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  • Jank and the Memestalk




    Once upon a time, there was an eager youg Dev going on his merry way to the beta store to buy some bugs. You see, that was his hobby, buying them and fixing them up so they could become the features they always wanted to be.


    This time, the Dev brought his loyal feature with him to the beta store, her name was 'Stability and proper type effectiveness'. She had always been one of the most important features on the farm. On his way back from the store, a hooded man approached him and asked:


    "Oh what an interesting feature you have there. Would you be interested in trading it for this magic bug? If you plant it, it will grow into a mighty tree, and if you climb to the top of that tree, it will take you to a land of all the greatest features you could possibly imagine!"


    The eager young Dev pondered the offer. Stability and proper type effectiveness was such a treasured feature, but his mind wandered at the possibility of all the wonderful features this magic bug could bring! And so, he made the trade, before totterring off home to plant the bug.


    He was scolded, of course, but insisted they wait for the mighty feature tree. And so they did, and it grew. It grew, not into a feature, but into a mighty Trevenant. That Trevenant got into a conversation with one of the farm's most well respected features, 'Good AI Decisionmaking.' Good AI Decisionmaking told Trevenant, to use Phantom Force on a Bibarel.


    And so it did.


    And it hit.


    It was then that the dev realised his mistake. The strange hooded man had lied. This wasn't a feature tree at all. This, in fact, was a memestalk. A memestalk arriving at the farm with the sole purpose of unleashing it's jank amongst all the other features, and by trading away Stability and proper type effectiveness, the dev had enabled it to do exactly this.


    The dev desperately looked over at Good AI Decisionmaking and pleaded with it, asking it how it knew about he memestalk's jank. But Good AI Decisionmaking didn't respond, because features can't talk, only moo. He watched as it told all the other ghost types to not use Phantom Force on Bibarel, because it couldn't hit. And even when the dev forced the other ghost types to do so, it did indeed not hit. But not the memestalk, oh no. It's phantom force hit, and Good AI Decisionmaking continued to tell the memestalk it could hit. It was a conundrum. The developer had never seen this much jank in one place in his life, and given how long he had been farming bugs and features, he had seen a lot of jank.


    Without the precious feature he traded away, the dev was at a loss. He went out, located another trevanent and brought it to the farm, he even gave it Phantom Force. And do you know what happened?

    It couldn't hit the Bibarel, and Good AI Decisionmaking knew it couldn't. For it was just a Trevenant. It was not the dreaded memestalk.


    He thought and thought and thought and thought, and finally had an idea! He had given the new Trevenant Phantom Force specifically, but not tampered with the moves of the memestalk, the memestalk knew it naturally. And so he looked at what other moves the memestalk knew and he wondered to himself.

    "...Forest's curse couldn't possibly be that janky, could it? It's not even used it!"


    And so he taught the memestalk Flame Wheel, and had it use it against Bibarel.


    And, as it turns out, Forest's curse WAS that janky, because it was super effective, despite Forest's Curse never being used, just known, it was still working.


    The Dev quickly realised the chaos he had unleashed by trading in Stability and proper type effectiveness as he fled the memestalk to check on his other crops. He first ran to his Gourd(geist)s. And lo and behold, with their powers of Trick or Treat, their Phantom Forces were super effective against the poor bibarels.


    He next rushed off to check his Starfruit(mie)s. But, strangely, their powers of Soak seemed to have been spared the infection of the jank.

    "But how? The code for Trick or Treat and Forest's Curse is identical to the code for Soak!? Why do you work fine!?" He pleaded. But the Starfruit(mie)s didn't respond.  Because they, too, could only moo.


    Dejected about the loss of Stability and proper type effectiveness, and the infection of Jank that was quickly spreading about his farm, an affliction that Good AI decisionmaking seemed to understand more than he did, but refused to relinquish its knowledge, the Dev went back to market, trying to find the hooded man. He did, in short order, and pleaded with him to give back his precious feature.


    "What a funny little Dev you are. The true Stability and proper type effectiveness was in your heart all along, didn't you know?" He told him cryptically before vanishing into thin air.

    With no new answers he wandered back to his farm and caught the culprit red handed. The memestalk was but a scapegoat, as once he arrived, he caught the fiendish Good AI decisionmaking scheming to introduce jank the the great farm.


    And so, bugfixing hammer clutched tightly in his fist he went to work, ready to once and for all banish the jank and restore stability to the farm forever more.


    The end.


    (Disclaimer: Many bibarel were harmed in the making of this post)

    Edited by Marcello

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    Trevenants were hitting normal types with Phantom Force, but only sometimes, in very specific circumstances, at specific levels, and never when we tried to test it, or with any other pokemon. As it turns out, Trick or Treat and Forest's Curse were applying their type change as long as the move was in the known, even without using it and the problem was being caused in the most unlikely place, the AI of all things.


    Thanks, I'm Marcello and this has been my TED talk about literally the jankiest fucking bug I have fixed all throughout E18 testing.)

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    Man, that story is nice to imagine. I literally imagined the E17 Marcello with his "Hi I'm new" stuff walking around the desert and going to a beta store.............................glad nobody can read my mind. The picture quality was worse than Aelita's dream in rejuv. Stories aside, hope you all devs have a nice adventure and make it through the bug tunnel.

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    hate to ruin your day.... but i caught a bug using WINE where if you revive a fainted pokemon during a double battle while already on your last Pokemon(singular) then the newly revived pokemon won't appear on-screen


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    I like your story 🙂 


    Just two questions:

    Forest´s Curse *adds* the grass-typing, so it should be a water/normal/grass type and Phantom Force should not hit anyways. So the AI applying Forest´s Curse can´t really be the main problem. Or am I wrong?

    And how can Soaks code be the same? It´s different than Forest´s Curse and Trick-or-Treat since it actually makes the target a pure water type instead of adding grass/ghost.

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    27 minutes ago, LilyX said:

    I like your story 🙂 


    Just two questions:

    Forest´s Curse *adds* the grass-typing, so it should be a water/normal/grass type and Phantom Force should not hit anyways. So the AI applying Forest´s Curse can´t really be the main problem. Or am I wrong?

    And how can Soaks code be the same? It´s different than Forest´s Curse and Trick-or-Treat since it actually makes the target a pure water type instead of adding grass/ghost.


    In Reborn, Forest's Curse and Trick-Or-Treat work similarly to Soak by just replacing the typing, due to limitations of the system, adding third types was infeasible without a lot of work, so the code for Trick-or-Treat and Forest's Curse is more or less identical to that of Soak.

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    14 minutes ago, Marcello said:


    In Reborn, Forest's Curse and Trick-Or-Treat work similarly to Soak by just replacing the typing, due to limitations of the system, adding third types was infeasible without a lot of work, so the code for Trick-or-Treat and Forest's Curse is more or less identical to that of Soak.

    Oh, I never knew that. Thanks for the clarification!

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    kkkkkkkkkkkkkk, i can't believe in such a beautiful tale, may the hammer punish them all(may the bibarel rest in peace), serious, you need to put this tale in the game(Titania's gym should be the perfect place)

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    This was truly an inspirational tale, it must be passed on to future generations as a tale of caution 😔


    But in all seriousness, good luck with the bug testing. It looks like it's going to be a nightmare...

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    So you're saying that one of the trees in the game will be replaced by a Trevenant and if you interact with it say: "Moo, I'm a feature."
    And it's name will be MissingNo.


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    Here's an alternate ending:


    And thus, the PULSE Trevenant has been put down, and the malignant growth of jank has been halted.  Or so he thought, as he was not long later sinking into a swamp of jank.  In his moment of desperation he went to seek advice from the good ol'  Good AI Decisionmaking. 

    .... And no one ever saw him again. Although some people claim they sometimes hear distant wails of anguish as they pass by the Jank Wasteland,  that was once known as Wiener Farm.

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    idea: add an NPC that moos and gives you an item called a "bug seed" that transforms trevenant into "memestalk trevenant" which has the abillity "jank (makes all foes grass type) I already drew up all the relevant resources and Wrote the relevant descriptions if you want them all the image file names are even correct (i just modified the existing resources for trevenant and combined the designs of a phantump egg and miracle seed for the item) also whoever said to put this story somewhere in the game has a good idea.


    I probably wont see any replies until tomorrow

    Edited by dirtlord
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    I saved after entering a cave at teknite ridge where you need to use dark pulse to progress. I restarted the game after I killed a Pokémon while using Dark Pulse, but when it restarted the cave was still dark, maybe its a remnant of your bug?

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