at long last, the postgame progress bars have been unlocked.
as you may have noticed, it is, uh.....
lil big.
so lemme break it down for ya.
first we got the CONTENT.
some LEGENDARY content.
see what i did there.
but actually there are like 76 legendaries and you've Gotta Catch 'Em All™
'cept we already gave you, like, five.
so you'll have to Get 71 More™
now i'm sure you're wondering. "But Cass, that's so many legendaries! How do you intent to pu-"
39 of them to be exact. it is why this bar is so big.
see, we _could_ just be like "oh look! it's a mew in the corner in byxbysion and you have to go to this specific spot to get it!"
but nah, man.
that ain't us.
we have quests. for all of them.
*nervous chuckle
the quest style/length will very depending on the lengendary. some will be simple and fairly uninvolved, a la your "finding eevee in chrysolia cave" quest. others will be longer and more story heavy, a la your "lower your relationship points with adrienn! feat. Sandy" quest. there's no saying what lengendary will have what quest length, but it's worth noting that people keep having to remind me that Zeraora exists and to this day i have no idea what exactly it does. it's like.... an electro cat? maybe? idk. good luck finding it in chrysolia cave. for the progress bars, each lengendary will magically gain its own set of "eventing/story/mapping" bars while it is being worked on. otherwise there'd be something like 110 bars in total and like yikes no i'll pass on that thanks.
what kind of jerk would have a progress bar list with 110 bars. yikes.
secondly on content.
you will, at long last, gain access to a location that has been taunting you with its presence the entire game yet has so far remained unyielding in its efforts to deny you entry. but, at long, long last, your triumph over the reborn league will finally give you access to:
jk. its the nightclub. ame said she doesn't wanna make ferris wheel graphics so y'all crazy kids who wanna get real high and shit are fucked.
unless you go to seventh street.
but anyway. the point is that there's a nightclub.
in that nightclub, there will be lots of FITE.
yeah, bet you thought you were done with that.
this FITE will include a Battle Tower- style system. i'd be more specific about it but, uh, we, kinda, sorta, maybe, uh, like, y'know, don't....know what we're doing for it?
but it has a bar so it'll be there.
next in the FITE will be the Mix and Match battle system. do you think fields are cool? do you wanna FITE all the leaders on them? well you're in luck, because this will let you FITE any leader on any field with any partner! it'll basically make you do my work for me. thanks, by the way!
as the new champion of reborn, there will also be other people who will try and FITE you to become the champion, and you will have to FITE to defend your title! but this will actually be in charous mountain. and there's not a progress bar for it. i just wanted to talk about it.
i mentioned that Mix and Match will have you do my work for me. and that's because my work will be on the Boss Rush and the Theme Teams.
the Boss Rush is kind of like FITE-ing the Reborn league the way that it operated back in the olden days- you get one team and you have to FITE all 18 leaders with that team. the boss rush will have two levels: one where each leader is limited to a single lengendary, and one where each leader will have as many as they want. this does not make a difference for noel, though. poor noel. (also, if it isn't already clear, you won't be fighting the original teams- you'll be fighting teams that are updated for the fact that you are CHAMPION and can do FITE.)
the theme teams are the more creative side of this. it's for anyone who has ever looked at the field notes and thought, "hey, mountain field seems like it would be particularly good for Decidueye". these teams are more designed to be fun! rather than hard. some things involve, idk, psychic teams on glitch field, which, uh, might actually be kinda hard. but, then, i also unironically put tropius on a different team. what i'm saying is that it'll be pretty varied. there are currently 103 of them planned. if there is a bar that is likely to change during development, it'll be this one.
finally, there is fwends. though out the game, you have grown close to the different characters. this is your chance to hang out with them! (the exception here, of course, is titania, who probably hates you, but that's normal for a titania her age.)
lastly, of course, there is the Boring Background stuff; ie the bugs, the animations, and everyone's favorite Misc Updates bar 2.0 that now occasionally goes backwards instead of forwards! our innovations here at Definitely GameFreak™ are truly astounding.
it is also worth noting that the Bugs and the Animations will not have your typical progress bars and will instead slowly tick down towards 0 to indicate completion. we like it when you pick up an item and your game doesn't crash.
so, to summarize:
Legendary Quests are the bulk of postgame. Each quest will have its own set of bars while we are working on it. there will be Much Bar.
Nightclub bars will contain lots of FITE. the biggest FITEs will be the Theme Teams and the Boss Rush, though it will also include something Battle Tower-esque, a Mix and Match system, and Fwends™.
Champion Defense will also be a feature. it still doesn't have a bar. it still isn't in the nightclub. i am still talking about it.
the misc updates bar will go up and down depending on what work is done on the game and what we decide to add during development. it is not real. pay no mind to it.
(edited to mention legendary bars will expand while their respective quests are being worked on)
Edited by andracass
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