Hello! I definitely did not absolutely forget that I scheduled a post for today!
Well, uh, this is awkward. I guess the best way to explain this is with one single image.
I'm gonna be honest. The first time I opened up Rejuv's project folder this month was **checks notes**... Last night.
December is traditionally an extremely busy month for me and that's just all it was. I was busy. I have obligations I must attend to irl and I'm making moves towards securing my future financially.
I truly wish I could work on Rejuv more often, but that just isn't in the cards for me. Maybe one day! Patreon has been a huge help, but it's not something that can sustain me long term, neither do I want it to.
That's the thing about working on Rejuv sometimes. People assume that that's what I'm working on all day every single day, and when I reveal to them that I'm not-- I'm just being slow or I'm wasting time as if I'm obligated to dedicate my
entire life on a fan project. Then I get the annoying anon in my inbox asking why each version is taking way longer than the previous ones as if I'm supposed to break down crying saying that I lost interest or the expectation that I'm supposed
to thank them for putting me back on the right track in life and dedicating every single moment of my life to something they'll finish in a few hours and then ask me when the next one's coming out. And then when I'm saying I'm taking a
small break that's when the passive aggression starts or whatever.
And if it's not that, it's the gen 9 or item/mon location questions I'm constantly getting despite the fact that I said I'm not adding it next version, but somehow I'm still expected to know each and everything I plan to do with it. Am I gonna keep this nerf,
am I happy about this buff. Who is going to give what, when am I going to get this, this mon is broken so put it there, this mon is garbage, it needs a crest. Are we getting new crests. When is the new crest. Release mega evolution earlier.
Omg when is Venam apologizing for stealing Tesla's Charizard omg omg. Make an entire branched story path where I do what I would do in this situation. When is this happening. Who is Madame X Who is gonna die next version tell me tell me tell me
here's my crest idea u didnt ask for. why is this crest a prototype. this mon lost this move are u removing it 2
This thing got a new evolution that's ZACIAN NERFSS broken is it being axed is it being
moved is it being axed GLACEON JUMPSCARE is it being nerfed is it PROTEAN being axed is it being nerfed is it??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
idk yet.
I haven't lost interest.
I still love working on this game.
I'm just busy.
That's all I got for you.
So, there, that's out of the way. quick q/a
1.) new crests?
2.) gen 9
v15. Although knowing me im gonna be impatient and add it in halfway through v14
3.) anything actually new to show?
yea, actually this part is pretty exciting! Zumi is creating art stills for certain moments in game. This one is pretty iconic so I'm sure you'll recognize it! Here's a preview:
4.) omg are u single
yes i make pkmn fangames wtf u think .
5.) will venam actually speak to tesla about the charizard?
yes, goddamn.
6.) favorite gen 9 mon?
Tinkaton, or Chi-yu, or Wo-chien. Tbh? the whole quartet is amazing.
7.) Least favorite gen 9 mon?
Scovillain, or Gholdengo. Maybe Orthworm.
anyway, when i opened this page I didn't expect to start screaming into the void, but I feel a lot better in doing so and I don't really feel bad about it.
Also I'm not saying you can't be curious about something in game, or whatever. That part is fine and expected! I mean, hey, I would be in the same boat!
Just, give me some time to process an entire new gen first lol. IRT in game events, how about idk... just waiting for the game to be done. Then if it's shit you have all rights to yell at me lol.
Actually you don't, but still.
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