort would probably like to explore it) in addition to the Johto and Galar dialogue it had before -in the Yveltal quest, rather than battling Yveltal itself directly, Belinda now battles you with Yveltal -Clifford now appears on Mt. Comet after you've given all the Pokemon Lava Cookies for the Jirachi quest -the NPC in the Soda Parlor who gives you a Soothe Bell is now also a move tutor for Happy Hour -changed Belinda's A-Muk's held item from Leftovers to Sitrus Berry -for Sushi's A-Raichu's moveset, changed Charm to Electric Terrain -Hikers' Pokemon are now sent out in Heavy Balls -an NPC who made a DJ Ultra Volbeats pun in Party City has had dialogue changed, since that pun is used in DJ Ultra Beats' Memory of Ceolis -added the meaning of Chelsea's trainer class Bolaiian Punch (pun on the drink Hawaiian Punch) to the Data Vault -updated some characters' dialogue at Crolea's birthday party: Professor Mangrove and the dentist's dialogue now account for whether or not you've met them before the Guardian has a little more dialogue where the player recognizes them from Pandora's description Seamus acknowledges if you've done any ranger missions Anthony acknowledges if you've done the cyberspace hackers quest Fixes: -at the end of the Sprigatito quest, you're no longer transferred to Alumia's Gym instead of back to the Dream Shrine if you have the Umbreon Sign -can no longer enter Virima Library before the Tourist Info Center -the following moves now have the correct effects: Rototiller, Parting Shot, Noble Roar, Fairy Lock, Electrify, Powder, Happy Hour, Venom Drench, Magnetic Flux, Flying Press -Blackwater Cave now has music -removed white space in Sushi's sprite between her head and the arm that's holding a Poke Ball -can no longer go behind the Unown event in Wonky Woods -Charizard's shiny front and back sprites are now the same colors -Mega Charizard Y's shiny sprites are now named correctly and no longer used for Mega Charizard G -Togedemaru is now a wild encounter at the rainy area of Weather Wonderland instead of automatically obtained While the characters who got sprites in the last reupload were battleable before, now a character who wasn't battled before can be battled! Thanks to Palletite for making the battle sprite, I really like the design on the lab coat and the turquoise part of the hair looks like waterfalls! Professor Mangrove is battled when you trade them the Relic Crown for the carrots; they ask to battle before you leave. Afterwards, you can speak to them again for rematches whenever you want. Professor Mangrove's team mixes some aquatic Pokemon in with a treasure theme! The shiny Gastly line matches the colors of shiny Mega Gengar. While the canon shiny Gastly looks distinct from regular Gastly, Gengar and its canon shiny are hard to tell apart. We've been working on it on and off since December, and despite having the concept in mind from the start, there were some challenges with the eyes, shading, and GMega Gengar having a lot going on with its design. I'm really happy with how they turned out, though, and it was fun to collaborate with Steffi on it! As for shiny Gimmighoul and Gholdengo, someone who was playing Spork made a thread showing the shinies they made for the line, and gave approval for me to add them! Even though Spork doesn't have different party screen icons for shiny Pokemon (I'd be open to trying them for Spork's custom shinies sometime in the future!), I added the icons they made. Thanks to surfing-raichu for making these! While this reupload doesn't add any new map revamps, Enigma has made significant progress with them recently! All but one of Serafew's maps are complete. I need to update the project file with the more recent Spork updates in order for Enigma to test the events there, which I'm going to get started on tonight. I went through Serafew's maps yesterday and was amazed at how they capture the autumn atmosphere with the scenery and music! It's exciting that the day you'll be able to see the new town of Serafew is getting closer!
    1 point
  8. Disclaimer: Did you feel infuriated when that Cinderace of yours missed a High Jump Kick and straight-up died just because it missed? Irritated when your Togekiss for some godawful reason misses Air Slash 4 times in a row (true story) and Just Not™ able to flinch hax at all? Want to burn a threatening opponent while dealing high damage using Inferno, but just can't because of its paltry 50% accuracy? Do you want to run Dynamic Punch on your Machamp while also trying to run Guts + Flame Orb on it without DPunch missing most of the time? If your answer to any of the four is yes, Pristine Accuracy is for you. This mod simply does what it does best: set almost all attacking moves' accuracy to 100%. Because otherwise if it's not 100% accuracy, then it's definitely 50% accuracy. accuracy and evasion stages still matter though Take note that it does not, however, increase the accuracy of: Status moves Variable-damage attacks with no set base damage (e.g. Seismic Toss, Crush Grip, Magnitude; some moves like Eruption are exempted) Moves with unavoidable accuracy (e.g. Aerial Ace, Snipe Shot, Flower Trick) OHKO moves So what the difference between this mod and this mod? It is not compiled. Replacing data files is not needed. The mod is written in Ruby and does not rely on game-specific data. This means that it doesn't care if you prefer to play vanilla or modded, or are playing on Reborn or Rejuv; it simply applies the changes all the same. Also possibly compatible across different future versions, but that's to be tested upon. and as it turns out, it is in fact forward compatible. to an extent. It is compatible with Reborn, Rejuvenation, and Desolation altogether. No need to compile all the PBS files or modify the scripts and make a copy for each of the three games, just download one copy, Ctrl-C Ctrl-V it if you want, and be done with it. This mod is fully compatible with: Reborn (E19.16/E19.17 & E19.5) All Gen Mod for Reborn Rejuvenation (V13 & V13.5) Desolation (EP6) All other mods/versions are untested for compatibility, so see if something works with this mod and what doesn't. To install this mod, just download the mod from below (an account is required) and place it into one of the following, depending on game or version: Reborn E19.16/E19.17, Rejuvenation & Desolation: (Game Folder)/Data/Mods Reborn E19.5: (Game Folder)/patch/Mods If the Mods folder doesn't exist, just make one and paste/move the mod in it. Changes: Also, reporting all other issues regarding the mod is recommended. After all, bugs can happen in unexpected times. i released this update at 3am ya-da-da-da-da-da it is good day to be not dead POW! you are dead i am dead! Pristine Accuracy 1.2.rb
    1 point
  9. good... uh... morning, i guess? it's 3 am where im at at the time of this writing so ill keep this short and then ill be gone for milk for the foreseeable future again mod is updated to v1.2, 100% accuracy is now properly displayed in reborn e19.5 and rejuv v13.5 as it turns out, the part that actually sets all moves' accuracy to 100% in battle is forward compatible so porting the mod to newer versions turned out to be somewhat effortless im just. not very active at all. lol anyways, im going to dozaierk sdafk;j lsfadb,clkj;
    1 point
  10. Raise a Bisharp and let it use Iron Head and Sucker's Punch. Sorry Sucker's Punch is an egg move for it. Whatever. An Absol is Ok. Mainly to beat his Starmie. Raise a Regenerator/Reckless Mienshao with HJK and U-turn, and let your Charizard learn Thunder Punch to knock his Gyarados out in turn 1. Keep a wall pokemon on the field and you can use potions and revives in its turn. Set Reflect and Light Screen if necessary.
    1 point
  11. AllGen Reborn 19.17 Hi Everyone!~ This is the Forum Thread from the previously named "Eeveelution mod"! This mod contains all Pokemon from all generations over time (and the Eevees). The story is almost entirely unaltered, so you get the usual Reborn experience story-wise with the opportunity to encounter new Pokemon. NOTE FOR SELF-MODDERS If anyone wants to make changes for themselves by compiling, eventing, or similar: The PBS File comes directly with the download! I take no responsibility for self-modded bugs. Features: All Pokémon up to Generation 9 Gigantamax forms introduced as Mega forms A separate save folder to easier distinguish between your saves Newer Abilities distributed to suitable Pokemon from older Generations (Docs) Custom Pokemon Forms (e.g. Male Salazzle, Furfrous, Partner Pikachus /Eevee) Custom Movelist for all Pokemon and ability touch-ups (https://docs.google.com/document/d/104adyPqa-gHhMjCkOADQSF3N2JwgLfSQ_nhlX-1_u6g/edit?tab=t.0) Sunkern Switchers: Change your experience by switching between altered trainer teams whenever you want! You will encounter Sunkerns in every Poké Center and sometimes in front of Story Events. You can choose between "Vanilla", "AllGen", and "Anything Goes" While Vanilla is active, all Trainers your encounter have their original Reborn Teams. While AllGen is active, Trainers have their Teams include newer Generation Pokemon. While Anything Goes is active, Teams will include custom content and Legendary Pokemon! Changes and features below are entirely optional, and you won't possibly encounter them in your run unless you really look for them. (Including AnyGo Switch) Optional Custom additions: Custom Megas: They are all listed in the docs! Custom Mega Stones can be purchased from a Gentleman in Calcenon City after Amaria's Badge. Some also get signature Moves and Abilities 2. Ability Changes: These can be activated by talking to an NPC in Grand Hall (WIP for 19.5) A handful of Abilities got buffed, mostly moves that are heavily underused/underperforming 3. Eeveelutions: Eevee has now custom Eeveelutions for all types (see end of this post) They also are not considered necessary for Pokedex completion or similar achievements You may encounter these when evolving eevee under very specific circumstances (evolution methods are listed below and in the docs) Things to do: Terastalization (will not be added) more Custom Megas/Pokemon 19.5 Update (A version is in testing phase) NOT compatible with these mods: Pokemon Nightmare Mod Pokemon Memeborn Reborn Sandbox mode Pokemon Reborn Yang / Reatomized / other full-overhaul mods Other mods that change ingame scripts Mods for version 19.5!! Compatible mods (should work 99%): Aironfaar's Mod Box SWM Modular Modpack Pyrolusitium's UI Overhaul Ash-Greninja Mod Pristine Accuracy mod Doublebattle mod If anyone wants to play this mod with Vilrose's Doublebattle mod you can use this modified version! Please read the ReadMe file thats in the download!! There is a certain bug that softlocks you during the Rayquaza Quest - remove the mod during that time! Take the Backup files if you want to revert them at any point! They are in the ZIP as well. AllGen Doubles mod.zip Extended NG+ Mod Instead of a separate compatible file replacement, I added NG++ mod by Stardust into AllGen! Infos can also be found within the Main Folder in the NG++ Info.txt. So if you already have a safe file with a certain puzzle completed that's been included in the NG++ mod, you will be able to skip it. Downloads (Current Version v8.0 - NOT compatible with 19.5!) (Last Updated: 12/12/24) AllGen Reborn: Optional Custom Content. They won't be required for the dex and are only encountered with specific Sunkern Switches enabled (or if you search hard enough). https://mega.nz/file/n1h1mAgY#H87nh27pfda86-TrVwF_Ql0cXpT3O18YVWyP2POvZu8 Patch (Current Version v8.0 - NOT compatible with 19.5!) (Last Updated: 12/12/24) DO NOT patch 19.5 version of Reborn! ONLY use the Legacy version of Reborn. If you are not certain, ideally download the Full Mod instead, https://mega.nz/file/T4o3XSxJ#NA9sLxiyflkPkLlLhlE_EIXWJQ_3SsS-hpqhIg-yKlw Google spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13zK8pho6M66nM94uaOWu_l3S_xVFiWGn/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117014621059890777493&rtpof=true&sd=true You can also find the spreadsheet in the Main Folder. Changelog: Bug Report: Please report all bugs you can find related to abilities, incompatibilities, crashes etc. in the comment section or by contacting me in the Reborn Discord in #Reborn-Mods Channel! Have fun! For the Eeveelutions: Quick overview of how they look like, stats, and abilities! You can also check their Movesets and everything else in the docs on the Eeveelution slide! Eeveon - Normal Type Credits to Starwolff Braveon- Fighting Type Credits to Starwolff Nimbeon - Flying Type Credits to Starwolff Dusteon - Ground Type Credits to Starwolff Basaleon - Rock Type Credits to Starwolff Titaneon - Steel Type There were no names associated with this design, if anyone may know from where please tell me! Front Sprite Credit goes to Badman#6291 form our Reborn Community (Back by me) Ephemeon - Bug Type Also no associated name for credit, however I found it here Toxeon - Poison Type Credits: Dazed Flame Sprite Credits go to The archived Eeveelution Thread Kitsuneon - Ghost Type Awesome Design Credited to OnyxBlock Sprite Credits: Kriyanceldt Drekeon - Dragon Type Design by Mykel Ryan (Sprites by me) 2 NEW additions to the Eeveelution Family! Eevee Deities~ Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Found on Deviant Art Abysseon - Underworld Deity Sprite: Dracoyan Artwork: Eysselia Concept: Eysselia Divineon - Heavenly Deity Sprite: Dracoyan Artwork: Eysselia Concept: Eysselia Credits go to the respective creators/artists/designers. Credits (contact me for missing names, they are all appreciated):
    1 point
  12. Trubbish does not evolve. It has the stats of Garbodor by default
    1 point
  13. Does anybody happen to know if the author is going to update these mods for 19.5? I reeeeeeally want to use the move relearner mod for my playthrough. I fear the answer is probably no, but maybe someone knows more?
    1 point
  14. this isn't the channel for this, but i can offer some potentially useful stuff
    1 point
  15. Welcome back, Chargestone Cave.
    1 point
  16. i recently downloaded spork and i am having a blast with it :) i plan to hunt for shiny gimmighoul, however gholdengo's shiny is not exactly the greatest. with this in mind, i decided to edit the sprites a bit and made a custom shiny color. i am putting these here for others who might want them + so they dont just rot on my laptop! i was originally going to go for a bronze or silver color, however i think rose gold fits really well with the silver lines most of the coloring on the front sprite was done through a hex editor but i tweaked the rest of it through libresprite. the backsprite was done completely with libresprite
    1 point
  17. while shiny icons arent a thing in spork, i made some for these guys as well!
    1 point
  18. thank you! i also tweaked the shiny gimmighoul sprites a bit so it goes with the gholdengo ones :) it wouldnt make sense for the shiny to still have golden coins in this instance
    1 point
  19. i dont mind if you do! also yeah, i really thought rose gold to be fitting because it is an actual shade of gold! i think making it bronze or silver colored would kind of imply that the shiny version of gholdengo isnt made of gold and instead made of silver or copper or something. either way i am happy that you like my sprite edit! :)
    1 point
  20. What an amazing game! Can't wait for the next update
    1 point
  21. Reuploaded Spork: -Stryker, Clifford, Belinda, Belladonna, Ryoko, Anthony, and Sushi now have their own battle sprites thanks to Palletite! Clifford also has his own overworld sprite now (previously he used a Hiker overworld sprite from Rejuvenation as a placeholder) -added specific movesets, held items, and abilities to Stryker, Clifford, Belinda, Belladonna, Ryoko, Anthony, and Sushi's teams -team changes: Anthony's Vikavolt is now Shedinja (nickname Mosaic), and Ryoko's Druddigon is now Dragapult (nickname Toyotama). Additionally, Stryker's Manectric, Clifford's Aggron, and Ryoko's Salamence now mega evolve, and Clifford's Aggron's nickname has been changed from Meteor to Comet (referencing Mt. Comet) -change to Uxie's quest where instead of battling it after answering all the Sea of Knowledge questions, you have a final exam -added a line of dialogue to Emily at Weather Wonderland if the player is from Hoenn referencing Route 111's sandstorm and the Go-Goggles when she gives you a pair of Safety Goggles -added missing shiny mega sprites -added nickname assistance and wiki management to the credits -the game now mentions when you don't need Heart Scales, coins, or ingredients for certain transactions because of your Eeveelution sign -added expanded choice menu to Eeveelution Zodiac, the Meowth at the Game Corner, and Last Night's Dream -Anthony and the Fisherman trainer class' Pokemon are now sent out in Net Balls -the Pokemon Ranger trainer class' Pokemon are now sent out in Nest Balls -the Gentleman and Lady trainer classes' Pokemon are now sent out in Luxury Balls Fixes: -the Virtual Battlefield no longer completely skips over Belladonna's battle -the ice cream, candy, and drink vendors at the Sea Star Society no longer cost Heart Scales if you have the Vaporeon Sign -the Sea Star Society vendors now all have the expanded choice menus for the Vaporeon Sign Battle sprites for the retired Gym Leaders and Sushi has been a dream I've had for years, and thanks to Palletite, that dream is now a reality! I really love how all of them came out, and my favorite is Anthony's! His coat being based on Shedinja is the inspiration for him now having one on his team, and a little detail I think is neat is that if you look closely, the white part of the he's holding looks like a "._." face! I'm considering adding more battles with them in the future outside of their simulated ones too. I don't know yet whether I'll add any to the main story, but definitely a postgame battle with their real selves (which would use the same teams). When you're battling the simulated versions of them, the dialogue is impersonal since it's meant to be applicable to any challenger, and while it's a look into their life stories and battle strategies, it would be nice to have a battle where they can talk to you specifically. I might give them more appearances in general too, since they could use more screen time. I changed Uxie's quest a little this reupload, and there's a few more legendaries whose quests I'm looking to change sometime in the future (mainly the smaller/less eventful ones), so maybe that's an avenue to seeing them more! There used to be a lot of shiny mega backsprites that didn't show up at all. When you mega evolved them, their sprite wouldn't be there. The likely reason is just that they were probably named incorrectly, but I didn't think of that at the time, and removed them from the game because I thought they just weren't working. I think this was around 2018. All of the shiny mega sprites should be in the game and correctly named now! Thanks again to Palletite for the trainer sprites, I hope you all like them as much as I do!
    1 point
  22. Reuploaded adding Stryker, Clifford, Belinda, Belladonna, Ryoko, Anthony, and Sushi to the True Arena. They've been added as a bonus round to the end where Couragi and Mov are
    1 point
  23. Hello, my first post here. I just created an account to share a small mod I made for sorting the Pokemon in your PC. After installing it you will have a new Option in your PC "Sort PC", which allows you to choose how to sort your pokemon. The following options currently exist: Species (Pokedex ID and secondary Level) Name (Name Alphabetically and secondary Level) Level (Level and secondary Pokedex ID) IV Total (IV Total and secondary Pokedex ID) Item (Item ID and secondary Pokedex ID - useful for quickly finding all pokemon with items, they will be in your last box) An additional feature is that if you leave a box completely empty, it won't sort the next boxes, so for example if you want to keep your legendaries separately you can just put them in box 49-50 and only the rest of the boxes will be sorted (provided that you don't have any pokemon in box 48). To install it, just like the other script mods, just copy paste to <RebornFolder>/Data/Mods. Have fun! SortPC.rb
    1 point
  24. Ampharos The Light Pokemon Prior Form: Flaffy Method of Evolution: Level up to 30 Level: 59 Type: Electric H/W: 4'7''/135.58lbs The bright light on its tail can be seen far away. It has been treasured since ancient times as a beacon. This Pokemon has been a great help against Flying, Water, Fire, and Ice-type opponents and I call this Pokemon 'The Light in the Darkness' Ability: Static Held Item: Magnet Moveset: Electro Ball, Confuse Ray, Power Gem, Thunder Punch Signature Move Electro Ball Type: Electric Power: ??? Category: Special PP:10 Accuracy: 100 The user hurls an electric orb at the target. The faster the user is than the target, the greater the damage.
    1 point
  25. I love this pokemon! I use for pretty much all my playthroughs I cannot be without light!
    1 point
  26. Pidgeot The Bird Pokemon Prior Form: Pidgeotto Method of Evolution: Level up to 36 Level: 59 Type: Flying/Normal H/W:7'03''/111.3lbs. Ability: Tangled Feet - Increases evasion the pokemon is confused Pidgeot is an incredible Pokemon and powerful against, Grass, Bug and Fighting type opponents. Moveset: Roost, Hyper Voice, Air Slash, Air Cutter Signature Move Air Slash Category: Special Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 The user attacks with blades of air that even cuts the sky.
    1 point
  27. if you mean what I said about the gen 9 engine then yes, it is already planned and a work in progress to incorporate the gen9 content. Post restoration you will find it as a headbutt encounter in the area before Titania's castle (Once upon a somewhere)
    1 point
  28. may i ask how to add a back sprite for rift gardervoir in rejuvenation? there also doesnt seem to be a pokemonmultipleforms script in rejuvenation
    1 point
  29. Will we finally be able to collect that one cell at the farm?
    1 point
  30. Take all the time you need. Y'all are great! I just have 1 expectation: Please... Please when you put gen 9 to the game, don't rockruff(you know what I mean) my boy, Mankey.
    1 point
  31. wait what? People already have problem with how you were picking your starter? I thought that was norm in general, but oh well. On other hand, picking your starters in such area is actaully cool idea that I fw. also that sus zygarde photo tho
    1 point
  32. Ight time to micro analysis this.
    1 point
  33. Glad you had a good time! I am currently working on transferring most parts (even though there's gonna be gen8/9 support for modders in some months) i currently finished implementing gen8 content (at least code-wise and sprites etc), though i cannot say how long it will take to add the rest of the content, so i cannot set an explicit date. Especially since i want to redo the whole trainer teams and encounters its gonna take at least a month or two, probably.
    1 point
  34. I created this like a year ago. A few people already have these files, and at least one person has a physical Reborn Ball. But, anyways, I thought at this point, I might as well share it with the community at large. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xVCgY3UvVMka6RrkGd3fxPpTAUKujeBg?usp=drive_link
    1 point
  35. 12/15/2024 Dev Blog It's only been what... two months since we posted one of these? whoops. I promise we didn't forget about you! We've been hard at work with development, and eventing the Renegade route for the story. So far, we're about half way through Act 1 of the Renegade route. Once Act 1 is done, we'll start with Paragon, which probably won't take as long as Renegade, since there isn't a huge plot difference between the intro events, first excursion, etc etc. Apart from eventing, our artists have been hard at work finalizing any Aevian Forms that were missing assets and art, and JZ as been continuing implementing any missing trainers/trainer changes, and continuing to work on custom coded assets, such as the Matrix. So over all, everything is still progressing like normal. With the holidays coming up soon, things may slow down a bit, but after the New Year, we will be back at full pace, with hopes of having the mod done sometime in 2025. 1 Year of Overseer Files So uh, yeah, we've been doing this for a year now, pretty crazy to think. Now, the official anniversary was technically back in November, but we did open the Discord on this day, so we're just going to say that December 15th is the anniversary. So, with it being our anniversary for the mod, we're going to be doing a few events in the server for it. For the first event, we are doing a re-run of the... Powerpoint Presentation event This event was our most participated event, and seemingly the favourite amongst the server, so, we're doing it again! The rules are as follows: - Submit a powerpoint of any length, preferably done in Google Slides, going over why you want the changes to your team. The more detail, the better, just don't make it a wall of text. Aevian forms should have some lore in the presentation as to how they obtained it. - You can submit for Aevian Forms, Pokemon that are not on the ban list, or changes to pre-existing Pokemon. Trainer Effects and illegal moves are not allowed. - The following Aevians are banned from submissions: Noivern, Flygon, Aerodactyl, Sceptile, Aggron, Tempest Wing, Iron Seraph, Mega Aevian Mawile. - Submissions end in 1 week, this can be extended if needed. - Submissions are to be sent in our Discord server event channel. Trainer Effect raffle I'm sure this will go fine. If you win, you can only win 1 trainer effect, and must be balanced. No omni boosts, or overpowered abilities. We will have the final say on if your effect is allowed. If you have a trainer effect already, you cannot win the trainer effect reward, but can make a change to a pre-existing Pokemon (you cannot substitute for another). Submissions will be closed in 3 days. Link Development Screenshots Here's a few random snippets from development, no context will be given! Symfora sprites, made by MoonPaw! Kalosian? Really? That bird I hate... 1 Million Leafeons. Aevian Form Worm? Worm. As a general reminder, we still have several field slots open for submissions right now! So, if you want to add your team, come check out the Discord server, and send over a submission. Our next Dev Blog will be sometime in the New Year, so look out for that. You can find our Discord server / on-going events here: Overseer Files Discord
    1 point
  36. Pick your Mystery Tired of not getting the Pokémon you want from your Mystery Eggs? Don't want to have to resort to using debug to mess with variables and accidentally break your game? Well, allow me to bring those troubles to an end, because now you'll be able to choose the Pokémon you want from your Mystery Eggs! Features: The option to select which Pokémon you get from these Mystery Eggs: Route 2 Mystery Egg* Skiddo Mudbray Galarian Ponyta Goldenwood Forest Mystery Egg from Crawli Sizzlipede Joltik Blipbug Route 3 Mystery Egg Azurill Aron Absol Togepi Sneasel Dhelmise Aevian Litwick Axew Mienfoo Pawniard Trapinch Hippopotas Cottonee Darumaka Hatenna Starly Tyrunt Larvesta Mareanie Stufful Rookidee Kakori Help Center Aevian Mystery Egg from Alexandra Aevian Magikarp Aevian Budew Aevian Wimpod Aevian Shroomish Aevian Larvesta Aevian Bronzor Aevian Feebas Aevian Sigilyph *Also allows you to choose which Egg move they receive as well. Download Link: Mirror 1 (MEGA) Mirror 2 (Google Drive) INSTALLATION: Extract the contents of the folder into the the Data folder of the Game's files and replace when prompted. COMPATABILITY: This mod is compatible with any mod that does not modify any of these specific map files: Map 026 Map 069 Map 199 Map 321 FAQ: Is this compatible with the Gen 9 mod? Yep, since the Gen 9 mod doesn't affect any maps and this mod doesn't change any Scripts other than Mapping-related ones, it's perfectly compatible with it. Isn't this completely removing the whole point of a "Mystery Egg"? Well, yeah, technically this is just cheating to get the Pokémon you want. If you don't want to use it, you don't have to. And if you have not played Rejuv v13.5 yet, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you play through the game completely vanilla before attempting to mod anything. Why do you select the Pokémon you want to have before selecting Phantump for the Route 3 Mystery Egg? There's something weird with how the event scripting works for trades that kept crashing the game if I tried to have Phantump be chosen in the party first before selecting which Egg you wanted to have traded to you. I made a workaround which is why the the choices for the interaction are a little backwards, but it functions properly either way. No indicators that tell you got the Egg after you chose it? I mean, I didn't change much about the dialogue for these events, just the method of choosing your eggs. Even if the dialogue doesn't show which Egg you got, I tested myself that it works properly and the correct Egg gets added to your party. Do you plan on adding new Mystery Eggs anywhere or changing the pool of Pokemon we can get from Mystery Eggs? Nope, this is just a simple mod for people that don't want to have to constantly restart their games or use debug to get the Egg they want from Rejuvenation's Vanilla Mystery Egg Pool. Though I'll probably change it up later on when I eventually release a big mod for Rejuvenation. Do you plan on making this compatible with your other mods that aren't compatible with this one? Yep, I've just been busy irl with stuff. I'll eventually make a modpack containing all of my mods, it's just that this one was easy to make and I've seen a lot of people complain about the Mystery Egg for a while, so I figured I might as well release this for those that want the convenience. Plus, by this point many of you should have done your playthrough of v13.5, so this is a mod that lets you explore other options for your early game encounters for the sake of replayability. How can I contact you for questions or feedback? I'll try to check the forums as much as I can, but it's better to reach me on discord if you need anything. My discord handle is katowoozy, or you can find me in the Reborn discord with the name AsN.
    1 point
  37. Been a while... What is everone up to?
    1 point
  38. Hi im Abyab, i can do sprite commissions for your pokemon fan games or just personal use in pokemon rejuvenation! https://abyab-comms.carrd.co/
    1 point
  39. According to this dev blog post, So out of curiosity, I decided to look around for the older versions' release dates (or at least the estimates) and these are what I got so far: V1: June/July 2014 (?) V2: ??? 2014 V3: January 2015 V4: March 2015 V5: April 2015 V6: August 2015 V7: February 2016 V8: sometime mid-2016 V9: June/July 2017 (?) V10: early 2018 V11: December 2018/January 2019 (?) V12: July 2019 V13: July 2021 V13.5: October 2023 That said, anybody know which version was released when? I might get the dates wrong in the list and haven't found those of some versions yet.
    1 point
  40. This post inspired me to do some digging. and by that I mean A LOT of digging. How much digging? well, i went to the Smosh games and Smosh channels to MAYBE find an old download link based off one tweet from 2015. I found a Wordpress site to get the download for V6. I went back to the Old forums. Not the pokemonreborn.com forums. The Poke-Place Forums. I dumped 4 hours of my life into this. And what did I find? Ive managed to find every version of Rejuv aside from 2,3 and 11. 2 i have no idea where to find, 3 is lost to the ravages of time or a self nuke, and Jan self-nuked the downloads for V11 (except the PBS files oddly enough.) The only way we'd find those is if someone came forward with the files on a new download link. Anyway here's working (for now) downloads for each old version I found. Some are MEGA downloads, some are mediafire, one is unique. V1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/x49li0943y7y2fh/Pok%C3%A9mon_Rejuvenation_Version_1_-_Abduction.zip/file (this isn't the original download, its the one from Jans twitter. the original download is probably long gone by now.) V4: http://www.mediafire.com/download/72tedpxbg2c1emc/Rejuv_4-4.rar (yes, a rar file.) V5: http://www.mediafire.com/file/di1d5sd3o8th43b/Rejuvenation_Version_5-5.zip/file V6: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9rkz9c026m9m69h/Pokemon+Rejuvenation+V6-2.zip V7: http://www.mediafire.com/file/x5dhrehljpmlm0x/Pokemon_Rejuvenation_V7-1.zip/file V8: http://www.mediafire.com/file/sa3ynamzei47fx2/Rejuvenation_-_Version_8.1_-.zip/file V9: https://mega.nz/#!MUw0WTKT!5AccuAcMoy4ltN6zEOWJN3gIGbcHajsYufHXaQoEVQk V10: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7ddlac2lmz0830h/Pokemon%2BRejuvenation%2B-%2BV10-2.zip V12: https://www.mediafire.com/file/784pyjinnklll9a/Rejuvenation_-_V12-1.zip/file V13: https://www.rebornevo.com/downloads/Rejuvenation-v13.0.5.zip The MEGA download is locked, but this link still works. For now. If it stops working, ask most people and they will probably have it installed. Anyway yeah, i got the downloads, but back to the main topic, V4 came out in March of 2015, V5 came out around April 2015, and V6 came out start of August 2015, which is super fast. imagine that kind of release schedule nowadays. According to the wordpress site, the project was started in March 2014, and V3 came out January 2015. I couldn't find a single speck of info about V2 anywhere. knowing all this, M2 is likely from V9 or V10 based on her being trapped for 6 years according to OP. Although she could also be from V2 due to the lack of info about it, but thats me being meta af.
    1 point
  41. Hi! I'm Ruby, or RubyRed or RedCallisto; but I just go by Ruby lol. I'm the lead artist for Pokemon Desolation! I've been doing art for 11 years now, specializing in 2D anime-style illustrations and pixel art! I'm currently also learning 3D art! I've been taking commissions for about 5 years~ At the moment I just want some extra pocket money for the summer lol Without futher ado, PRICING + SAMPLES + T.O.S I'm currently a beta partner of and hosting commissions solely through VGen, a commission site similar to the popular Japanese site, Skeb. Pricing, samples and T.O.S are all available there if you click on any of my options! A portfolio is also available to view there, but as of writing this post, there isn't that much on there. For any questions, special inquiries, (or to just see more of my work,) please contact me through Twitter or Tumblr! Thank you for looking through! - Ruby
    1 point
  42. My friend recently got a new laptop. It runs really well, but the problem is it doesn't have an f12 button. Normally this would only be annoying, but he's been trying to get in to streaming, so he can't just keep turning off the game, and by extension the stream, and turning it back on. I've tried accessing the in game control change thing with f1, but there isn't an option to change the soft reset button in there. My only hope is to sift through the game scripts. Does anyone know which file has it?
    1 point
  43. Hello hello to all whom gather! My name is Cerise. And many others, but like, the most common is Cerise. I've been doing digital art and design for approximately 8.5 years, and proper commissions themselves for around two. More often now that I got the big boi bills to pay. I specialize in general digital art, as well as character/creature design and concept art in general! Figured I'd plop these down here in case anyone would be interested. Please make sure to read the following links properly! and stuff. ═ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═ PRICINGS/EXAMPLES ═ TOS ═ Carrd/Portfolio ═ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═ You MUST read and agree to the TOS in order for me to accept your commission. The consequences of breaking TOS, etc, are located within the document itself. You may also find more consistent example updates on my Twitter (CeriseCrescent) or tumblr (cerise-moon). I do make sure to consistently update the portfolio and document with newer material when I can, however. Designs are something that will be discussed in more detail! If a design already has a bit of a ref to work off of (i.e. with alternative Pokemon forms, or 'character creation' type sites/apps), it will likely cost much less than making a design completely from scratch. Prices are "base starting" or "average" prices. They won't go up that much more, however, provided the character being drawn is not extremely complicated or specifically has some design aspect that will take longer to draw. ═ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═ *I'm also still working on honing pixel art skills + animation skills, so I may offer those in the future as well! ═ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═ ═ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═ Thank you for reading/considering, and I look forward to working with anyone whom may choose to! ^^ If you are interested, I recommend you contact me either through Discord (CeriseCrescent#6540) or email (ceriseblossome@gmail.com) Twitter and tumblr are also options if it is necessary, however Twitter is broken to hell and back right now and tumblr is full of less professionalism, more clownery. *Additional Note : payment through Ko-Fi is also an option should the client not wish to use PayPal due to privacy reasons! ᓚᘏᗢ :3
    1 point
  44. I'm giving a "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn : During cutscene after player defeats Luna : Luna : Speaking of which, I'm asking a question. I know it's just a foolish question but I'll keep your answer in secret because of what happened when Bennett said how he loved me. That was gross. Well then, I want a honest answer. Between me and the others, who do you prefer the most? -Answers as male : Anna -> Luna : Huh? I thought you were choosing me... Unless you trust her the most. Well, I'm glad to hear that. Victoria -> Luna : I guess you are in good terms with her since the first meet. No wonder she's trusts you. Luna -> Luna : So you prefer me. That's okay. Since you don't act like the way Bennett does. I guess I have to trust you a bit. Charlotte -> Luna : Well, after all, I confirm it's like you prefer light more than darkness. None -> Luna : Huh, dissapointing but I guess you have a good reason as for the part of being a trainer. -Answers as female : Noel -> Luna : So he's the only person you want to trust. I think it is enough for me to hear that. Cal -> Luna : Since then? I heard from Cain he was working with Team Meteor until betrayal. Do you trust him? Nevermind! Taka -> Luna : You like the guy working with Team Meteor? I don't know how to feel about that. None -> Same dialogue for None -Answers as non-binary : Adrienn -> Luna : You like the fairy type gym leader, after the turn of events, of course. Cain -> Luna : So, your rival then. It doesn't matter, anyway. None -> Same dialogue for None Note : It could give, lose or not affect relationship points depending of given choices.
    1 point
  45. In order to view the #emotional-support channel on our community discord, users will need to have the Trusted role on the server. In order to get the trusted role, users must be verified, have less than 3 active warning points, and must read the following:
    1 point
  46. team meteor? more like team "meme"teor (have some reborn meme art~ this is old, and some of you people have probably seen this on tumblr, but not everyone here has a tumblr, so here you folks go~)
    1 point
  47. I I I I am so so very happy you're too kind<3 Yup yup I don't, sorry I misunderstood. I trusted you Ama I really did Yes, hello my love I have returned from war to you. I don't have much to offer but please accept these two trash pieces and take me back And now to the suit hell Annd Ama was all "plz post those too" and because nobody can be trusted so fine Hnnnghh I'm gonna leave again sorry for stupid sketches goodbye
    1 point
  48. Poses.. Very intensely. I have finished an art. is it surprising that I drew Taka? probably not. Enjoy !
    1 point
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