i don't suppose you remember me, do you?
i think it's been like, five hundred pandemic years or something since i've posted here. as many of you know from cass's previous posts, since around september of last year i've been focusing on a different project.
gosh, that took a while, didn't it?
once again, i want to thank everyone for their patience as always... but uh, we finally got a demo for that out, so maybe, possibly, go try it out, if you haven't already?
we'll begin actively developing starlight for real once reborn is finished but i felt like it was important to finish the demo before reborn was done so that the community didn't feel like it had no choice but to just die once the game was finally out for real. i think there's been an expectation for some number of years that once 19 is done, the community will be. and uh-- nawh. but to make sure that didn't happen, and to make sure people could see what they might have to stick around for, i felt it was necessary to get that going sooner rather than later, and then come back to finish postgame.
this was, in retrospect, a mistake.
not for any """real""" reason, to be clear-- but the mental burden of putting reborn and everyone on hold or trying to split focus between two projects was a lot heavier than i expected. aside from keeping the devblog warm while i've been away, please appreciate cass for generally keeping me sane through the last year or so, because some of the stress had really been starting to get to me. i'm still working on shaking that off, tbh, but it'll be fine. on the other hand, i know i was getting pretty tired towards the end of making the main story, and i feel like taking a break for starlight has helped me come back to the project with a clearer head, more ready to finish it out properly.
that is to say, if it wasn't clear enough already: reborn will now be actively developed again.
another advantage to having taken time off from the project is that i've learned a few things, mainly about myself. and how to actually play nice with a team, since i haven't been very good at doing that in the past.
but the main thing i've realized is that i hate to-do lists. they are soul-sucking. i feel a lot better about things when i am looking at problems in the game and fixing them on the spot rather than looking at a list of problems about the game several hundred lines long and just kind of getting overwhelmed.
this is unfortunate for me as a person who has mainly organized her work in the past almost exclusively through to-do lists.
now y'all don't care that much about my personal organization, that's stuff i have to figure out, but the point of this is that uh those task bars? that used to be on the right there?
they're not coming back.
because all that is is just one giant public to-do list.
a constant reminder of all of the things i still have not done and still have to do breathing down my neck.
i know they're cool, i know they're useful for communicating to everyone how far along we are.
and maybe we can figure out something similar
but for my own sanity
they're cancelled, and they're staying cancelled.
in return i'll try to like, actually post or something once in a while.
but, like, no promises. i still prefer to spend time doing the thing rather than talking about doing the thing.
okay, so, the million dollar question: when will e19 be released?
and i still don't have that answer. no one has that answer. the only answer to that that exists is 'sometime in the eventual future'
but we'll like, keep you in the loop one way or another. there will have to be testing before it releases, starting with internal testing. so that might be a good indicator of it's coming up.
just hang tight until then y'all
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