...Because really, I should've done these for base V13. One of them I should've done even before that!!!!!! truly, my brain is a puddle of grey mush that barely functions, but oh well. I'm making amends right now!!
Without further ado because I'm sure people are here for the artwork and not my incessant rambling, here are your characters with fancy new artwork! Cera, Erin in her Demoness outfit, Amber in her Ch15 outfit, Xara and Jean!
...Would it surprise if I told you that there's even more art on the way? Probably not. Because uhhhh I have *looks at notes with shitty smudged handwriting* a grand total of 19 pieces of character artwork for V13.5 as a whole. I need to draw one more and then this batch is done! Probably! Unless I think of more things to draw that I forgot about! But I SHOULD be good for now.
But I'm definitely not done with art in general for 13.5-- there's more planned than just character artwork. And don't worry about the fully fleshed out artwork that I said I'd draw of Erin & Venam for the character popularity poll results; those are still on the to-do list. I've just been busy with working on another project of my own recently so I hadn't sat down in a while to work on things for Rejuvenation, lmao
Anyways same shtick as usual, icons & links to the full artwork can be found in the official art thread! No wallpapers yet because 1) I'm lazy 2) I haven't made them for the other characters yet either 3) don't want to spoil v13.5 areas yet and 4) frankly I'm also considering redoing the format so they're not white in color scheme and blast my eyes out whenever I close stuff and look at my desktop at 12 am. And maybe just make them location-free as a whole, so they don't uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh get outdated after an update or two. We'll see what the future brings in regards to that. If it means making my life easier with these wallpapers in the long run then I just might........................
As for progress on 13.5's development as a whole (as I'm sure you guys are curious about that as well), Jan's back in full swing and has been making progress again after a long break! Though stuff isn't quite ready to be shown to the public quite yet, so I ask that you guys are patient a little bit longer. I'm sure he'll have a post up eventually! Sometimes you just gotta let those sweet sweet game dev juices simmer on low heat for a good while y'know? Let them cook thoroughly before they're ready for serving. An undercooked meal is never a good idea!!!!!!
so consider this an appetizer from me. :)
but that's enough of me hijacking the dev blog again. hope y'all have a wonderful day and enjoy the art! <3
zumi out
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