Just like Exeggutor's neck.
I made the entire post just for that line, it's all gonna be downhill from here
Anyway, now that I'm just slogging through Field Updates there's not been much oppurtunity to make memes post quality devblog teasers and content. Luckily, I got to a certain field that is ripe for such opportunities, so I won't miss the chance to show off some of the new toys said field has to play with.
The mountain field, you ask? Why am I showing off the Mountain field?
Because I just turned the mountian field into bestfield I hope you people who like to play by creating your own fields to cause shenanigans are prepared because you just got the best possible thing added to your roster
Now, if I wanted, I could end this post here. You would have had your fill of memes, I would have procrastinated sufficiently long making these memes, everyone would be happy.
But why make a teaser post without any teasing?
I wonder what caused that...?
Disclaimer: Creating the Glitch Field and using it's various effects will not rotate your exeggutors I just have way too much time on my hands and am very easily amused.
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