Though it's for something very different this time around! For people who have browsed the Rejuvenation Club before, they might be aware of a Q&A thread we did back in 2019, and a tiny bit more recently there was a Q&A stream that Jan and I hosted after V13's initial release in 2021. We haven't done one in serious capacity since then (if you don't count the impromptu one Jan did on his tumblr a couple of months ago), so why not bring it back? We're not going to be able to post many updates about the game itself, but we still don't want to have complete radio silence on our end, so we're doing a Q&A with the entire team again!
To give a quick rundown of the team so you know who could potentially answer specific questions:
- Writing: Jan (also does tilesets and overworld sprites)
- Art: Crim, Nym, Soulja, Dallas, Winter, Zumi (also involved with writing and music)
- Programming: Haru, Falirion, Sardines, Cass
- Balancing: Alex, Azery (also does some programming)
- QA: Ramiru, Dream, IceCreamSandWitch, Autumn (also does some of the move animations)
I can't guarantee all of us are available or willing to answer, but I know at least some members of the team will be happy to pop in and reply. And it could be about just anything! It could be about the story, but also about the game's development as a whole if you're curious. Or just about how the devs have been experiencing Rejuvenation from a developer's point of view! The world of questions is your oyster and you can do whatever with it...
Well, as long as you stick to the rules.
- Please stay courteous with the questions! Crude questions in regards to us or the characters of the game (i.e. "can you kill off this character bc they suck", stuff like that) will be ignored and/or removed.
- We will not give answers to questions that are obviously veering into spoiler territory for future content. For your own sakes as to not drive yourself nuts over theories, please do not treat our unwillingness to answer certain questions as confirmation/de-confirmation either. It'll do nothing but cause confusion LMAO
- Please don't ask about adding romance options for the MC. The answer is still no— it's even been mentioned in the old 2019 Q&A post that they won't be added and that has not changed. There's a whole list of reasons (narratively, technical and personal) for this decision, but the tl;dr is that it's just plain not worth it. We're asking in the nicest way possible to please respect our decision on the matter and to not press it any further, we will ignore/remove your question if you do. (That's not to say we disapprove of any ships entirely! We simply instead encourage you to dabble in making fan content of your favorite ships yourselves through writing, art or other means. Just don't bother us to indulge you on the matter in official capacity, that's all.)
We'll keep the Q&A running for a week and will be answering questions as the week progresses before closing it off. If you've read all of that and agree to be nice, then fire away!
Have fun! o7
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