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  • [OFFICIAL Q&A] Ask the Rejuvenation dev team: 2024 edition!






    Though it's for something very different this time around! For people who have browsed the Rejuvenation Club before, they might be aware of a Q&A thread we did back in 2019, and a tiny bit more recently there was a Q&A stream that Jan and I hosted after V13's initial release in 2021. We haven't done one in serious capacity since then (if you don't count the impromptu one Jan did on his tumblr a couple of months ago), so why not bring it back? We're not going to be able to post many updates about the game itself, but we still don't want to have complete radio silence on our end, so we're doing a Q&A with the entire team again!


    To give a quick rundown of the team so you know who could potentially answer specific questions:

    • Writing: Jan (also does tilesets and overworld sprites)
    • Art: Crim, Nym, Soulja, Dallas, Winter, Zumi (also involved with writing and music)
    • Programming: Haru, Falirion, Sardines, Cass
    • Balancing: Alex, Azery (also does some programming)
    • QA: Ramiru, Dream, IceCreamSandWitch, Autumn (also does some of the move animations)


    I can't guarantee all of us are available or willing to answer, but I know at least some members of the team will be happy to pop in and reply. And it could be about just anything! It could be about the story, but also about the game's development as a whole if you're curious. Or just about how the devs have been experiencing Rejuvenation from a developer's point of view! The world of questions is your oyster and you can do whatever with it...


    Well, as long as you stick to the rules.

    • Please stay courteous with the questions! Crude questions in regards to us or the characters of the game (i.e. "can you kill off this character bc they suck", stuff like that) will be ignored and/or removed.
    • We will not give answers to questions that are obviously veering into spoiler territory for future content. For your own sakes as to not drive yourself nuts over theories, please do not treat our unwillingness to answer certain questions as confirmation/de-confirmation either. It'll do nothing but cause confusion LMAO
    • Please don't ask about adding romance options for the MC. The answer is still no— it's even been mentioned in the old 2019 Q&A post that they won't be added and that has not changed. There's a whole list of reasons (narratively, technical and personal) for this decision, but the tl;dr is that it's just plain not worth it. We're asking in the nicest way possible to please respect our decision on the matter and to not press it any further, we will ignore/remove your question if you do. (That's not to say we disapprove of any ships entirely! We simply instead encourage you to dabble in making fan content of your favorite ships yourselves through writing, art or other means. Just don't bother us to indulge you on the matter in official capacity, that's all.)


    We'll keep the Q&A running for a week and will be answering questions as the week progresses before closing it off. If you've read all of that and agree to be nice, then fire away!


    Have fun! o7

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    what shadow pokemon have under/overperformed? any underrated sleeperpicks? were there any interesting ones that got scrapped in development? any plans to give trainer's pokemons shadow moves or is that purely for the benefit of the player (would be funny to fight xen grunts/mages/admins with purified shadow mons/move)?


    can you make a speedrun bulk password next update, "sr" as shorthand to make it faster to input thanks. here's a test run i did :3

    mintpack, powerpack, nohms, antidote, rolls, pinata, 31ivs, nointro


    EDIT: actually probably include freemegaz too in case someone wants to run terajuma%, not that it would be useful early for a normal speedrun.


    is there any part of the game that you are still unsatisfied with and are looking to revamp in later versions, or is the objective now solely to focus on e14+ content?

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    So... any chances for the A Gang to get their third official artworks -- this time in their Kugearen outfits? Or maybe a fourth in their Darchlight appearances? Or even a fifth in their Xenogene quest formalwears?

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    18 hours ago, wingdings said:

    Here's a weird one that I don't think anyone has asked: What are your favorite and least favorite field conditions in Rejuvenation? Personally i'm an enjoyer of City and Concert Field-- you guys cooked with those-- and hate that goddamn fucking swamp

    Alternatively, what are your favorite/least favorite specific battles? Either from a design point of view (designing cool fights is fun) or to actually play.

    Also, without getting into spoilers, what characters are you most excited for in terms of future content/development (besides the obvious like Melia and other main characters, if possible)?

    Unbelievable work on the game from ALL OF YOU by the way. Rejuvenation is a triumph of hard work and creative drive, and it means a great deal to me to see a game of this caliber exist for a franchise I love very dearly, even (especially) in an unofficial capacity. So thank you :)

    my fav fields are bewitched woods, rainbow, deep earth, and infernal :3


    my fav battles... hmmmh i guess pt much every main fight in chapter 15 tbh lol. a least fav is angel of death (hell.)


    not answering 3rd bc i feel it implies way too much abt the future </3




    17 hours ago, FernStoleMyBike said:

    Was this QnA a good idea?

    yeah but it's so funny for like 75% of the questions being blatant ones asking for spoiler answers despite the main post saying we literally cannot answer those lol


    16 hours ago, LunarsStarsShips said:

    Alrighty! Got twoquestions for yall!


    Number 1!!: Favorite ship? (Can also include MCs)


    Number 2!!!: Any more LGBTQ+ characters that haven't been mentioned before? (Like Venam, Melia, and Aelita for example)



    THANKS SO MUCH!!!!! This game has always had a special place in my heart and is own of my favorite games! (It's number 1 on my favorite list and it is even above some of my favorite Pokemon Games)

    1. im more of a friend-shipper / "wow i wish these characters talked more" person than a creator of romantic ships. in terms of canon stuff, nymiera/vitus and martin/kreiss are pt slay

    for something that isn't canon? i don't know, i guess like ... ok this is just a crackship because it's funny and i don't feel like getting shot today. V/Eizen lmfao


    2. jan made a pt much up to date list in response to an ask on tumblr already. the redacted characters are .5 charas (V for genderfluid, Partricia for trans.)


    16 hours ago, nhehvnukl said:

    Any particular reason why the Madame X appearance during the "mc gets teleported to Xen's base" segment was removed?


    Also, love the game😃


    as far as i know. it was never actually meant to be there lol. that was her set up position for a later event that was just, accidentally there early.

    15 hours ago, Breezy64 said:

    First off: I absolutely LOVE all the changes done to the Terajuma arc. Love everything flowing together a lot better, and I appreciate being able to have Flora content earlier.

    1.) In terms of teams for gym leaders, villains, and basically everyone, what's the ratio between "We think this Pokemon fits this character the best" and "This Pokemon fits the team from a gameplay sense"? Or is that even something ya'll think of and it's just a go off of vibes type of thing?


    2.) Who are your favorites villains/antagonists in the story? And why are they both Flora and Angie in that order?

    2.1.) Who are the gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss of Rejuv. I'd like to offer forward Clear/Crescent/Flora in that order.


    3.) Is the criminal Cleffa friends with the Corsola with knives? Do they have a dark and mysterious past together?



    1. thematics come before smth being on a team just to be smth strong on the team. the mons are generally thought of on vibes of "does this fit the character", then "can we make this work on this field". Mostly those two; it's pretty rare that stuff is added Just for overpowered fluff unlike a lot of mods and the like that are made for the various games.


    2. Vitus and Madame X zzzzzzzzzzzz

    2.1. yea sure


    3. the cleffa has many connections and if you see any of them it is too late for you


    14 hours ago, sharffffff said:

    Hey devs!

    I've got two very important questions:


    1. Which of the main cast needs a vacation the most? You can only choose one, so be careful with this choice. Only one of them gets to be relaxed and hydrated, others must keep suffering.


    2. So we all know Nim has to consume souls to survive. Do all souls "taste" the same to her, or do they have different "flavors" depending on whatever traits that human possessed in life? Or do they all just taste like nothing and get absorbed through whatever in Storm-9 is going on (this is a boring option)?


    Thank you for your time :)


    1. Giving Alexandra a break for sure. the others are on their own


    2. theoretically i cannot answer this canonically but i'd like to join the train for souls tasting differently.


    14 hours ago, Dedi said:

    Are there any plans to incorporate sprites of main characters emotions while they talk? Specifically like how Desolation does.


    No because at this stage of the game that would take so, so much time and involve going back and editing. Every. Single time a main chara talks which is a Lot especially in rejuv. So too much time to do All of those talking sprites (like. There are like over 100 characters that would need them.) and so much time + extremely tedious to Implement them at every stage. Too much work, not enough reward. Also Rejuv has a lot of animated cutscenes and I think the emotion/mood already shows through wonderfully there.


    13 hours ago, Joesp said:

    Can we make fan made stuff that take place in the universe? Are head Kanons ok, if so?


    Yeah, there's already tons of fanart and fanfics. Have fun. Do whatever you want forever


    12 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

    Hi, thank you for doing this again!


    1) Eizen?

    2) Do you have any advice for someone that does not have the heart to play their own Renegade save file but wants to know what the hype is about it? Asking for a friend.

    3) Would Eizen go ballistic if he found out about the concept of interceptors? (If he, at any point of the game did, I probably didn't see that yet/can't recall?)

    4) If Eizen took one of those "what Pokemon am I" quizzes, which one would he be? (My guess is

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    Terapagos. Estranged blue timeline Pokemon for the win :)





    1. Eizen

    2. watch someone else's playthrough, there's at least 3 on yt

    3. Eizen

    4. Eizen


    11 hours ago, hammywham said:

    does ren play xenoblade


    I hope so.


    11 hours ago, feliforme said:

    do you think any characters (huey and lavender aside) have traveled to or particularly enjoyed any other regions, and if so, which regions?


    also, on that note, do you think any of the characters have ever met or known any of the well-known figures of other regions (reborn region aside)?


    absolutely adore this game and the work that goes into it, so excited for v14 and wishing all of you the best ^^


    Nymiera has canonically gone to a bunch of other regions as well. She seems to enjoy Sinnoh. Saki also has been to Sinnoh- Hearthome specifically iirc. I'm not sure she Particularly enjoys it though? She might but she definitely prefers Aevium. Talon has definitely been somewhere else before, being a cartographer and all. Considering he's from poke-australia I could see him having been to Ayrith (pokemon desolation region, NZ influences iirc) or any of paldea, kalos, galar. Maybe orre if we're feeling silly. I think he'd like Unova and Kalos personally.


    Do I think so? I want to think so. Even if it isn't canon. So i'll leave thee with Rika and V or Tesla + Lavender and Tate/Liza as possibilities


    11 hours ago, O_Castigado said:
    1. (For all devs) How are you?
    2. Regarding the 4 endings, is there a recommended order to play them?


    1. Very Normal

    2. Someone else can answer better


    11 hours ago, merrythings said:

    hi dev team !! you all are doing so so amazing , thank you so much for rejuv  : ]


    i have a few questions actually : 
    ( act 2 spoilers in tagged )


    - are any of the characters collectors ? ( if yes , what do they collect ? )


    - what music artists/songs would the characters listen to ?


    - are there any flowers that you associated with anything in rejuv ? ( the sunflower question inspired me a lil for this one ;; ) 


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    - are there any more facts you could say about the a - class or crescent from around that time ?  



    here to answer the flowers and the flowers only (just because I dont know the answers to anything else here) (i mean either jan or zumi once somewhat answered the music one on tumblr already for a few charas; in terms of genres at least.)


    Blue Dahlias in particular for Crescent's growth(tm). Pink carnations for Rune's whole thing. Cherry blossoms are VERY heavily associated w Vivian's line and all of their stories just bc, yeah. yeah. that tree..............

    Roses for Flora and Cassandra's rules- but like, the ones that mean u hate someone lmao


    10 hours ago, capedphantom said:

    hi! very silly question but who would the missing children gang main in mario kart 8 deluxe? (if they were normal mentally well people that also happened to play mario kart 8 deluxe, that is.)


    p.s. i did not make this the main focus because it's not anything super specific but it would be very appreciated if i could get any random crumbs of useless info on dylan, particia, or v (they are my favorite scrunklies ❤)


    love this game to death and all of the hard work put into it... o7


    V - Inkling or the ghost thing | Dylan - Yoshi | Patricia - Bowser or Isabelle | Ana - Peach or Waluigi

    i dont actually know what im doing (making educated guesses)


    10 hours ago, Moto said:

    Lets say I was making a mod that had an Ice/Ghost type Mega Tyranitar, what would be the best ability to give it? 🤔

    this question is for one specific person


    Wonder Guard Trust <33333 (wasn't for me but trust me im soooo good at abilities <3333333333333)


    10 hours ago, Zohnical said:

    This legit or photoshopped?IMG_2291.thumb.jpeg.50d53fb6d0212f5e1c511effe0331640.jpeg


    shop zzzzz


    9 hours ago, enderowl said:

    1. Will there be more uses for the Puppet Doubloon?

    2. Does Melia have a british accent?

    3. Will there be more ice cream flavors in the game?


    1. idk/meow

    2. I hope not

    3. I hope so. But what would they even Do is the problem </3





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    Again, only answers to things I can answer in confidence! Sorry if you didn't get answers to something you'd like to know, those are better left to be answered by other people 😔


    16 hours ago, MooneBase said:
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    Soo, I know throughout the first couple of chapters, we think our mom had died in the ship because we see her spirit (aka amethyst cave, and after you beat Narcissa) but then we learn that she is alive in Blacksteeple (but then 'dies' for real). But my question is, who is the spirit that we see? Is it the care taker from the A gang's backstory?

    Can the MC also change their powers to crazy stuff like M2?

    why did Aelita feel all woozy and stuff before we walked into Akuwa Town, I see Nim had something to do with it, but How so?



    1) It could be the spirit of caretaker Nancy, but it's also pretty safe to assume that it's an illusion created within the Rift by Rift Chandelure as the rift dex entry for it says "it holds extreme regret over not being able to protect its trainer", with Nancy's trainer class also similarly being called "lingering regret". It could also be a mix of both! It's open for your own interpretation.

    2) Theoretically?? I think they should be able to considering it's the Archetype's power that's at play with both of them.

    3) Nim's very existence drains the life energy of the people she's around (much to her own dismay of course), hence why Aelita felt woozy after being around her for a longer amount of time.


    16 hours ago, Andrew1010 said:

    Is the story still going as it was intended in the earlier versions?


    The foundational structure is still very much the same as old versions, it's just been iterated upon over and over again that it's barely recognizable as the oldest versions anymore LOL


    16 hours ago, LunarsStarsShips said:

    Alrighty! Got two questions for yall!


    Number 1!!: Favorite ship? (Can also include MCs)


    Number 2!!!: Any more LGBTQ+ characters that haven't been mentioned before? (Like Venam, Melia, and Aelita for example)


    THANKS SO MUCH!!!!! This game has always had a special place in my heart and is own of my favorite games! (It's number 1 on my favorite list and it is even above some of my favorite Pokemon Games)


    1) Martin/Kreiss! you should see the brainrot i have about those two on my twitter LMAO

    2) I did actually semi-recently put out a list about which characters have confirmed specific orientations and gender identities on tumblr, so you can check that one if you're curious about ones that hadn't been mentioned before or you didn't know about yet!


    15 hours ago, DemonicoGaming said:

    What would be the canonical age of the protagonist and everyone else? are they still minors at this point or are they adults?


    They're all either 17 or 18, as listed on the wiki! All the ages on the wiki are curated by Jan and I :)
    That being said, if I had to give specific ages for each of them— I think Axel, Alain and Aevia are 17, while Aevis, Ariana and Aero are 18. On a bonus trivia note, Ariana is straight up the older sister of Axel and they're the only characters from the A-gang to be biologically related!


    15 hours ago, Breezy64 said:

    First off: I absolutely LOVE all the changes done to the Terajuma arc. Love everything flowing together a lot better, and I appreciate being able to have Flora content earlier.

    1.) In terms of teams for gym leaders, villains, and basically everyone, what's the ratio between "We think this Pokemon fits this character the best" and "This Pokemon fits the team from a gameplay sense"? Or is that even something ya'll think of and it's just a go off of vibes type of thing?


    2.) Who are your favorites villains/antagonists in the story? And why are they both Flora and Angie in that order?

    2.1.) Who are the gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss of Rejuv. I'd like to offer forward Clear/Crescent/Flora in that order.


    3.) Is the criminal Cleffa friends with the Corsola with knives? Do they have a dark and mysterious past together?



    1) I'm pretty sure it's a mix; we do usually have one or two mons that are at the very least thematically fitting for the character (usually the ace and another mon or so), the rest is to make sure that in terms of balancing it's actually strong enough of a team (without it being overkill ofc LOL)

    2) Angie's such a fun villain imo, but I generally tend to gravitate towards unhinged characters anyways hehe. I also like Zetta and Geara bc their dynamic is funny, but Geara especially because he's fun to take the piss out of jajajaja

    • 2.1) i am inclined to agree on clear/crescent/flora

    3) Nah, I think the criminal Cleffa is a solitary force of chaos and anarchy. The Corsola with knives were trained by Bladestar to become top class assassins, they're more of an organized unit than anything else. If anything, I think those two would come to a head if they ever crossed paths.....................................


    14 hours ago, sharffffff said:

    Hey devs!

    I've got two very important questions:


    1. Which of the main cast needs a vacation the most? You can only choose one, so be careful with this choice. Only one of them gets to be relaxed and hydrated, others must keep suffering.


    2. So we all know Nim has to consume souls to survive. Do all souls "taste" the same to her, or do they have different "flavors" depending on whatever traits that human possessed in life? Or do they all just taste like nothing and get absorbed through whatever in Storm-9 is going on (this is a boring option)?


    Thank you for your time :)


    1) The funniest thing to do here is send the most relaxed character off on a holiday so the rest stays stressed, but I'm not THAT mean so imma say Alexandra. That woman needs some R&R before she snaps from stress!!!!

    2) I feel like they'd probably have some kind of flavor (or varieties thereof), but I highly doubt Nim actually genuinely enjoys the taste of it. I think the mental strain put on her by having to consume souls which she knows once belonged to actual people just ruins the whole process for her entirely, as evident by her behavior in the Pearl Route.

    14 hours ago, Aiden-Revenant said:

    I think this has happened in the past, but will existing crests be changed if their use is too niche/not very useful? Like don't get me wrong, I have tried most of the available ones and they are great, but for example to this day i still don't get the use of infernape's crest. Is it supposed to make them more deffensive starter instead of an offensive one? I mean infernape has some good support attacks, but I would still rather use it offensively than deffensively, as their types are more offensive based and has great moves and coverage both in special and physical attacks.

    Also, this is just a silly question, but will there be more events with Jolene and Volta in either already existing chapters or in E14? They both have great designs but they lack a lot of protagonism in the story, speacially jolene which seems to have great charisma but only appears in one mission, weird with her being also an E8 as Karen, Tesla, Alexandra and Dylan, who are all great.

    Finally, a praise for all the work you guys are putting on the game, and in episode 13.5. I absolutely LOVED mamans redesign and that you made Neved a more prevalent figure in the story, and I adore the new Terajuma plot and redesign.


    1) We have adjusted crests to be nerfed/buffed in the past (see: Empoleon crest), so changes are always on the table if we really feel like they're not doing much or are too overkill!

    2) Like with many other characters, it's possible that a character's time to shine might be later than others, and that's fine! Jolene's definitely not the only one on that front.


    14 hours ago, WackyToast said:

    Kind of an odd question but it has been on my mind recently
    That being if there is any particular reason behind the names that were chosen for characters in the game. Other than the more obvious type puns for Gym Leaders, I mean more so for main characters or others that don't seem to meet the previous criteria, I wondered if it was just because they sounded nice or if there's other meanings behind them.


    I remember very distinctly that Jan once answered a question very similar to this one with the answer "this character is named karen because they look like a karen". It's either the pun, or just whatever sprung to mind in his mind at that point LOL


    14 hours ago, Dedi said:

    Are there any plans to incorporate sprites of main characters emotions while they talk? Specifically like how Desolation does.


    While my heart absolutely fucking soars at the idea of having character portraits for Rejuv in a similar way (because I know for a fact I'd personally have an absolute blast working on the expressions for that), there's just so much dialogue that we'd need to go through that I think Jan and I would collectively explode if we had to do that for every single character that's gotten art and add the portraits to the events. I believe that's primarily why the characters are more animated in their overworld sprites, to make up for the lack of portraits.


    14 hours ago, SmilodonLady said:

    What characters would/wouldn't be willing to accept being treated more like a weird/unofficial sibling/cousin by the player after a certain point? Purely platonic relationships going on here, I'm not about to open that can of cursed worms.


    maybe something of an unexpected choice, but i think reina (and by extension ren too) would 100% be down to be seen as the weird cousin. Vice versa with seeing the mc as their weird cousin too, just because they're already used to having weird cousins and uncles/aunts themselves. having another unofficial cousin with the literal powers of gods is honestly not that strange in the face of the person their uncle leo becomes when he didn't get his meds or his dulce de leche cake.


    14 hours ago, Joesp said:

    Can we make fan made stuff that take place in the universe? Are head Kanons ok, if so?


    Absolutely! Go ham!


    13 hours ago, thegamemaster43 said:

    Did you ever expect this fan game to get as popular as it has? How does it feel to be working on a project a lot of people are invested in and excited to see more of? 


    And for a more fun question: what pokemon do you love that you think is underrated?


    1) I talk about this with Jan from time to time, but sometimes it definitely does still feel bizarre that the game's gotten as popular as it has (especially with the amount of fanart it's been getting lately!! jesus christ!!!!!! there's so much and i'm still in awe of it all every time i see it). It's super exciting to work on a game like this when there's so many people excited to see more though! I always get a kick out of seeing the reactions of people when they hit certain parts of the game :) Of course it does bring a good amt of pressure on the team to make sure that the quality standard is consistent with the rest, so we can't really afford to drop the ball, but I'm really not that worried about that when our team is so stinking cool and capable of so god damn much tbh. I really don't think it would've been possible to make the game this intricate without them



    13 hours ago, rose_AK_nortwood said:

    man, rejuvenation has become one of my favorite fangames and I'm excited waiting for v14 to come out but I wonder
    The first version of rejuvenation came out in 2014, it's about to turn 10 years old, they plan to do something, like a thank you post or something like that
    and also, they plan to add the 9th gen pokemons, if iron moth is already in the game, they plan to add the others or just some species


    Nothing concrete, because I'm pretty sure we'll still be in the middle of development when the anniversary hits (and also I'll personally probably be smack dab in the middle of important IRL work that always takes place around August), but maybe I'll draw something nice for it!

    And yes, Gen 9 is planned to be added— we just can't guarantee when exactly.


    11 hours ago, feliforme said:

    do you think any characters (huey and lavender aside) have traveled to or particularly enjoyed any other regions, and if so, which regions?


    also, on that note, do you think any of the characters have ever met or known any of the well-known figures of other regions (reborn region aside)?


    1) Talon would be someone who's traveled to other regions! He's an explorer/cartographer and has been mapping the places he explores to show his ill mother. He's not actually even native to Aevium himself— he's just settled there for the time as he's been studying and mentoring at Axis High, but I'd imagine he'd have visited other nearby regions, which if story implications are anything to go by, would likely be Kalos, Paldea and Galar at the very least.

    2) I feel like Saki's parents (and maybe by extension Saki/Hazuki/Thomas Sr.) might have met some people over in Sinnoh since they have a retreat in Hearthome City, but I honestly would not be able to tell you who it could've been. I think most of the people in Aevium just keep to themselves honestly considering it's such a young region that only just rebuilt itself LMAO


    11 hours ago, O_Castigado said:
    1. (For all devs) How are you?
    2. Regarding the 4 endings, is there a recommended order to play them?


    1) Good! Bit sleepy because I fell asleep late, but fine otherwise :)

    2) As of right now? I don't really think there's a recommended order for all four of them, but I do recommend finishing Renegade before Paragon, primarily due to Renegade not having any postgame to speak of whereas Paragon does.


    11 hours ago, merrythings said:

    are any of the characters collectors ? ( if yes , what do they collect ? )


    I'd think Erick collects anime figures because he's just like me fr fr that. I know Talon also draws/collects maps, and I personally like to think that Florin likes to dry and flatten samples of plants (i.e. leaves or flowers) between book pages as a hobby in his free time!


    11 hours ago, PingoPNG said:

    apart from pokemon (obviously) and i know deltarune and the mother series are referenced a few times throughout rejuv, what other series did you take inspiration from during the development of rejuvenation? i really love picking apart games and stories to find references to other media i like....


    I can at least list a couple more series as influences!

    • Zero Escape
    • AI: The Somnium Files
    • Persona
    • Xenoblade
    • DanganRonpa
    • The Legend of Zelda


    11 hours ago, Kaleax Reborn said:

    I haven't done a renegade playthrough yet, so I'm sorry if this has already been answered. I know that renegade has a lot of differences from paragon, so will future versions of the game expect the player to have seen both routes, or will it still be a complete story even if the player hasn't seen one or the other?


    You can complete one and still get an enjoyable experience out of it, but as it was in .Karma files, a lot of it will make more sense if you have additional context from the other route as well. Renegade and Paragon are two sides of the same coin and you'll only get the full picture by doing both (and if you don't feel like playing Renegade, at least watch a playthrough!!).


    9 hours ago, SwagSpooky said:

    What is the Dev teams favorite scene/battle to make.


    If we're talking cutscene CG's... The art for that one scene at River's End during the Type:Null quest. y'know :) (i promise i'm normal). Other than that I really like the CG's I did for Geara at Wispy Tower and the one for Erin in the Paragon route for .Karma files!


    8 hours ago, GaleRider said:

    What advice can you recommend to someone struggling with their own project to help them get the ball rolling? Especially with regards to some aspects they can’t do themselves?


    Aim for completing a vertical slice first, which is really just a tech demo that shows everything it needs to in one place— so polish a single map to perfection, set up a single cutscene, set up a battle, make a small handful of sprites to get started and *really* try your best to make those look the best you can get them at this point. It's also completely fine to just look at how events are set up in base Essentials or in games like Rejuvenation, Reborn or Desolation (that one especially if you wanna use portraits), or browse through the scripts to see how stuff is set up on that end (which might be interesting for you if you want to know how field effects work).

    After you've finished your vertical slice, you can choose to use it to pitch your game to others and recruit people for the areas you yourself you don't have as much expertise in to make things easier on yourself! People will be far more compelled to apply for projects that already got a solid concept/foundation to show for it than just a project that only has text on paper.


    Most importantly though, take things step by step. Take your time to learn the fundamentals first before jumping into a larger project. Look up tutorials— there's plenty of resources on coding, spriting and even composing music if you wanna do that yourself. Once you've got the basics down, everything else will come naturally! Study > Make a vertical slice > Make a demo > Make your full game is the best way to go here.


    8 hours ago, Lavamites said:

    1. Will there be more regional variants? Are there any ideas we can get a little sneak peak on?

    2. Tips for getting better at using RPG Maker XP to make a fan game? I know how to use RPG Maker, but I don't know how to use it well, or any real tips outside of the basics.


    1) It's definitely not off the table! But we won't be showing anything for now :)

    2) Honestly, just look at how other events are put together. Like I said for the previous question, it's fine to take a peek at how events are structured in other games like Rejuv/Reborn/Deso. Just gleaning stuff from those already helps a ton with learning how to approach events! (You can even copy events between projects if you wanna mess around with them in your own!)


    7 hours ago, TurtleBear said:

    So silly question that popped up as I was playing through again. But um with tesla adopting the mc that makes them and amber siblings technically right? Then in the school of nightmares we find out that Aelita and amber are cousins. So does that technically make the mc and Aelita cousins to?


    A lot of people actually bring this up, so I think it's not a silly question at all! Though I do want to debunk the pretty common misconception that the MC has already been adopted proper (if you so choose to accept the room Tesla gives you). The canonical state of things right now is that it's just an offer that Tesla has put on the table for the MC to consider once things settle down, and nothing has actually been made official or set in stone for that matter.


    It's fine to headcanon the MC to already be siblings w/ Amber and by extension cousins with Aelita if you so desire though! Just know that it's not actually the case in canon yet (because a lot of people seem to get it confused for it already being like that)


    5 hours ago, verisage said:

    Which gym leaders would be considered the most attractive by the general public of Aevium? (out of the adult gym leaders, I mean.) Or just which gym leader most popular among the Aevians if that question is a little too much.


    Not a gym leader technically but still League affiliated; Tesla is canonically a model, so I'd say she'd count for attractive! Out of the gym leaders though, I think Valarie and Talon would also fall in that category especially Talon if we talk in a more meta sense if the reactions to his reveal are anything to go by LMAO. If it's just popularity we're talking about and not attractiveness levels, I'd say Venam, Amber, Valarie and specifically GDC Adam would belong in that category due to all four of them being involved in entertainment in some shape or form (Venam and Amber are musicians, Valarie is a water show performer and Adam runs a nightclub).


    4 hours ago, SAF said:

    So... any chances for the A Gang to get their third official artworks -- this time in their Kugearen outfits? Or maybe a fourth in their Darchlight appearances? Or even a fifth in their Xenogene quest formalwears?


    i have a question for you in turn. do you want my hand to fall off


    (the answer is no, sorry LOL. it's way too much work. if i did all of that i'd have to draw 21 new pieces of art and i'm not about to do that, ESPECIALLY not for the formal wear/darchlight ones considering for how short of a time they actually show up)


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    Time for yet another incredibly lore important question that has unimaginable implications for the future of the game:


    What is Dylan's "nickname" for MC? Why wasn't it written out? WHAT DOES [####] MEAN?

    Is it something that bad or is it just a bit about him saying something inappropriate?

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    1) Will the player eventually get access to all the moves used exclusively by Gym leaders and boss trainers? Like Angie's Cold Truth?

    2) How many more regional forms and crests does the team plan on implementing into the game? (They are some of my absolute favourite features of this game)

    3) How large is the post-game planned to be? Is it planned to be relatively brief or very expansive like Pokemon Reborns?

    Also I just wanted to say Thank You for making such an absolutely horrendously good game, I have been playing since early versions and I never expected the project to become this big and amazing, really excited to see what you guys have planned for the future and I hope you take your time and take care of yourselves. Much love ❤️.

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    I am gonna take zumi's example and put the answers in a spoiler box to not have this massive block of text:

    On 5/5/2024 at 2:35 PM, Ibrex2000 said:

    1. If Rejuvenation was ever to get anime, who would you like to voice the MCs, Melia, Venam, Ren, and Aelita?. It can be Japanese dub or English dub you pick


    2. What do you think of the fanfics about the game?


    gonna skip 1. cause i am really not good with voice actor names, i do have voices i hear certain characters in when reading their dialouge but i could not sort those to voice actors if i tried

    as for 2. there is so much fancontent it's insane, and frankly go nuts

    On 5/5/2024 at 2:36 PM, GameAddict_78 said:

    On the top of Ecylsia Pyramid with the showdown with Madame X, do the Protag and Aelita just straight up start fist fighting with her? Cause I always found it more entertaining that they were just having a fist fight rather than a pokemon battle.

    the rational part of my brain wants to point out that trying to fistfight a person, whose prefered method of fighting in the pokemon world of all places seems to be swinging a sword at at you and is actively wearing armor, is probably a bad idea.
    on the other hand it's funny sooooooooooooooooo whichever the person playing that section prefers.

    On 5/5/2024 at 2:56 PM, tongconator said:

    I have 3! 1 major question and 2 minor ones (if that's okay) 


    1. (Major) I'm not sure if this has been asked, but how did rejuvenation begin? How did the game become a thing? Like did you and Jan know each other then started from there? Or did you all meet through the development? 



    2.(minor) who are your favorite characters? Whether it be for their character, design, or their story 


    3. (minor) will we see the organised criminal mastermind cleffa again? 

    1 is a jan/zumi ask so skipping that one
    2. i think i already answered this already but might aswell reiterate erin because she just is a mood, aelita because how could you ever hate her and (renegade)


    M2 cause i like her dyamic and what she adds to the renegade route experience

    3. who knows, but realistically all cleffa's are evil anyway, just look at who uses clefables in reborn and rejuvenation

    On 5/5/2024 at 3:03 PM, BongoCat said:

    Will u Guys add a Battle Frontier Style Endgame Mode or any cool Endgame Modes planned?


    this is firmly in asking about future content, so I cannot answer that.

    On 5/5/2024 at 3:26 PM, 2tousent said:

    1: Any Aevian forms that the devs feel overperformed or underperformed? Wether it be in terms of balance, or just overall popularity (i'm pretty sure some of them are more popular than others)

    honestly there a couple overperformers, aevian volcarono has been mentioned although i don't think that one overperformed so much as it was the expected outcome really it is a volcarona at the end of the day
    aevian gyarados has some ludicrous amounts of coverage so that things is also silly
    aevian parasect is in this weird spot where it's entirely carried by its gimmick ability, which makes it broken, but without it would be mediocre at best and lose its identity
    honorable mentions to aevian lapras with its cheesy sing dragon dance no guard combo
    underperformers: definetly aevian bronzong, the aevian palossands aswell (although i have seen fire palossand used in some ridicolous stall strats)

    On 5/5/2024 at 4:56 PM, Lung Stealer said:

    When making crests, what's generally the idea?
    Like on a scale of "This crest will be a balanced buff for __ so it should be added" to "This crest would be really cool so it should be added" where does the team fall? Obviously it varies, but is there a general stance on this?

    it depends!
    most time it starts with the mon and design idea's around that so section A
    but sometimes a cool idea is so cool it just kinda happens say zoroark, and azery and myself have heavily regretted making a crest that interacts with illusion ever since, but the idea is cool!
    so mostly try to be balanced but the funnier the idea the more imbalanced the crests can get

    okay fine gonna post so far, i had more answered but forum ate it
    so be back in a few minutes or something

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    So a lore questions
    Does other interceptors, such as: V, Spacea, Tiempa and Crescent actually have an ability to access Zeight without obelisk
    Also, does stars in New Game chess really symbolise Interceptors ?

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    Hi dev team, can't really think of an actual lore question or anything, at least not one that i could get an answer to (god knows we've done enough discussion in the community discord about that crescent situation in act 1 :')) but i was wondering... what are gourmet treats? are they like pokemon treats? sweets? biscuits? basically is Nim eating actual human food or is this another nimoment.

    also thanks for making such an amazing game, i couldn't bring myself to step away from it's community if i wanted to, even months after my last full run

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    Which Aevian form do you guys think is the best and why is Aevian Volcarona so OP?

    I also really hope my boi Deagan gets some art later on.

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    To lazy to find my original comment and feel like having fun s now. But what's the adoption process like in aevium? And feel free to ignore this part but will there be a post game quest to go through said steps of adoption... (mostly kidding about the post game one)

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    On 5/5/2024 at 4:59 PM, wingdings said:

    Here's a weird one that I don't think anyone has asked: What are your favorite and least favorite field conditions in Rejuvenation? Personally i'm an enjoyer of City and Concert Field-- you guys cooked with those-- and hate that goddamn fucking swamp

    Alternatively, what are your favorite/least favorite specific battles? Either from a design point of view (designing cool fights is fun) or to actually play.

    Also, without getting into spoilers, what characters are you most excited for in terms of future content/development (besides the obvious like Melia and other main characters, if possible)?

    Unbelievable work on the game from ALL OF YOU by the way. Rejuvenation is a triumph of hard work and creative drive, and it means a great deal to me to see a game of this caliber exist for a franchise I love very dearly, even (especially) in an unofficial capacity. So thank you :)

    Okay the forum has ate my typed out answer to this 4 times by now so let's just only get this one out of the way

    obvious answer first
    mirror arena is one of my least favorite fields, i simply do not like pokemon evasion mechanics, i do realize E19 reborn made this field better, but my view of it will forever remain tainted
    okay now for the hotter takes:
    i don't really like concert as it is right now, form a design point of view, it just ended up being in a very weird spot, where it needs to work as a first gym leader field (a pretty big ask for a stage field cause first gym leader fields are best if they are a bit more simple) but also work as a interesting multi stage field. concert stages were also supposed to be more volatile, shifting up and down very easily, and up it does that but not down, meaning in most battles it gets to stage 4 and stays there,

    favorite fields:
    glitch: i like how this turns the entire game on it's head usually
    swamp: the speeddrops give the battles a suprisingly different dynamic that one can play around or abuse
    deep earth: just great fun to play around with, definetly my favorite of the new fields

    as for future characters, i cannot really answer that, most devs don't really know where the story is going either (besides jan and zumi) so i cannot really speak to this as the question intended
    so i am just gonna say that i personally am looking forward (in the same sense as a non dev, cause i actually don't know) to finding out what madame X's and Indriad's deals are the whys and hows to their goals

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    Here is a few I think nobody will ask and I seem to be the only person bugged by them among my friends 




    1.What happened to the Dark stone Madame X stole from Celine? Does she just have Zekrom in her backpocket right beside the Yveltal?


    2.were does Rejuvenation fall into the "Reborniverse" timeline? We know it's after Reborn from cameos in the game but is it before or after Desolation?


    3.In the event that Crescent or the MC die again, does one die with the other?


    Is our last life shared with hers?



    Ok ok I'm kidding 


    What's the deal with the house you get sent to when you lose a battle? Is it a Melias "Inner workings" situation? Does the A gang just party in there for eternity and you are not invited? Is the Venam soul hotel joke CANON?


    And lastly 5.


    If Madame X can Thanossnap any member of Team Xen at any given time then what purpose do X grunts serve?

    Are they like the Inquisitors from Star Wars and just hunt them because she couldn't be bothered to do it herself?



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    Will you make a bonus meme chapter for the choice of your character leaving Aevium at the start of the game and how their life goes if they escape Rejuv story.

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    On 5/5/2024 at 5:05 PM, Lunartone said:

    As someone who enjoys writing dialogue, which characters do you like writing dialogue for? (and if you want to answer, which characters are harder to write dialogue for) 

    mr. luck is funny to write for in the rare occasion that i as a coder even write dialogue (usually only single sentances)


    On 5/5/2024 at 6:10 PM, FernStoleMyBike said:

    Was this QnA a good idea?

    the monkey's paw curls, the forum is trying it's hardest to make me not want to answer by having to write them out 4 times

    On 5/5/2024 at 7:23 PM, nhehvnukl said:

    Any particular reason why the Madame X appearance during the "mc gets teleported to Xen's base" segment was removed?


    Also, love the game😃

    she was simply never intended to be there in the first place, she was just visible early for a later xen lounge event and shouldn't have been
    That being said i did find it funny while she was there kinda imagined her watching her executives run around chasing someone and thinking "what are these idiots doing?"


    23 hours ago, Breezy64 said:

    First off: I absolutely LOVE all the changes done to the Terajuma arc. Love everything flowing together a lot better, and I appreciate being able to have Flora content earlier.

    1.) In terms of teams for gym leaders, villains, and basically everyone, what's the ratio between "We think this Pokemon fits this character the best" and "This Pokemon fits the team from a gameplay sense"? Or is that even something ya'll think of and it's just a go off of vibes type of thing?


    2.) Who are your favorites villains/antagonists in the story? And why are they both Flora and Angie in that order?

    2.1.) Who are the gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss of Rejuv. I'd like to offer forward Clear/Crescent/Flora in that order.


    3.) Is the criminal Cleffa friends with the Corsola with knives? Do they have a dark and mysterious past together?


    It's usually weighted toward what mon fits the character more, and then how to make them work in a particular battle second, there may be the rare exceptions but that's usually how it goes, but even in that order one can usually find some pretty mean setups for battles so it's not terribly limiting for balancing (atleast thats what it seems to me, azery, and alex can probably talk more about that from the balance side)

    2.1) may i offer cassandra for either gatekeep or girlboss? (in both cases replacing crescent, and flora shifting to the open spot) clear is gaslight 100% there is no contest

    3) they are actually rival gangs, the corsola picked up knives to fight it


    22 hours ago, ant682 said:

    1: Are any new aevian forms being made (love the ones we have)

    2: Aside from implementing gen 9 are you planning on revisiting early game

    3: What part of the game did you find hardest to test

    1) it's certainly on the table, i cannot speak beyond that
    3) maybe not part but i suffer immensely everytime i see a landsurf spot that was missed, cause these things will not calm down


    22 hours ago, sharffffff said:

    Hey devs!

    I've got two very important questions:


    1. Which of the main cast needs a vacation the most? You can only choose one, so be careful with this choice. Only one of them gets to be relaxed and hydrated, others must keep suffering.


    2. So we all know Nim has to consume souls to survive. Do all souls "taste" the same to her, or do they have different "flavors" depending on whatever traits that human possessed in life? Or do they all just taste like nothing and get absorbed through whatever in Storm-9 is going on (this is a boring option)?


    Thank you for your time :)

    1) melia is an obvious option but she also had 3 more years than the rest of the cast to cope, which makes it either better or worse, depending on how you look at it
    erin has had her life uprooted, she seems to be dealing with it decently well
    honestly i'd go with aelita, she doesn't really show it but poor girl has been through a lot in the span of 6 months including the death of her father, electroshock torture, multiple revelations about her origin that are kinda messed up, being written out of history once, and more

    2) i mean ig they would taste like something, if nim has taste for something spicy (in the literal sense) then maybe try geara, all that anger i feel would translate as spicy (although ig there is less anger these days)


    22 hours ago, Aiden-Revenant said:

    I think this has happened in the past, but will existing crests be changed if their use is too niche/not very useful? Like don't get me wrong, I have tried most of the available ones and they are great, but for example to this day i still don't get the use of infernape's crest. Is it supposed to make them more deffensive starter instead of an offensive one? I mean infernape has some good support attacks, but I would still rather use it offensively than deffensively, as their types are more offensive based and has great moves and coverage both in special and physical attacks.

    Also, this is just a silly question, but will there be more events with Jolene and Volta in either already existing chapters or in E14? They both have great designs but they lack a lot of protagonism in the story, speacially jolene which seems to have great charisma but only appears in one mission, weird with her being also an E8 as Karen, Tesla, Alexandra and Dylan, who are all great.

    Finally, a praise for all the work you guys are putting on the game, and in episode 13.5. I absolutely LOVED mamans redesign and that you made Neved a more prevalent figure in the story, and I adore the new Terajuma plot and redesign.

    i mean we have changed crests before due to balance reasons both ways, sometimes changing their entire effect (i think fearow changed like multiple times) so crests may change if we think they are not good enough
    that being said i disagree with infernape here, the goal of the crest was never to strengthen infernape's strong points cause those are already very good, it was to open up a different avenue of play
    fire is actually a suprisingly good defensive type that rarely gets to be that due to fire pokemon being mostly offensively minded, and as you said infernape has a pretty good support pool it doesn't usually get to use
    and that's where the crest comes in, now if you prefer offensive infernape, then yes the crest isn't really for you
    but others may in fact appreciate the different playstyle
    as for volta and jolene, i sadly cannot answer that one, since it is about future content, but jolene being on the E8, is basically guaranteed to show up in the future, I think i can say without it being spoilers at all.


    20 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

    Hi, thank you for doing this again!


    1) Eizen?

    2) Do you have any advice for someone that does not have the heart to play their own Renegade save file but wants to know what the hype is about it? Asking for a friend.

    3) Would Eizen go ballistic if he found out about the concept of interceptors? (If he, at any point of the game did, I probably didn't see that yet/can't recall?)

    4) If Eizen took one of those "what Pokemon am I" quizzes, which one would he be? (My guess is

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    Terapagos. Estranged blue timeline Pokemon for the win :)




    1) Eizen!
    2) kinda depends on what the issue is
    in most cases i have seen of people not wanting to play renegade, they have issue with being mean to the characters, to which i have found it's not necessary at all to be mean to even the main characters (the ones that give renegade points by being on bad terms with) with the "correct" main story choices you can get to renegade route while melia and co even love you (some may consider this worse)
    3) considering how he pops up in the weirdest spots, i am not sure that he isn't already aware, this mean lives in the walls of your home, rent free
    4) honestly a good option, i don't really have a better idea (hahah missigno)

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    I wanted to ask a question about mod writing, if someone wanted to make a mod that uses in game characters but not major story ones, what would be the rules around what they can do?

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    22 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

    Hi, thank you for doing this again!


    1) Eizen?

    2) Do you have any advice for someone that does not have the heart to play their own Renegade save file but wants to know what the hype is about it? Asking for a friend.

    3) Would Eizen go ballistic if he found out about the concept of interceptors? (If he, at any point of the game did, I probably didn't see that yet/can't recall?)

    4) If Eizen took one of those "what Pokemon am I" quizzes, which one would he be? (My guess is

      Reveal hidden contents

    Terapagos. Estranged blue timeline Pokemon for the win :)







    1) yes.

    2) watch dred's playthrough of it!

    3) i think he'd very much be intrigued if the response at river's end about the player knowing things they realistically shouldn't is anything to go by LOL

    4) that's a pretty good one! i think he'd be hard to categorize though LMAO. porygon z or something would also work i think

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    1. Will future episodes have Gen 9 Pokemon in them?


    2. Do you need to complete both the Paragon and Renegade routes to get the full story?


    3. What will you all do after Rejuv is complete?


    4. What Crest is your favorites that you've designed?


    5. Eizen?

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    Loved the game and going to be starting a Renegade Mono-rock run (Keta is going to be painful) got a few questions for all:

    1) What is your favorite starter pick and why?

    2) What is your favorite Avian form, or what Pokemon do you want to have an Avian form (Mine is Amperous!)

    3) Any plans to rebalance some of the weaker starters?

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    Hi!! Thanks for all of your hard work and for feeding the ducks. So this is a very silly question but I literally just remembered this happening and I wanted to know if that was a real memory or if it was worm brain. The short version is, were Adam and Dylan supposed to be a thing in a previous version? Or am I making it up


    Long version incoming: Idk why I remember this, but I recall Adam saying something about finding "suave manly tones" (the real thing was longer and more specific) being attractive in V12 maybe? And then later in GDC, Dylan is threatening MC to not tell Jenny about him, and he's like "my suave manly tones might make me seem nice, but if you tell Jenny about this you'll be sorry" or something like that. The real phrase they used was longer and more descriptive, but it was just so specific that it seemed like too much of a coincidence to have been used twice like that, so I took it as kind of a little easter egg kinda thing. Obvs with like Sam and Odessa's sister it wouldn't make too much sense anymore, but on the off chance it was real I thought it would be a fun ask! Thanks so much again!!

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    Aevian forms are pretty preposterously powerful on average (No Guard Sing Lapras, Galvanize Boomburst Toxtricity, Multiscale Gyarados, Volcarona in general, Parasect's whole thing, etc...); was this intentional, or did the people responsible for balancing them just do whatever they thought was cool and say screw the consequences? ;P

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    Hi Devs. I think my big question is I was wondering what does Amber's spotify playlist look like? Like, Who would she listen to, what kind of artists inspire her? That kinda thing. Personally, I was thinking bands like Muse or Santana but im curious as to what the staff's opinion is.

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    (For all devs)


    1. What's the strangest/funniest hypothesis you've seen about 13.5 and the story so far?


    2. Have you been eating/sleeping properly? ^_^


    (For Crim and Zumi)


    how TF were you able to balance Reborn zine work with Rejuv dev work (laughs like Eizen)

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    1. Do you intend to give Saki a Tinkaton in the future?
    2. Are the space hags still alive in the Paragon Route?
    3. Are we potentially getting more cameos and/or story elements with characters from the other two games?


    Did you base this particular Arceus off of Zanza?

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    Hello hello!


    This might sound like a bit of a weird one, but...what, exactly, is the hierarchy of Team Xen? As, while it's clear that Madame X is at the top and generic Xen grunts are at the bottom, what is the in-between? Are Mages on the same level as Executives? Are Deathwings between Executives and Admins? Are there actual differences between Executives (Zetta, Geara etc.) and Admins (Cassandra, presumably Nastasia)?

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    Thanks for taking our questions, I have four that hopefully aren't too spoilery in regards to Kieran and Clear if that's alright?

    1. Will Kieran ever realise that he's allowed a team of 6?

    2. Has Clear ever thought to quit being 'evil' and start up her own business?

    3. When they impersonate others(Jean/Xara/Risa/Aelita etc), do they dress up and act the part, transform visually using their visors or some other piece of tech, or is it an illusion using Clear's Beheeyem(I'm assuming this is the case with Aelita in the Axis Hidden Lab)?

    4. What is the functionality of their visors? I'm assuming it's more than just an aesthetic choice since 


    they seems to be able to teleport with them in the Renegade route, and I'm guessing Clear pulls up her 'business' statistics on it like in the Land of Broken Dreams.

    Also what does it look like from their perspective? Is it just a red tint, AR like an Apple Vision Pro, or something more complex?

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    Hi! I'm a huge fan of the game. I've been playing it since the first versions. First of all, you have done a great job polishing the game. I love the art, the story, the aevian pokemon etc.

    Thank you all so much for giving us such a polished and well-made game! ❤️


    So, question number one..


    1.Will the protagonist always have so many souls inside his/her body?


    2. What will happen to Melia? Is she going to have a happy ending? 


    3. Is Madame X someone from a parallel timeline?


    4. Which pokemon are the most requested to have aevian forms?


    5. Is someone of the main cast going to die in the end?






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    On 5/6/2024 at 1:31 AM, Moto said:

    Lets say I was making a mod that had an Ice/Ghost type Mega Tyranitar, what would be the best ability to give it? 🤔

    this question is for one specific person

    what a strange question, as everyone that has ever looked at a ttar knows, the main thing a ttar needs is definetly more bulk, so you give it ice scales, or even filter
    best to put this particular ttar on frozen dimensional aswell,
    the old kind, that still halved fire


    On 5/6/2024 at 3:02 AM, Fiwam said:

    When you agree to help K/C and officially join renegade, does something physically happen that changes the MC slightly? The effect seems immediate with the new interceptium-Z and the A-gang not vouching for MC when Crescent tries to attack shortly after, even Venam/Amber comment on how aggressive out fighting style was vs the Azelf... Maybe this MC had this mindsight from the start and the "deal" just pushed them to become more honest about it???

    it's sort of like that


    the a-gang not vouching for you regarding crescent is kind of natural, as they do know what you are doing so they would know your deal with Kieran and Clear
    the Interceptium-Z is kind of reflective of the Interceptor's mindset, so for someone that has accepted kieran and clear's deal you of course would get a more destructive spin on the interceptors powers
    (it's no accident that elysian shield is heavily protective, while cythonic malady even though it also reduces the damage you take, does so by actively weakening your opponent heavily)
    But it's kind of the point that a renegade Player Character definetly has more of the appropriate outlook to fit with Renegade for one reason or another, as Clear and Kieran only approach them for this if they think they would accept, this is why the things that give points towards renegade route are generally either ruthless (letting karrina kill karen for example), apathic towards other people's issues (having low positive karma by not helping people) or demonstrating that they don't particularly care about their supposed friends (the negative relationship points with various key characters)
    as kieran and clear put it, you are only getting the team up offer because either you clearly don't want to save the world, or you are just really bad at it


    On 5/6/2024 at 7:17 AM, verisage said:

    Which gym leaders would be considered the most attractive by the general public of Aevium? (out of the adult gym leaders, I mean.) Or just which gym leader most popular among the Aevians if that question is a little too much.

    out of just the (adult) gym leaders, valarie for the women, for the men it would be a matter of taste
    given certain reactions of the fan base talon would be up there, martin would be up there for those that prefer the beardy muscly kind
    if we included the known E8 members then tesla being a model would definetly take the cake for the women

    popularity would put amber in the race as a musician, venam aswell


    On 5/6/2024 at 7:45 AM, bloo123 said:

    what shadow pokemon have under/overperformed? any underrated sleeperpicks? were there any interesting ones that got scrapped in development? any plans to give trainer's pokemons shadow moves or is that purely for the benefit of the player (would be funny to fight xen grunts/mages/admins with purified shadow mons/move)?

    now here is an interesting ask cause shadow's often fall under the rader even with us, let me think about that one
    well an overperformer that was cut back down to size during testing was shadow pidove, in addition to dual wing beat it still has, it also had victory dance, that thing was mildly insane
    i have seen some hilarious things of shadow lurantis,
    and one of the the shadow movesets i definetly love in theory that i don't believe i have seen too much off (which i can be entirely wrong on, i haven't looked at playthroughs in the community to much recently)
    is shadow manectric which gets mat block and frost breath

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    ok so will torchic be finally added in the upcoming version ? ( as in like an event pokemon )

    and will you be giving starter pokemons  aevian forms too ?

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    Thank you so much for opening up the floor for questions! I know it takes a lot of time and energy. 13.5 has been my favorite update by FAR and I am so hype for the end of Act 2 next release!! Thank you for everything you do ❤️


    1. What characters/in-game scenes would you like to see more fanart for? (asking for a friend hehe)
    2. Are there any plans to update WLL in the future (not a demand, no pressure at all, I am just curious!)? Not necessarily mechanically, but even just character-wise. I recently replayed it for the first time in several years and noticed that Clear seems to act a bit more outspoken, cruel, and unhinged when compared with her dialogue and actions in the recent updates of the main game. Has her personality/character changed over time? Or am I maybe just seeing something that isn't really there? [hah]
    3. I've seen a lot of allusions to Greek mythology throughout Rejuv (cursed house of [Talon] Atreides, Eriena -> Erinyes/Furies, the "Underworld" [coolest take on this EVER btw], Delpha -> Delphi, etc.). Are there others I have missed, or are there potentially references to other mythologies that you particularly enjoy? 
    4. Most annoying/common misconceptions/misinterpretations about anything in the game?
    5. If you can answer this, are there any consequences planned for destroying the panel in the Underground sanctuary, or was this more an interesting moral quandary to test? It took me FOREVER to make a decision there--amazing job! 
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    Holds Rejuv gently, like bamhurger...


    First of all, y'all are awesome and do amazing work. You're so loved and appreciated and I cant wait till v14 to start all of this over again XD.
    Secondly, a few silly (and not so silly) questions:

    [1]. As there are many forms of the protag, each later revealed to be individuals - what is each dev's favorite protag?
    [2]. Of the protag forms, which is most likely to beat Madame X with a metal bat?
    [3]. We have Spacea and Tiempa, will we get to see an incarnation of Giratina too (If we haven't already)?
    [4]. Lastly, what's a character that you all would like to implement a secret fight for? (Truck Guy OWO?)

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    1 hour ago, Skarot said:

    Holds Rejuv gently, like bamhurger...


    First of all, y'all are awesome and do amazing work. You're so loved and appreciated and I cant wait till v14 to start all of this over again XD.
    Secondly, a few silly (and not so silly) questions:

    [1]. As there are many forms of the protag, each later revealed to be individuals - what is each dev's favorite protag?
    [2]. Of the protag forms, which is most likely to beat Madame X with a metal bat?
    [3]. We have Spacea and Tiempa, will we get to see an incarnation of Giratina too (If we haven't already)?
    [4]. Lastly, what's a character that you all would like to implement a secret fight for? (Truck Guy OWO?)


    just to answer number 3, we know the giratina we see along the way is griselda

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    Just a some simple question

    1. do you guys plan to change existing pokemon in anyway like adding a secondary type, changing stats, or changing movepools?


    2. do you plan to add other unique battle items like crests in the future?


    3. whats the thought processs behind what pokemon you guys choose to have a aevian form?


    4. haxorus mega when?

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    Hoo boy this is gonna be a long one, so I'll just post it all in a big spoiler tag to avoid making several screens worth of post. There will not be any more spoiler tags within so consider yourselves warned on that note. Also if I didn't answer then it's likely because I simply don't have an answer or the other devs would have a more informed answer (or they've already been answered)


    On 5/5/2024 at 1:45 PM, RJPS1000 said:

    out of all the characters in rejuvenation which are each of yours favoruite's in terms of overall character?


    This might be a bit of a giveaway considering my pfp but Crescent has always been my favorite character in Rejuv ever since I discovered it back in V5 (not that the game was very long at the time, it ended after Valarie's gym battle). 

    At the start because of her mysterious character since she was definitely the type who knew a lot more than she let on, an archetype that has always resonated with me. Then after she was given a proper backstory she just became even more of a favorite.

    Amber is a close second though, she is incredibly sweet and if any harm should befall her I would go to war.


    On 5/5/2024 at 1:47 PM, RaeNoceda said:

    What has been each of y'all's favorite part of the game to work on?


    Now my job has for the largest part usually been playtesting and fixing what minor event-based issues I could throughout the entire game as I did my playthroughs, so I haven't done much in the way of actually *creating* the game.

    However the part I spent the most time fixing which in turn taught me a lot more about RMXP is the Regirock quest, so that part has a special place in my heart.
    Also of course just playing through the game from the start for the nth time every time we're internal testing a new version.


    On 5/5/2024 at 2:16 PM, AxelRod45 said:

    For a more genuine question: how excited are you guys for working on Rejuv post-V14, with the end of this incredible story in sight?


    Dumb question for everyone/anyone not named Jan: On a scale of 0-11, how comically evil has Jan been acting during development overall?


    So for the longest while, Jan and Zumi wouldn't even clue the rest of us in on what would happen in V14, so we've all been shaking in our boots the last few years. Knowing a bit more now I'm very excited to keep working on the game well into post-V14 and beyond (though I've always been excited to be here)

    Going into how evil Jan (and by extension Zumi) are, we have this little channel in the dev discord since only they know the full scope of the story. That should give you a decent idea lmao



    On 5/5/2024 at 3:04 PM, kaiciu_creates said:

    I have a couple of questions (if that's alright)


    Will terrestrialization ever be a thing in the game? Balancing it would seem like a nightmare with Field Effects, Megas, and Z moves.


    What are your favorite MC Kugerean designs?


    and what's your favorite chapter?


    Crystal Pokemon go brrrr (into the bin, lol no)


    I'm heavily biased toward Aevia as she's always been my favorite MC with Alain coming in at a close second. But I'm gonna have to go with Aevia for this one.


    Not me not actually remembering where each chapter starts and ends and instead categorizes content based on which version it came with, *insert behehe emote*.

    My favorte part of the main story atm is probably V13, specifically the Platinum route and the School of Nightmares. God I love the entire climax part of that mini-arc.


    On 5/5/2024 at 4:59 PM, wingdings said:

    Here's a weird one that I don't think anyone has asked: What are your favorite and least favorite field conditions in Rejuvenation? Personally i'm an enjoyer of City and Concert Field-- you guys cooked with those-- and hate that goddamn fucking swamp

    Alternatively, what are your favorite/least favorite specific battles? Either from a design point of view (designing cool fights is fun) or to actually play.

    Also, without getting into spoilers, what characters are you most excited for in terms of future content/development (besides the obvious like Melia and other main characters, if possible)?

    Unbelievable work on the game from ALL OF YOU by the way. Rejuvenation is a triumph of hard work and creative drive, and it means a great deal to me to see a game of this caliber exist for a franchise I love very dearly, even (especially) in an unofficial capacity. So thank you :)


    So we had a bit of a funny conversation in the dev discord regarding this question, specifically with the other devs berating the Mirror field, example below.


    Personally I've never really disliked mirror field at all, so just for the sake of that I'm gonna name it as my favorite (in reality I've never really given much thought to my favorite field so I can't decide on a specific one)


    Least liked field isn't because I outright dislike the field per se but because it goes kinda hand in hand with the 2nd question. I'm gonna come out and admit right away that I have *never* beaten Adam on reverse field the legit way, so that's a bit of a sore spot for me. Other non-specific fights that I'm not really a fan of involves any and every major fight that plays around Trick Room *insert another behehe* god I do not like that move haha


    Favorite fight is another hard one but I think I'm gonna go with the Crescent battle from Paragon route of .Karma Files, that one just sat right with me for several reasons.


    The character I'm most looking forward to seeing where he ends up is Truck Guy, though arguably he is as much of a main character as the rest of the squad in my opinion. My wish is that he develops a major shipping conglomerate that eventually ends up with monopoly on the shipping business worldwide.


    And thank you too :3

    On 5/5/2024 at 9:33 PM, sharffffff said:

    Hey devs!

    I've got two very important questions:


    1. Which of the main cast needs a vacation the most? You can only choose one, so be careful with this choice. Only one of them gets to be relaxed and hydrated, others must keep suffering.


    2. So we all know Nim has to consume souls to survive. Do all souls "taste" the same to her, or do they have different "flavors" depending on whatever traits that human possessed in life? Or do they all just taste like nothing and get absorbed through whatever in Storm-9 is going on (this is a boring option)?


    Thank you for your time :)


    Personally I think Aelita could use one, she's been needing a break for the better part of 3 lifetimes so she deserves it more than the rest 😤

    And I'd like to think that souls in general have a sweet sugary taste, don't ask me why though because I wouldn't be able to tell you. (This is by no means a serious reply so please don't consider it as such)


    On 5/6/2024 at 7:17 AM, verisage said:

    Which gym leaders would be considered the most attractive by the general public of Aevium? (out of the adult gym leaders, I mean.) Or just which gym leader most popular among the Aevians if that question is a little too much.


    Given the fanbase's response when Zumi posted the first official artpiece of Talon, I don't see any reason to believe that the population of Aevium would be any different if I'm gonna be real lmao

     Again sorry if I didn't answer yours as they were either already asked or just outside of my area of work or something someone else could answer better (I still haven't played Renegade cuz :(((((( )

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    I have a couple of questions regarding relationships and their current standings that have gone unexplored, at least so far, in the story (If I overlooked/forgotten about something then my B!)


    1. What are Alexandra's feelings on Nim and Venam atm? Alex was originally Nim's only friend when everyone else was against her and Nim eventually thanks her by turning one of her employees intro stone out of malice. I know Venam's upset with Nim but I don't think Alex was given an opportunity to express disappointment, frustration, or guilt over the consequences of her choices and for someone who she had faith in. Has Nim's actions affected the relationship between Venam and Alex in anyway?


    2.In relation to Nim, what are Saki/Val/Adam's feeling on missing out on the final battle of Terajuma and do they resent Crescent for robbing them the opportunity to save their friends and for indirectly exposing them to Clear? I loved Crescent's character development in .Karma files but I felt there was more room to explore the consequences of some of her actions and how she hurt some of the people close to the MC (Jenner portal yonking/Sharon push/Nancy disrespect), including the MC themselves. Do you feel Crescent's actions on Mt. Valor (attempting to kill Sharon/removing Saki, Val, & Adam from the team) played a role in the MC getting killed for the 1st time, and on a score of 1 to 10 what would you rate Crescent's ability to be a "guardian angel" for the MC.



    2.1 During the .Karma files, Crescent reflects on her actions and behavior, especially regarding lying to Ren, and even reunites Zetta and Melia at the end of 13.5, but one thing that has yet to be brought up was Crescent yonking Jenner and abandoning him in the alternate dimension. Does Melia know what Crescent did to her father or is this something Crescent gonna have to come clean with? How would Melia react to the news?


    3. How much of Terajuma Crescent was the real her vs Clear Crescent?


    Thank you guy's so much for this awesome game! I've been around since 2019 and it's been giving me brain worms ever since. Looking forward to V14!

    Edited by DinosaurDude25
    Got some important Crescent facts wrong. Lol
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    10 hours ago, Falirion said:

    well an overperformer that was cut back down to size during testing was shadow pidove, 

    Well, it does evolve into a POWERFUL Staraptor.

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    7 minutes ago, DinosaurDude25 said:

    I have a couple of questions regarding relationships and their current standings that have gone unexplored, at least so far, in the story (If I overlooked/forgotten about something then my B!)


    1. What are Alexandra's feelings on Nim and Venam atm? Alex was originally Nim's only friend when everyone else was against her and Nim eventually thanks her by turning one of her employees intro stone out of malice. I know Venam's upset with Nim but I don't think Alex was given an opportunity to express disappointment, frustration, or guilt over the consequences of her choices and for someone who she had faith in. Has Nim's actions affected the relationship between Venam and Alex in anyway?


    2.In relation to Nim, what are Saki/Val/Adam's feeling on missing out on the final battle of Terajuma and do they resent Crescent for robbing them the opportunity to save their friends and for indirectly exposing them to Clear? I loved Crescent's character development in .Karma files but I felt there was more room to explore the consequences of some of her actions and how she hurt some of the people close to the MC (Jenner portal yonking/Sharon push/Nancy disrespect), including the MC themselves. Do you feel Crescent's actions on Mt. Valor (attempting to kill Sharon/removing Saki, Val, & Adam from the team) played a role in the MC getting killed for the 1st time, and on a score of 1 to 10 what would you rate Crescent's ability to be a "guardian angel" for the MC.


    Thank you guy's so much for this awesome game! I've been around since 2019 and it's been giving me brain worms ever since. Looking forward to V14!


    not devs but just a little tidbit for 2: the "crescent" at valor cliffside that pushed sharon and fights saki/val/adam is actually Clear

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    23 minutes ago, glitchedcat said:


    not devs but just a little tidbit for 2: the "crescent" at valor cliffside that pushed sharon and fights saki/val/adam is actually Clear

    Crap I forgot about that. Imma have to edit my question. That makes a lot of sense then. I remember Venam asking "Why did you lie to Nim?" and not ask "Why did you yonk our friends?" Thanks for the reminder!

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    Hi, i only have two really silly question

    1- i always wonderer why venam's mega isn't a poison type? 

    2- the battle mecanic against Palkia and Dialga it's awesome. Do you plan on add similar battles situations for Drift pokemon ?

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    Firstly, I want to express my excitement for the development of v14. I've been eagerly anticipating this release, and I'm particularly intrigued by the upcoming raid at Xen HQ.


    I have a couple of questions:

    • Apart from the new content in the Xen HQ raid, are there any plans to revise other parts of the story, similar to what was done for the Terajuma saga?
    • Is it possible to access ALL of the game's soundtracks in the audio folder? I've been searching for the source file for the soundtrack of the battle with Nancy before the Rift Chandelure.
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    13 minutes ago, B3r1itz said:

    Is it possible to access ALL of the game's soundtracks in the audio folder? I've been searching for the source file for the soundtrack of the battle with Nancy before the Rift Chandelure.

    Not a dev but sometimes tracks are manipulated in-engine, a famous example of this being the theme that plays in one of the Elite Four rooms in Reborn's postgame. That's probably the case here.

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    5 hours ago, Djiini said:

    Not a dev but sometimes tracks are manipulated in-engine, a famous example of this being the theme that plays in one of the Elite Four rooms in Reborn's postgame. That's probably the case here.


    In Rejuvenation specifically, unless this has changed in 13.5 and I just haven't reached it yet, the Rift Gyarados map had some map-level effect that reduced the pitch on it all playing BGM no matter what it was.


    1) Is Aevium part of Poke-Europe? I recall something about it being close to Kalos or to Galar or something, I somehow got the idea it'd be near Iceland... which could mean Miera was literally, geographically, at Chernobyl.

    2) 13.5's art direction looks tight, everything just seems to fit together so much better colour wise, it has this unique visual tone. Was that a huge amount of focused work or did it sort of just naturally happen?

    3) We know Jan is The Writer, but how does it work? Is there like a script people paste into RMXP events?

    3a) On that note, who writes or comes up with some of the really cool stuff we see like the Ch.12 pan from one floor of the ship to the other, or the camera moves for the Erin/Kanon ice fight? Or is Jan personally eventing half of these into RMXP?

    4) Who snuck all those TWEWY references into the game? I kept doing this.

    5) M2

    6) How many unused/beta versions of custom tracks are there that we haven't heard? For example - Eizen's theme has this great, perfect melody that just fits, and I wonder if it's just popping in fully formed like magic or if its a struggle of constantly iterating different melodies/mixes, and a long paper trail of beta themes that we didn't hear that just never quite worked. (For me I feel like I kind of oscillate between either just nailing it the first time or in permanent "no the mix isn't quite right" hell.)

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    Is the game programmed with Set mode in mind, rather than Shift mode, or vice versa?


    Furthermore, would you generally  recommend maximizing the  EVs in two stats or spreading them out more evenly (for those of us who stick with the same team or two from start to finish)?

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    Will Xenogene have a continuation in the future, or will it be a one time thing? I noticed that Ren kept thinking that some things with the script sounded "familiar", is there a reason why?


    Which protags is everyone's favorite? Personally I really love Aevis' redesign! I am fond of Aevia too (her alt outfit/hairdo is realllly good)


    For ng+ if you decide to input the puppet master's passcodes, what's the in-game explanation for dream Delpha if you choose to catch her? Is she just a clone, a paradox, or just something not to think too deeply into and it's just there for shits n giggles? (also can i just say, i absolutely love Delpha's design? I wish this was what delphox ended up being sooo bad)


    ALSO. I gotta know. was M2 blowing up Valor mountain just jan taking their frustration out on the mountain itself because it feels very pointed and after just going through it again i must agree and even say blow it up again?


    also will we ever get official art of-- [THIS USER HAS DISAPPEARED UNDER MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES]

    Edited by MoonPaw
    Added one more question (sorry!!)
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    1. When will you guys plan on adding choice items? Surely it will be soon because some of the mons I want to use work best with a choice item

    2. When will you guys add missing tms too, like swords dance + calm mind + stone edge



    Will the entire plotline after .karma files renegade be different to .karma files paragon? Or will it just have missing characters during the main questline?


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    Ight I got 2 questions.


    1: any lore reasoning for any spontaneous mega evolving without trainers. (The charizard with tapu koko for example.) friend of mine called it stupid.


    2 am I stupid and misread a line? When did venam and melia start going out for them to suddenly have a break up in karma files?


    keep up the good work. I love this game and especially this cast even if there may be disunions in this game I disagree with or don’t like. It’s still a blast.

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    On 5/5/2024 at 12:45 PM, RJPS1000 said:

    out of all the characters in rejuvenation which are each of yours favoruite's in terms of overall character?

    Aelita is your favourite and mine. Otherwise, it's hard to pick any one, really, esp this version with lots of characters getting glow ups. Every time I think about ranking favourites it's too hard lmao.


    On 5/5/2024 at 12:47 PM, RaeNoceda said:

    What has been each of y'all's favorite part of the game to work on?

    I like doing sidequest trainers and bosses just because usually I can be a bit sillier there! I really enjoyed how some of the fields came out though; Deep Earth and City/Back Alley were mostly my proposals iirc? and I liked how they came out.


    On 5/5/2024 at 12:51 PM, ShadowQuilava said:

    There doesn't have to be direct details on the question, But with the custom TM Moves, like Slash and Burn and Irritation, are there plans on making more Custom TM Moves of the types that dont have one yet?

    If there is good enough reason to, or we can think of a good enough idea that isn't just for the sake of it, then sure. Most custom TMs were already in from earlier versions, so they've just been kept in and updated if necessary. There is an idea I want to sparkle on with though...


    On 5/5/2024 at 1:16 PM, AxelRod45 said:

    For a more genuine question: how excited are you guys for working on Rejuv post-V14, with the end of this incredible story in sight?


    Dumb question for everyone/anyone not named Jan: On a scale of 0-11, how comically evil has Jan been acting during development overall?

    I'm very excited, I've only seen just the start of things and man, there was a casual "Jan what the fuck" counter for a reason.

    On 5/5/2024 at 2:04 PM, kaiciu_creates said:

    I have a couple of questions (if that's alright)


    Will terrestrialization ever be a thing in the game? Balancing it would seem like a nightmare with Field Effects, Megas, and Z moves.


    What are your favorite MC Kugerean designs?


    and what's your favorite chapter?

    1. No Tera, sorry. I do encourage modders to try it out though, it's just more stuff to deal with on our end.
    2. It's hard to choose a favourite... Perhaps Aero!
    3. It's not one chapter but Terajuma is just really fun and good right now.


    On 5/5/2024 at 2:26 PM, 2tousent said:

    1: Any Aevian forms that the devs feel overperformed or underperformed? Wether it be in terms of balance, or just overall popularity (i'm pretty sure some of them are more popular than others)

    2: Any chance the WLL characters get official art? it would be neat to see the young versions of these people (there's only so much their sprites can portray)

    1. Volcarona is definitely overpowered, and some other things like Lapras might be, a bit strong and I would want to readjust myself, but I don't want to really take away from people. Also, we can use them against you as much as you can use them. Bronzong is a case of the gimmick kind of working against it, and it's hard to try to change this in a way that isn't really *forced*.

    On 5/5/2024 at 3:56 PM, Lung Stealer said:

    When making crests, what's generally the idea?
    Like on a scale of "This crest will be a balanced buff for __ so it should be added" to "This crest would be really cool so it should be added" where does the team fall? Obviously it varies, but is there a general stance on this?

    I go "X deserves a crest" and we go from there lmao. Jan forced me to make Zoroark crest then Fal and Az came in and made it what it is now - after a lot of issues. Fuck Illusion. We also try not to force crests anymore, even if one of a group get it, cause it sometimes leads to unsatisfying results. As for any crest suggesters if the suggestion sheet comes up, try to avoid "sets trick room/hail/random field thing on switchin" crests, cause they'll be usually be overlooked.

    On 5/5/2024 at 3:59 PM, wingdings said:

    Here's a weird one that I don't think anyone has asked: What are your favorite and least favorite field conditions in Rejuvenation? Personally i'm an enjoyer of City and Concert Field-- you guys cooked with those-- and hate that goddamn fucking swamp

    Alternatively, what are your favorite/least favorite specific battles? Either from a design point of view (designing cool fights is fun) or to actually play.

    Also, without getting into spoilers, what characters are you most excited for in terms of future content/development (besides the obvious like Melia and other main characters, if possible)?

    Unbelievable work on the game from ALL OF YOU by the way. Rejuvenation is a triumph of hard work and creative drive, and it means a great deal to me to see a game of this caliber exist for a franchise I love very dearly, even (especially) in an unofficial capacity. So thank you :)

    1. City and Deep Earth are big. I think Concert has left me a little wanting more, and Colosseum right now feels like it works better on paper than practice. Also reworking Swamp was fun because I feel like before it felt really specific to a poisonous swamp and not just like, marshes and bogs and fens that have a great deal of life in it.
    2. I'm not sure if I have a least favourite, but my favourites is like. Most of the new boss fights tbh. The new Master of Nightmares fight is really good now I feel, and when silly stuff works I really like it, for example Ren's fight on Helojak: Never gonna see Nasty Plot Corviknight serve like that elsewhere. Before 13.5, I didn't like Spirit Keta's fight because it was annoying to balance just due to the nature of high BST mons making it difficult to balance in a satisfying way, and it often got some kind of complaint. It felt like we just had to work too hard to hold back with it that it now being optional boss fight later is good for us to work with a bit more freedom.

    On 5/5/2024 at 8:07 PM, ant682 said:

    1: Are any new aevian forms being made (love the ones we have)

    2: Aside from implementing gen 9 are you planning on revisiting early game

    3: What part of the game did you find hardest to test

    1. Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?
    2. Any kind of early game changes from now on will most likely just be adjustments or touch ups that would happen normally.
    3. Bosses with specific mechanics. They often required coding to be done elsewhere and balancing them required new ways of looking at it, especially during alphan and beta testing and taking in people's reports.

    On 5/5/2024 at 8:35 PM, Aiden-Revenant said:

    I think this has happened in the past, but will existing crests be changed if their use is too niche/not very useful? Like don't get me wrong, I have tried most of the available ones and they are great, but for example to this day i still don't get the use of infernape's crest. Is it supposed to make them more deffensive starter instead of an offensive one? I mean infernape has some good support attacks, but I would still rather use it offensively than deffensively, as their types are more offensive based and has great moves and coverage both in special and physical attacks.

    Also, this is just a silly question, but will there be more events with Jolene and Volta in either already existing chapters or in E14? They both have great designs but they lack a lot of protagonism in the story, speacially jolene which seems to have great charisma but only appears in one mission, weird with her being also an E8 as Karen, Tesla, Alexandra and Dylan, who are all great.

    Finally, a praise for all the work you guys are putting on the game, and in episode 13.5. I absolutely LOVED mamans redesign and that you made Neved a more prevalent figure in the story, and I adore the new Terajuma plot and redesign.

    Crests can and probably will be changed if needed! Noctowl for one got changed because it was kinda useless before, and now is a pretty niche stalling crest. As for Infernape crest, I've been wanting to try that one for a bit, perhaps it can be made earlier or something because it isn't a power up as much as it is a style change. As has been said, Infernape is a pretty good mon so it doesn't necessarily need more power. Generally people do tend to like offensive Pokemon more than Defensive though, just due to ease of use and especially in a game like Rejuvenation, there is a higher and more accessible power ceiling due to seeds and fields, making some defensive options harder to use.


    On 5/5/2024 at 8:58 PM, SmilodonLady said:

    Two questions here that are on different ends of the spectrum since both have interesting potential answers.


    1. When making the movesets characters use on their pokemon, how much of it is just the 'optimal' set and how much is thematic? Since I know that you can make quite the statement with a moveset in some cases.


    2. What characters would/wouldn't be willing to accept being treated more like a weird/unofficial sibling/cousin by the player after a certain point? Purely platonic relationships going on here, I'm not about to open that can of cursed worms.


    Anyways, I love the game and can't wait to see what V14 has in store.

    Answering part 1 here: There is definitely some optimisation going especially in the later game, and some characters will have some mons that don't seem to "fit" them. The way I view it, however, is that people probably just won't catch pokemon that fit their own aesthetic, but also based on the character's own likes and favourite pokemon too; sometimes going too hard on a theme can bite back and end up with a surface level read of the character. Aevis is a Huntail stan, I just know it! 

    On 5/5/2024 at 11:51 PM, O_Castigado said:
    1. (For all devs) How are you?
    2. Regarding the 4 endings, is there a recommended order to play them?

    I am good! Probably!

    On 5/5/2024 at 11:58 PM, kyle3927 said:

    There's no need to tell to who, but there is some new crests being added in v14?


    There is definitely at least one crest, and I'll leave a hint for it:
    "Throw that ass in a circle"

    okay thats all the questions on page 1 I'll do page 2 in one business week or three

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    Any chances of more Aevians being available in Floria Island? I know that some of my friends were disappointed with the distribution of Aevians and would prefer some more in the early bits. 

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    14 hours ago, B3r1itz said:

    Firstly, I want to express my excitement for the development of v14. I've been eagerly anticipating this release, and I'm particularly intrigued by the upcoming raid at Xen HQ.


    I have a couple of questions:

    • Apart from the new content in the Xen HQ raid, are there any plans to revise other parts of the story, similar to what was done for the Terajuma saga?
    • Is it possible to access ALL of the game's soundtracks in the audio folder? I've been searching for the source file for the soundtrack of the battle with Nancy before the Rift Chandelure.

    That's a slowed down version of Mood - Reflective, which is glitchxcity's turffield lofi track

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    How does the process of "difficulty balancing" really work for you guys? Are specific mons considered beyond earlygame, and what traits make a boss "too hard" in your eyes, or "too easy"?


    Crests are one of the biggest things Rejuv has that sets it apart from other games like it. How do you guys feel about them as a concept?


    Rejuv has a lot of DNA from Spike Chunsoft VNs like Danganronpa or Zero Escape, especially the Nightmare School segments in V13. What's your full take on those series? What are your thoughts on the newer ones, AI: The Somnium Files -nirvanA Initiative- and Rain Code?

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    Hello Dev team. I hope you're all doing well these days.


    So I have a couple of questions for Jan:


    1: This one was from last Q&A: How do you feel about being able to put Adrienn and Aya in Rejuvenation? This game was inspired by Reborn after all.


    2: As a writer, what were your goals with Flora as a character and villain?


    3: When and why did you decide to make a route split that allows the player to join her team, only for her to betray you? 


    4: Lastly, how do feel about her now that you've removed the route where you join her, but expanded on her character, after having gained more experience as a writer? 

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    So far, we've been introduced to quite a few gym leaders way before their gym battle at the end of a chapter. Are the next gym leaders going to be written into a sidequest or the main story in past chapters or are we going to battle them during the chapter they are introduced? 


    Same question but for the E8 members as well. We're already at the 15th gym but it seems like half of the E8 is absent so far. 

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    Thank you so much for all the effort you put in this game

    Can i ask 2 questions? (i don't know if you already answered them)


    1. Will other crossover characters (like Shiv from Pokemon Desolation) make their appearance?
    2. What is Kieran's unique power? i know Eden's and Clear's but not Kieran's (maybe i just didn't understand it)
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    4 hours ago, SomeoneNotReal said:

    So far, we've been introduced to quite a few gym leaders way before their gym battle at the end of a chapter. Are the next gym leaders going to be written into a sidequest or the main story in past chapters or are we going to battle them during the chapter they are introduced? 


    Same question but for the E8 members as well. We're already at the 15th gym but it seems like half of the E8 is absent so far. 


    we know the last 3 gym leaders (if everything goes according to plan, its allen, alice, and damien), and the e8 we know of are jolene, tesla, karen, dylan, and alexandra (she's the strongest one so thats why shes the stand-in champion rn), cairo might be one, so that leaves 2-3 we dont know of.

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    I saw some questions about the gen 9 mons and terastallize. So i actually have 2 other questions about that.


    1) If you going to change hail into snow?? (But plz balance the interactions with the fields that benefit ice types; thinking about Angie fight with permanent snow or something is giving me nightmares)


    2) If you going to change the reworked or balanced abilities and moves like the Protean (and Libero) abilities?? 

    (Actually i just want to use Meowscarada with pre-nerf Protean)


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    First thing first, oh my Arceus, I was hoping for a Q&A, so as I dared with your colleagues from desolation I'll get to the main dish here! but it is obligatory to thank you heartily for this splendid game and the beautiful world you have created around it, may your souls always be rejuvenated -

    So a huge thanks to Jan, Crim, Nym, Soulja, Dallas, Winter, Zumi ,Haru, Falirion, Sardines, Cass, Alex, Azery ,Ramiru, Dream, IceCreamSandWitch, Autumn! even just to have the patience to watch yet another Q&A and I really hope I don't seem too inquisitive hehe, obviously I will be very happy for any answer and any of you, you are all wonderful people ^-^

    ( Hi from Italy by the way, started from v13, always love to play and mentally think/translate on my language u.u )



    1.Interceptor wish/ some general writing

    it's a fabulous thing, yes I know it's a giant cheat button but what counts is the feeling of the protagonist who wants to protect and give power to his friends in their time of need, right? I can't get it out of my head though how empty it initially seems when speaking in fiction. I always end up imagining the use or non-use make different scenes happen or even a little comment from the character that the protagonist's team was able to use for the first battle segment: like a trigger if there is a certain pokemon in the team or if they all have iv 31 (yeah sorry feel a lot like a desolation thing haha)

    personally I feel this as an effective part of the story during the karma files when we help Melia, her response is more natural or to put it better it makes everything feel more real.

    Rather than ask if there will be changes, I ask for your opinion on similar details.


    another example of details is Amanda, oh god she creeps us up to GDC and it's really strange in this new version that she keeps saying she hasn't had a chance to contact Aelita. why not admit the detail of having spoken to her (us)? the protagonist is not exactly silent nor do we have dear Lin who makes us follow a precise plan, so it would be consistent for Amanda to say that she knows the situation or for Aelita to know about Amelia from us protagonists, the final result remains that she would not have been able to return home directly assume the role of sensei who went to Texen.

    Just for the sake of details in the end! just curious to know if certain situations are kept so separate from the main story and given as detailed lore only to us, cuz we're kind of sleeping on the gang: we're not saying what we know about vitus if we followed narcy quest, neved's wife, Anju, the other old hag sister e.e


    2. gen 9/balancing

    Can I say that after discovering Reborn All Gen a world opened up to me? beautiful mod aside, I wanted to ask how you feel about this challenge.


    3. For personal ego I need to formulate a third point at least therefore.. Eizen? Eizen ❤️




    I really hope I haven't been too wrong about the limits of a Q&A, all that remains to say is good work :)

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    oh it's been a while since i took part in one of these.

    I actually have a question about the identity of Madame X.


    Obviously not about who she is because that would be a spoiler.


    But just out of curiosity, at what point of the games development did Jan make up his mind about the true identity of madame x and did he have multiple candidates at some points?

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    • Global Mods
    On 5/5/2024 at 6:59 PM, PingoPNG said:

    without further ado, here's a few questions!


    1. if you havent answered this question already what video game genres do you think some of the characters would be fans of?

    There's a few questions I saw in the thread that I felt like I could answer, but I'll just do this one for now since I'm having some trouble with multiquoting and I had a lot of fun thinking about this one.  


    Here's what I imagine for some of them. 

    To start with, Saki and Erick seem like fans of video games in general. Pick a genre and they've probably played something from it. (Also, Erick has a Sonic wig) I think Anastasia might be in this category too, but I'm not as sure


    IIRC we've seen Venam, Amber, Erick, and Melia play games with the character, so they have at least some experience with multiplayer games


    We've seen Geara play games in the Xen Lounge (they look like arcade games IIRC)? I think he'd play action-based games, which matches up with a lot of arcade games


    Based on Erin liking books and not being too interested in battling, I think she'd play games that focus more on story


    Rorim B: DDR


    Melanie would play games where you get to choose to be a villain, would always pick the meanest dialogue options, and I think she'd hack the games to give herself the best equipment


    Texen: shooting and fighting games


    Talon would probably like games that focus on adventure/exploration, since he likes to draw maps and travel


    Any of the music characters (like Venam and Amber) would probably like rhythm games


    I think Dr. Jenkel would like Undertale & Deltarune for the silly parts and memes 


    I could see Huey playing Splatoon. It's fun to imagine the B Team playing Splatoon together


    Speaking of the B Team, Lavender has Hookshots in her Nightmare Realm and quotes Purah's "Check it" 🤔 I'd personally associate Lavender with more chill games if any, but that seems like something to take into account 


    I think Professor Jenner was probably more of a gamer when he was younger, but as he got older they'd mainly be a way to spend time with Melia


    If we use video game playstyles as a metaphor for the direction Melia's life went in, she wanted to just play games as a fun casual hobby but the world forced her to be serious 


    These are all the characters I was able to think of games for, I hope I did a good job answering your question! 

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    Qs to the Devs: Will we meet Nora at some point? Will there be an option to have Flora join ~ the good guys ~? What other Aevian forms will there be?


    In general I just wanna send all the devs my love - you and your work are absolutely amazing! I am blown away by all you have done so far - Rejuv is just a gorgeous, amazing, fun, joyful game! Even the sad, difficult, or even plain emotionally exhausting moments are just so lovely, so intense, so gorgeous that I am just blown away!

    So yeah, thank you for your work, and hopefully you'll keep on enjoying your time with this game :D

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    • Developers
    On 5/5/2024 at 7:46 AM, TerraK said:

    How difficult is it to track 2 different story lines now that Paragon and Renegade are a thing. Does it get confusing and you start to think one thing happened in paragon but it actually happened in renegade, or vice versa?

    Not that difficult, personally. I can distinguish events from each pretty easily, especially cause they differ a ton.

    On 5/5/2024 at 7:45 AM, RJPS1000 said:

    out of all the characters in rejuvenation which are each of yours favoruite's in terms of overall character?

    My answer tends to change a lot, but right now it's Aelita, Venam, and Ren!

    On 5/5/2024 at 7:47 AM, RaeNoceda said:

    What has been each of y'all's favorite part of the game to work on?

    I love making overworld sprites and animating them. Sometimes new aspects of that character's personality comes out because I found a new pose for them.


    On 5/5/2024 at 7:48 AM, Candii said:

    1. Will florin and talon ever be cannon.

    2. Will anyone in the game besides (insert well known meme-y character here)  be ever happy. 

    3. Who design Aevian gastrodon and Aevian milotic?


    1.) In headcanons, yes! In reality, probably not.
    2.) That Furret in Kakori is doing alright I would think.
    3.) I know Gastrodon was done by Crim and Ceri. Milotic was designed by Zumi, I think.



    On 5/5/2024 at 7:50 AM, vennexus said:

    Do you think that the postgame content will be just as lore heavy as the main chapters? It's fine if it's just an educated guess or not. I'm very curious because I like the story a lot and it must've taken a lot of hours to write it.


    So, okay, I was gonna talk about this in a bigger post (and I still will, I just need to iron out some details), but post-game is gonna be an epilogue akin to Delta Episode. Basically a final chapter that wraps up a few... loose ends and inc-- **shot**

    v15-16, which is Act 3, is going to play a lot differently, but it's gonna be a ton of fun and I have a lot of ideas I can't wait to show. More details after v14 drops, though.



    On 5/5/2024 at 7:51 AM, ShadowQuilava said:

    There doesn't have to be direct details on the question, But with the custom TM Moves, like Slash and Burn and Irritation, are there plans on making more Custom TM Moves of the types that dont have one yet?


    Currently, no, but when it comes to that type of stuff, it's usually made on a whim. So one night we can literally just be talking and bam a custom item exists.


    On 5/5/2024 at 7:51 AM, Hogger said:

    When will the "create a costum character" tier from Jans Patreon available again?

    When i clear my backlog. Which is not soon. But most likely this year.


    On 5/5/2024 at 7:51 AM, MoonPaw said:

    Ohhh!! QnA!!


    Ok, I have a question! In chapter 15 when you at destroying the panels with the bats, there's a scene where someone is yelling to get out of their head, was that Risa in the next room over, or the A-gang at you/Puppetmaster?


    Also, if I can have another question, in Crawli's gym, Gothitelle attacks you and after the battle the text describes that she "also seems somewhat disappointed", was that directed at your strength level or her being upset over your whole... deal?


    Oh! and also! In 13.5 Annihilape was mentioned, does this mean gen 9 pokemon are being added in v14? Would it be all at once, or batched? How long does sprite'ing and coding a new generation of pokemon take?


    Thanks for your time :3


    1.) I see people think this was from the A-Gang or Risa, but it's actually Clear. The nightmare world is a creation made by the ligosomnia machine, which is being used to house Clear and Kieran's data. (Which they used to play out scenarios. This is why they were always 1 step ahead of the player at all times.) When going through the nightmare school, you were basically toying around in their brains like a virus.


    2.) That's Gothitelle just being an asshole. Gothitelle attacks the player because [MASSIVE V13 SPOILERS]



    She senses that the player is not actually who they appear to be. Kinda like how they say animals can see ghosts and they freak out? Yeah Gothitelle sees you and is like what the fuck. I'm going to beat the shit out of you for my amusement.

    3.) I was gonna make a huge post about this, but then I realized it's not a big deal at all so I should just say it. Gen 9 will be present in v14. We all knew it was coming, but I originally said v15. It'll be here a version earlier.


    On 5/5/2024 at 7:54 AM, sadcateatspizza said:

    Which side quest was the most annoying to work on?

     4.) For some reason, the Narcissa quest with Dufaux... is just really not my favorite. I enjoyed it more in concept than in execution. Maybe I'll revisit it and make it Good. But not now.


    On 5/5/2024 at 7:59 AM, xXAulkranXx said:

    I keep forgetting the entire plot of the game each time I beat it, as well as the names of all the characters, locations, and the everything else. What do I doooo

    Beat the entire game with each release.



    On 5/5/2024 at 8:03 AM, just_call_me_ace said:

    Is there any characters you feel like could have been better than what they are now but it feels too late to change anything about them? Be it design wise, writing wise and etc..

    Karrina 100%. What I had in mind for her, and what happened... two different things. I think her design kinda took over her personality. I wish I could change some things in regards to her, but I... don't feel like it at this point. She is who she is, and even though she's not my favorite, I still love her.


    On 5/5/2024 at 8:16 AM, AxelRod45 said:

    For a more genuine question: how excited are you guys for working on Rejuv post-V14, with the end of this incredible story in sight?


    Dumb question for everyone/anyone not named Jan: On a scale of 0-11, how comically evil has Jan been acting during development overall?

    I'm super excited for v15 personally!


    On 5/5/2024 at 8:31 AM, froehlibabe said:

    We get a lot of scenes of our friends letting out, getting defended by or just enjoying time with their ace pokemon.

    Do you think it would be possible to also have our moments with our pokemon in a cinematic way? Like your lead just being the "default cinematic choice" or maybe a calculation based on hapiness, time spent with the pokemon or battles won by it.


    This idea popped in my head when I saw the Venam/Seviper scene, and I got really teary seing the good wholesome stuff they have. Kinda jealous.

    Although I understand that's a big dev challenge and possibly a lot of scenes rewrite.

    I would personally love to do this, it's just REALLY not feasible. there's 1000 pokemon. I'd need to have conditions for every single one. That part is probably the easiest, honestly. It's the 1000 overworld sprites that I would need. I just. aaaaaa. the scope of that is just too much. I know I'm crazy but even I have my limits. Maybe in the next project i have in mind... If I ever get to it.


    On 5/5/2024 at 8:35 AM, Ibrex2000 said:

    1. If Rejuvenation was ever to get anime, who would you like to voice the MCs, Melia, Venam, Ren, and Aelita?. It can be Japanese dub or English dub you pick


    2. What do you think of the fanfics about the game?


    .2.) It's like any kind of fan work. I'm surprised they exist LOL. No, but seriously. I love all types of rejuv fanart/fic. Keep em coming.

    On 5/5/2024 at 8:36 AM, GameAddict_78 said:

    On the top of Ecylsia Pyramid with the showdown with Madame X, do the Protag and Aelita just straight up start fist fighting with her? Cause I always found it more entertaining that they were just having a fist fight rather than a pokemon battle.

    Deuces up.


    On 5/5/2024 at 8:48 AM, dustyvic said:

    Is it possible to somehow make this into an alternate outfit style you can pick from, because I was so disappointed to find out it doesn't show up in battles and that it's taken away from you so quickly (Sorry for the low quality)Screenshot_20240505_074711_Gallery.jpg.e92f2db5aef62726ebe6eeb1fb7f54eb.jpg


    I knew I'd get a question like this. When I made these, it was just a cute little thing for the chapter, but now everyone wants it permanently... I mean, I guess I expected it. Just creating new outfits is a whole ass process... Each character needs like 10 sheets to be updated and aaaghhh. Maybe in the future I'll allow it to be a thing.


    On 5/5/2024 at 8:50 AM, kwis said:

    potentially very niche question but what kind of outfit is "jean" supposed to be wearing in the scene where he pulls a gun on aelita? it's tough to tell since he only has an overworld sprite.


    speaking of the dream world, is there any reason in particular that zetta occasionally shows up with black hair? it's not just as a disguise, considering he shows up partway through the school of nightmares with black hair suddenly. he also calls himself "high roller zetta" in that scene; is that what he calls that look? he's very cute

    He's wearing dark grey blazers/pants with black shoes, and I think he had red gloves on as well. Looking tidy to assassinate someone.


    Yeah, that's what that outfit is called. Gambling is often associated with black/red (because of cards), so his design colors adapt those.

    On 5/5/2024 at 8:56 AM, tongconator said:

    I have 3! 1 major question and 2 minor ones (if that's okay) 


    1. (Major) I'm not sure if this has been asked, but how did rejuvenation begin? How did the game become a thing? Like did you and Jan know each other then started from there? Or did you all meet through the development? 



    2.(minor) who are your favorite characters? Whether it be for their character, design, or their story 


    3. (minor) will we see the organised criminal mastermind cleffa again? 

    1.) Long story short, I saw Shofu play Reborn. Really loved Reborn. Became part of the community and one day decided to make my own project! At first I was a solo dev.

    Then Zumi played the little bit I had and she loved it. She did a few small tasks for me here and there, but slowly because co-head dev.
    Zumi and I were friends prior to the development of rejuvenation. We actually met on a minecraft server where we were both mods/staff LOL.


    2.) Answered above!

    3.) (Major Spoiler) yes.


    On 5/5/2024 at 10:21 AM, SaraElizabeth-J said:

    Sorry if it's a weird question.

    Since each chapters have a title/name, do  Act 1 and Act 2 have them too? 

    They don't! They're just simply Act 1 and 2, and then finally 3.


    On 5/5/2024 at 3:47 PM, Dedi said:

    Are there any plans to incorporate sprites of main characters emotions while they talk? Specifically like how Desolation does.

    Definitely not. That's something you kind of have to decide at the beginning. I'd have to edit every single line of dialogue in the game to show character faces and that's... a task for no one.


    On 5/5/2024 at 3:40 PM, WackyToast said:

    Kind of an odd question but it has been on my mind recently
    That being if there is any particular reason behind the names that were chosen for characters in the game. Other than the more obvious type puns for Gym Leaders, I mean more so for main characters or others that don't seem to meet the previous criteria, I wondered if it was just because they sounded nice or if there's other meanings behind them.



    I originally tried to keep up with the tradition with naming characters after types, but then I sorta fell off of that because... That never made sense to me. Like, they work thematically, but you're telling me this npc named their daughter water and she just ended up being the water gym leader? It's a small nitpick but I think even Pokemon noticed this was weird because they started giving characters actual names.
    A lot of the characters names come from their looks. Like Cassandra. I sprited her and I was like... Yeah that's a Cassandra. That's the case for like 90% of them lol.


    On 5/5/2024 at 3:33 PM, sharffffff said:

    Hey devs!

    I've got two very important questions:


    1. Which of the main cast needs a vacation the most? You can only choose one, so be careful with this choice. Only one of them gets to be relaxed and hydrated, others must keep suffering.


    2. So we all know Nim has to consume souls to survive. Do all souls "taste" the same to her, or do they have different "flavors" depending on whatever traits that human possessed in life? Or do they all just taste like nothing and get absorbed through whatever in Storm-9 is going on (this is a boring option)?


    Thank you for your time :)

    1.) Gonna have to go with Melia.

    2.) I'm glad you asked ! I always assumed souls "taste" differently based on what that soul was able to achieve, or like, their person's personality. I would imagine there are some souls Nim likes the taste of and is ashamed to admit that. I mean, who wouldn't?



    On 5/5/2024 at 3:32 PM, Aros230 said:

    Past Avium uses mostly gen3/rse assets does this ever plan to change? We deviate from that a little bit in sections like 13.5's look at Anju and Hazuki past where it takes on very pretty and original looks compared to chapter 9.

    To be honest? Besides the music, it's pretty much already gone in that direction besides the major cities.


    On 5/5/2024 at 3:07 PM, ant682 said:

    1: Are any new aevian forms being made (love the ones we have)

    2: Aside from implementing gen 9 are you planning on revisiting early game

    3: What part of the game did you find hardest to test

    1.) Yes! Albeit, we're only getting a very small batch of them this version.
    2.) nope! I'm satisfied with how it is :).
    3.) Distant Future 100%.


    On 5/5/2024 at 3:04 PM, Xxgamergod69xX said:

    Hello hello hi! I found Rejuvenation a little over a year ago now through just a simple google search of good pokemon fangames, and now it's easily my favorite pokemon game I've ever played. I probably wouldn't be exaggerating when I say I've put well over 1000 hours into this game by now. (Someone help me)


    But on to my actual questions now:


    1.) Is there any possibility for more characters from Reborn getting a cameo like Adrienn and Aya? (I would absolutely love to see an interaction between Terra and Saki but I fear that would also cause the universe to implode.)


    2.) Can we get just one pixel reveal from anything in V14 so far? Just one pixel? Please?


    3.) Are there any plans for more side-episodes like WLL?


    1.) Maybe so...!
    2.) Have this single floor tile

    3.) I had plans for a lot more, but honestly, at this point I think it's best for me to just stick to main game and finish rejuv.
    Maybe after Rejuv is done I'll revisit the rejuv world with small games like WLL.

    On 5/5/2024 at 2:21 PM, Breezy64 said:

    First off: I absolutely LOVE all the changes done to the Terajuma arc. Love everything flowing together a lot better, and I appreciate being able to have Flora content earlier.

    1.) In terms of teams for gym leaders, villains, and basically everyone, what's the ratio between "We think this Pokemon fits this character the best" and "This Pokemon fits the team from a gameplay sense"? Or is that even something ya'll think of and it's just a go off of vibes type of thing?


    2.) Who are your favorites villains/antagonists in the story? And why are they both Flora and Angie in that order?

    2.1.) Who are the gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss of Rejuv. I'd like to offer forward Clear/Crescent/Flora in that order.


    3.) Is the criminal Cleffa friends with the Corsola with knives? Do they have a dark and mysterious past together?



    1.) Honestly, thematics is a major factor. I don't really know the ratio, but it's a majority of them. Their aces are picked by me, and the rest of the team is built around the character's look/main type.

    2.) Currently it's ##### #######.
    3.) No, they are bitter enemies.


    On 5/5/2024 at 1:45 PM, Pikaclone God said:

    A question for Jan!

    A bit ago, I decided to try out the early releases of Rejuv, like version 1 and such. This had me thinking about a couple of things regarding the story, and while I didn't get far (good god the game was slow back then, how far it's come..)
    How has the story changed over the many years it's been in development? I felt as though there was a massive shift with 13.5 and renegade content, and it had me wondering if that idea was always there, or if it's a recent development?
    Also, what caused the more "PG" approach to the boat scene? From what I understood, it had a major revamp in version 12 (and then also in version 13 with the upgraded graphics). I thought it was.. really surprising to see people speared by Deoxys tentacles, the whole thing of corpses being dragged away, etc. (Some examples have been attached)



    They actually weren't speared! Just ensnared. They showed up later at Blacksteeple. I toned down on those scenes because back then I got a lot of criticism for it. It just sort of fell away with rewrites.


    On 5/5/2024 at 1:30 PM, Andrew1010 said:

    Is the story still going as it was intended in the earlier versions?


    The very first idea I had with the game? It's a little similar, not 1:1, but a lot of major events are still present. In fact, one event that's happening in v14 has been planned from the very beginning and has never changed :).


    On 5/5/2024 at 7:07 PM, capedphantom said:

    hi! very silly question but who would the missing children gang main in mario kart 8 deluxe? (if they were normal mentally well people that also happened to play mario kart 8 deluxe, that is.)


    p.s. i did not make this the main focus because it's not anything super specific but it would be very appreciated if i could get any random crumbs of useless info on dylan, particia, or v (they are my favorite scrunklies ❤)


    love this game to death and all of the hard work put into it... o7

    Dylan - King Boo
    Particia - Toad because "She loves that little bastard"
    Ana - Peach or Daisy. Maybe Toadette to spice things up.
    Madame Peony - Wiggler.
    V - Pink Gold Peach / Kamek

    and ok here's a small headcanon... wait. i made this game. so does that make a headcanon canon? Well, anyway.
    Particia used to work at Gooci and earned some big bucks working there, but she hated the environment there.
    She frequented Peony's above ground shop because she likes the smell of incense (😍), and in passing, complained to
    Peony about her shit job and Peony tipped her in on the underground. Eventually she got a job at the diner, and then the Center.
    Dylan and Particia met when Party Girl was smoking and found Dylan shit faced drunk after a gambling party.
    They've been best friends ever since, basically.


    On 5/5/2024 at 7:31 PM, Moto said:

    Lets say I was making a mod that had an Ice/Ghost type Mega Tyranitar, what would be the best ability to give it? 🤔

    this question is for one specific person

    Slow Start



    Stopping there for now. I'll continue this again sooooon. If I didn't answer your question, do not fret, I shall sweep through these again tomorrow :).

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    • Developers

    Will there be another protag? and if so would it be fern or texen( I assume if we can play as ana we can play as him)?


    I don't think this has been asked yet but do you recall the inspiration behind each of the characters darchlight cave outfits in terms of the protags? Also how does that inspiration reflect onto the character?


    This one is probably dumb to ask but is Eizen based off of Colress from BW2?


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    hey guys love the work and saw from what jan put on twitter that gen 9 will be added and it does make me curious, but could seem obvious, but will the teams of people we fight in rejuv be changed? like for instance some of the shadows change to gen 9 mons or even gym leaders get changes to their teams? I know you guys might not answer for obvious reasons but seeing changes like that when you guys updated the game had me hyped to keep replaying the game after each update but I can understand if you guys don't want to spoil anything :)

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    This has probably been asked before, but around which version did you come up with the overall story we have now? (Rather than just adding in parts with no real plan, like I think Jan once mentioned doing in the original Terajuma)


    (Also thx for the extra ping Zumi! completely forgot about the Q&A)


    Edit: Don't let Saki see that the url for this ends in 69


    Edited by Lady Amy
    hehe 69
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    Hi Jan, Zumi & Team. First off- I want to say as a lifelong pokemon fan, this is easily the best and my favorite pokemon game of all time. Thank you all for putting out this masterpiece of a game. My questions for y'all are:


    1.  What happened to the Mewtwo Crescent had? I was fully expecting to face it during the fight with her. Was it just too OP for her team or did y'all just want to try and give Aevian Bronzong more spotlight.


    2. Why is Madame X/Team Xen only after Melia? Do they not know about Erin/Alice/Allen?


    3.  When is the Lopunny Mega Stone going to be in the game?


    4.  Is the ADMIN Quest going to affect the story at all in any way with the decision we made?


    5.  Who from Team Xen is most likely to be redeemed & least likely to be redeemed?


    6. Favorite Shinys?


    Appreciate y'all for doing this, and cannot wait for V14.0 to come out!

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    1. Will V14 take 1 million years of development like v13.5 or will it be faster?

    2. will there be renegade and paragon exclusive sidequests because renegade has near to  no New sidequests and some are locked behind paragon i would love more exclusive side quests for both paths.

    3. who is the most faithful worker in the team and puts in effort everyone appreciates?(other than Jan)

    4. who is the slaker who avoids work at any cost or in general does the least of it? (if there is one)

    5. Do you guys do rejuv as a side game or its main way to make yourself do work 


    I really love the game and would appreciate it if you reply and answer some of my questions. Some of them are straight up dum but try to answer the ones you are comfortable with.

    thank you for reading!


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    1. Idk if you can answer to this one, but Vitus can't have children because he is the incarnation of death(Yveltal) or because he is an Overseer?
    2. What is Jenner's full name? Is Jenner his first name or last name? The reason why i i'm asking this is because everyone calls him jenner, both his close friends and people who knows him as a pokemon prof.
    3. How does Garufan "magic" works? And what are its limits and drawbacks? If we consider Shaidya a garufan sorcerer and not an immortal being like Mr. Luck, we could say that it is powerful enough to works on an Overseer like Vitus(Anathea love spell), and if it is the case i could guess that it is something related to the core(?), but what i'm really curious of is related to what Maman is capable of with it, like she literally built entire houses using it(even though she still need the raw materials to bulid them.), and she didn't even looked too tired after that.
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    Do other trainers need badges or some equivalent to keep leveling up their Pokémon or is the level cap just a gameplay thing?


    What would Melia's original gym team have looked like if things went as planned?


    Way down the line when things are finished are their plans for any battle frontier-esque post game?


    Any concepts for fields that you had to scrap or tone down out of it being too mechanically ambitious and difficult to implement?


    What kanji are in Saki's name?


    Edited by rebatca
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    1) may or may not be too spoilery, will renegade!MC be able to get the 2 more needed mall stamps?


    2) Way back in early SWSH days, Jan said that Eternatus would be used for something... Is that still in the plans?

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    • Veterans


    yippeeee another batch! something something i'm skipping what i can't answer something here we go


    On 5/6/2024 at 4:39 PM, LyricalTen7315 said:

    For all of the new CGs in 13.5 what was the most fun to create?


    See, I could answer with my obvious bias here (take a wild guess) because I do really like those CG's, but I think outside of that one it's the Geara + Giratina CG! That one just turned out so well both in lighting and composition.


    On 5/7/2024 at 1:12 AM, Scrublord6410 said:

    1) What is your favorite starter pick and why?

    2) What is your favorite Avian form, or what Pokemon do you want to have an Avian form (Mine is Amperous!)


    1) Chimchar!! I like the funny fire monkey :)

    2) Good taste bc same 🤝 Other than that I also really like A-Golisopod, that one's cool as shit and Soulja did an incredible job on it


    On 5/7/2024 at 2:34 AM, Yeshua_Kristos said:

    (For all devs)


    1. What's the strangest/funniest hypothesis you've seen about 13.5 and the story so far?


    2. Have you been eating/sleeping properly? ^_^


    (For Crim and Zumi)


    how TF were you able to balance Reborn zine work with Rejuv dev work (laughs like Eizen)


    1) I still think the theory of Saki being Madame X that I saw once before takes the cake for theory that's most out there

    2) ............................no...................................................... i'll fix it tho

    3) Don't worry about it :) (fr tho deadlines get my ass in gear usually speaking. that's why i put deadlines on all my comms too so i don't forget and explode)


    On 5/7/2024 at 11:28 AM, axe-16 said:

    Can Saki fortnite dance?


    I'd be more surprised if she didn't know how to fortnite dance


    On 5/7/2024 at 5:47 PM, sparsyle said:
    1. What characters/in-game scenes would you like to see more fanart for? (asking for a friend hehe)
    2. Most annoying/common misconceptions/misinterpretations about anything in the game?
    3. If you can answer this, are there any consequences planned for destroying the panel in the Underground sanctuary, or was this more an interesting moral quandary to test? It took me FOREVER to make a decision there--amazing job! 


    1) Honestly, art of any of the male cast, really. I love the girls in rejuv a lot of course, but I think a lot of the guys—barring Ren (tho I still adore him, he's one of my faves too) and maybe Geara & Zetta—are really underrated!

    2) Two things; One, Melia getting called a mary-sue/the "real protagonist" even when taking the rewrites from the past couple of versions in account just because she's central to the plot (god forbid a female deuteragonist with great influence on the story exists), and two, truthfully speaking? The whole adoption suggestion from Tesla being treated as something that's already set in stone, which in a previous batch of questions I already mentioned isn't the case. I absolutely get people wanting to headcanon them as siblings, that's great! But I'd be lying if I said I didn't get bothered by the amt of times I've seen people get heated when someone would even so much ask if Amber had a crush on the MC (a fairly normal misconception) and immediately dismiss it as non-canon only for them to follow it up with the argument of "they're adopted siblings" when that isn't even canon either grhrgdhjdfdfhdf

    3) It's a moral dilemma more than anything!


    On 5/7/2024 at 7:58 PM, Skarot said:

    Holds Rejuv gently, like bamhurger...


    First of all, y'all are awesome and do amazing work. You're so loved and appreciated and I cant wait till v14 to start all of this over again XD.
    Secondly, a few silly (and not so silly) questions:

    [1]. As there are many forms of the protag, each later revealed to be individuals - what is each dev's favorite protag?
    [2]. Of the protag forms, which is most likely to beat Madame X with a metal bat?
    [3]. We have Spacea and Tiempa, will we get to see an incarnation of Giratina too (If we haven't already)?
    [4]. Lastly, what's a character that you all would like to implement a secret fight for? (Truck Guy OWO?)


    1) I looooove Ariana and Axel!! I always play as either of those two

    2) Alain.

    3) Griselda exists!

    4) i want a crime cleffa bossfight sitting at level 200


    On 5/7/2024 at 10:17 PM, RandomGhosty said:

    What are the plans after rejuvenation?


    For me personally, I'll probably still be working on my comic/original projects/commissions I think! We'll see where time takes us


    On 5/8/2024 at 10:39 AM, Dawn Oceana said:


    In Rejuvenation specifically, unless this has changed in 13.5 and I just haven't reached it yet, the Rift Gyarados map had some map-level effect that reduced the pitch on it all playing BGM no matter what it was.


    1) Is Aevium part of Poke-Europe? I recall something about it being close to Kalos or to Galar or something, I somehow got the idea it'd be near Iceland... which could mean Miera was literally, geographically, at Chernobyl.

    2) 13.5's art direction looks tight, everything just seems to fit together so much better colour wise, it has this unique visual tone. Was that a huge amount of focused work or did it sort of just naturally happen?

    3) We know Jan is The Writer, but how does it work? Is there like a script people paste into RMXP events?

    3a) On that note, who writes or comes up with some of the really cool stuff we see like the Ch.12 pan from one floor of the ship to the other, or the camera moves for the Erin/Kanon ice fight? Or is Jan personally eventing half of these into RMXP?

    4) Who snuck all those TWEWY references into the game? I kept doing this.

    5) M2

    6) How many unused/beta versions of custom tracks are there that we haven't heard? For example - Eizen's theme has this great, perfect melody that just fits, and I wonder if it's just popping in fully formed like magic or if its a struggle of constantly iterating different melodies/mixes, and a long paper trail of beta themes that we didn't hear that just never quite worked. (For me I feel like I kind of oscillate between either just nailing it the first time or in permanent "no the mix isn't quite right" hell.)


    1) It's a fictional area near Poké-Europe, yeah. Geographically it's pretty close to Kalos and Galar, especially the former as it's mentioned in Nymiera's story about an old war that AZ's weapon assisted in ending the war in Aevium!

    2) It just kinda happened I think! Jan has gotten a lot better at spriting and therefore color coordinating too, naturally leading to more polished art direction.

    3) It's really just writing on the fly while eventing. IIRC Jan does keep track of general notes about the story, but other than that all of it is fleshed out on the go.

    3a) That'd all be Jan :)

    4) That's also Jan LOL

    5) therapy

    6) I keep my WIP's around in my folders while I work on the tracks for the game, but I do usually have a general direction I want to take things in because I normally already know what kind of atmosphere I wanna put down with a track. Other than that, it's a lot of trial and error! Sometimes entire melody lines change because it doesn't work as well as I thought it would when translating an idea in my head into actual music. There are full or alternate versions of tracks that haven't made it into the game tho! They either just didn't fit the bill or may be saved for later. 👀


    On 5/8/2024 at 4:02 PM, MoonPaw said:

    Will Xenogene have a continuation in the future, or will it be a one time thing? I noticed that Ren kept thinking that some things with the script sounded "familiar", is there a reason why?


    ALSO. I gotta know. was M2 blowing up Valor mountain just jan taking their frustration out on the mountain itself because it feels very pointed and after just going through it again i must agree and even say blow it up again?


    also will we ever get official art of-- [THIS USER HAS DISAPPEARED UNDER MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES]


    1) Nop, the Xenogene quest is a standalone thing and I've got no plans of continuing it. I do really need to get back to actually writing out stuff for that story explanation I said I'd do tho................................................. waah busy schedule & brainrot waaaaaaah

    2) i can attest that valor mountain is considered a cursed place bc of all the bugs that place has had and was deliberately blown up for its crimes LOL

    3) looks directly into the camera


    On 5/11/2024 at 5:21 AM, HakuryuYukio said:

    oh it's been a while since i took part in one of these.

    I actually have a question about the identity of Madame X.


    Obviously not about who she is because that would be a spoiler.


    But just out of curiosity, at what point of the games development did Jan make up his mind about the true identity of madame x and did he have multiple candidates at some points?


    Her identity is something that's been planned for years. And I really mean YEARS; the earliest logs of my conversation about her identity that I can find are from 2017! That's all I really can say on the matter tho 🙊


    14 hours ago, Samtale said:

    This one is probably dumb to ask but is Eizen based off of Colress from BW2?


    There's some design influences from Colress, yes, but he's not outright based on him. Tho as a little bit of trivia to tie in to this; another character that he takes design influences from is Houka Inumuta from Kill la Kill!



    I've definitely tried to turn Eizen's design into something that can still be considered unique and distinct from those two, though. At least I think that it works?????????????????????


    2 hours ago, im deth said:

    Will V14 take 1 million years of development like v13.5 or will it be faster?

    who is the most faithful worker in the team and puts in effort everyone appreciates?(other than Jan)

    who is the slaker who avoids work at any cost or in general does the least of it? (if there is one)

    Do you guys do rejuv as a side game or its main way to make yourself do work


    1) Faster. I've said it before in other places, but V13 and V13.5 were anomalies in the sense that those two combined reworked practically the entire game, hence why they were so time-consuming to develop. Buuuuuuuut ICYMI...


    2) I think it's unfair to point at just one person, because every team member has pitched in one way or another that's been appreciated. I don't really feel like tooting my own horn either, I know I do a stupid amount of work too— but in the end, Rejuvenation wouldn't be possible without the entire team. All of the devs are great and are real ones

    3) me :)

    4) It's a hobby for all of us! The devs all have jobs, are still in college or a combination thereof. We all just do this for fun because we love making this game and bringing an unique experience to the table for pkmn fans!


    45 minutes ago, Candii said:

    So I come again!!
    I have an art related question I totally forgot about:

    Will Taelia have art/plot significance in the future? Because currently we don't really see her at all despite her being one of the most important characters (to Aelita) lorewise. 
    Again this may be a little spoilery but i just wanna a yes/no answer so I know ma gurl is getting the justice she deserves 😤😤


    This is 100% just because my lazy ass hasn't gotten around to doing WLL art yet LOL, it's not that deep. I'm also keeping it for later because a WLL rework is not off the table even though it'll likely be kept for until around the time rejuv is finished (according to jan on his twitter) if it does get one.


    Honestly, all things considered for how much work I'm gonna have for base Rejuvenation real soon... Probably for the best that those are put on the backburner. 🙈


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    1. I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I know you all are gonna do more Aevian forms. Is there someone specific I could talk to about 1? I have an idea for Arbok. 😬


    2. Anyone can answer this. Out of all the characters in the game, who do you wish would have more interaction with each other? For me, I’d love to see more interaction with Aelita & Venam. I feel like while they do talk sometimes, it’s nothing like how they talk with the MC, Melia or even Ren.


    3. Is there gonna be some kind of character crossover with Desolation? What I mean is with Reborn, Adrienn & Aya are in Rejuv. Do you plan on having a couple of the Desolation people in Rejuv?

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    I haven't thought about this in a while but I saw Zumi mention it in once of her responses and now I need to know.
    Were there ever plans to allow the player to actually join Bladestar or was Flora's path always supposed to play out more or less how it does now? Was it always going to play out how it did in older versions (going to the base under the botanical gardens and some other stuff I can't remember) or was that created because the original idea was scrapped?

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    • Global Mods
    On 5/5/2024 at 11:39 AM, brolfreg said:

    what are the favorite foods of the team Xen admins/executives and what about madam X's favorite food? is that too spoilery?


    Here's what I can imagine: 

    Madame X: I doubt she has one, or if she does, it's probably not something she finds time to enjoy just for the sake of it anymore. We (aside from Jan and Zumi) don't know any more about Madame X than anyone else, but I get the impression she's one of those people that's hyper-driven to one specific goal and any other aspects of their personality, interests, preferences, etc. have been put aside. 

    Zetta: I wonder if being a Solosis originally would influence what he likes. What if he has different food he likes and doesn't like depending on whether he's in Solosis or human form? 😮

    Madelis: She'd probably put on a front to others about eating really expensive food, or what's considered high-class cuisine, but in reality would eat the same kinds of food as everyone else (could definitely see her drinking wine though) 

    Geara: I'm imagining things like pizza and soda. He apparently also has strong opinions on alcoholic beverages.

    Neved: Since he's a bartender, I imagine he has some taste for alcohol, and since he's a sailor, maybe he'd like seafood. I think he'd put a lot of ice in his drinks too.

    Anastasia: Seems to like sweets. She considered Ren's salted caramel cupcake an acceptable price for help, and if you speak to her at Rejuvenation Co. as Ren while teamed up, she asks you about ice cream flavors. 

    Cassandra: Madelis but it's not a front. 


    On 5/5/2024 at 3:40 PM, WackyToast said:

    Kind of an odd question but it has been on my mind recently
    That being if there is any particular reason behind the names that were chosen for characters in the game. Other than the more obvious type puns for Gym Leaders, I mean more so for main characters or others that don't seem to meet the previous criteria, I wondered if it was just because they sounded nice or if there's other meanings behind them.

    I know Jan already answered this one, but here's some other fun facts:

    Keta and Saki are named after two of Jan's friends.

    Melia is named after a character from Xenoblade. 

    Madame X is named after an episode of the Pokemon anime where a Malamar brainwashed an Officer Jenny. 

    I'm not completely confident in my memory here, but I think Nastasia is from the Paper Mario character?


    On 5/5/2024 at 6:51 PM, O_Castigado said:
    1. (For all devs) How are you?

    I'm doing good! How are you?

    On 5/5/2024 at 6:52 PM, merrythings said:

    - are any of the characters collectors ? ( if yes , what do they collect ? )


    - what music artists/songs would the characters listen to ?

    Collectors question: Reina likes to collect paranormal, occult, and similar themed stuff! Her room has a small collection. 


    Music question: Not sure for specific artists, but here's what I can imagine for genres:

    Rock: Venam, Amber, Ren, Vivian, Adam, Ryland, Aevis

    Classical: Anju, Kreiss, Piano Lady, Narcissa, Crescent, Aevia

    Pop: Madelis, Patty, Ariana

    Nu-metal: Geara

    Metal: Young Professor Jenner, young Chasity, young Matthew, Damien, Alain

    Rap: Dylan

    Is emo a music genre, or more of an aesthetic? If not, dark ambient music?: Particia, Crescent, Spector, M2, Eizen 

    Disco: Rorim B

    Video game music: Erick, Saki, Dr. Jenkel, Axel (with the latter two I have in mind Megalovania specifically)

    Electronic: V, Volta

    Jazz: Kieran

    Will listen to pretty much anything: Aero, Melia, Erin, Tesla


    Crescent's on there twice because the theme that plays when she's on screen is a piano song, but definitely gives dark ambience aesthetic-wise


    I think Risa would pretend to be into electronic and pop music for her public persona, but really be more into down-to-earth stuff


    I have trouble thinking of a genre name for the kind of music I think Talon would like, but I think it'd be soft atmospheric music

    On 5/6/2024 at 7:12 PM, Scrublord6410 said:

    Loved the game and going to be starting a Renegade Mono-rock run (Keta is going to be painful) got a few questions for all:

    1) What is your favorite starter pick and why?

    2) What is your favorite Avian form, or what Pokemon do you want to have an Avian form (Mine is Amperous!)

    3) Any plans to rebalance some of the weaker starters?

    1. Popplio. Not for any specific viability reasons in Rejuvenation, Popplio is just my favorite starter in Pokemon overall

    2. I don't know if I could choose just one from these, but my top 3 are definitely Ampharos, Mismagius, and Froslass. The latter two are probably obvious since they're witches and I'm an ice cream sand witch, and Ampharos has always been one of my favorite Pokemon!

    On 5/7/2024 at 3:04 AM, Anstane said:

    Hello hello!


    This might sound like a bit of a weird one, but...what, exactly, is the hierarchy of Team Xen? As, while it's clear that Madame X is at the top and generic Xen grunts are at the bottom, what is the in-between? Are Mages on the same level as Executives? Are Deathwings between Executives and Admins? Are there actual differences between Executives (Zetta, Geara etc.) and Admins (Cassandra, presumably Nastasia)?

    From my understanding, Admins are higher than Executives; I remember Cassandra saying something to that effect. As for the Mages, I believe they're considered more capable than the grunts and probably given higher-risk missions, but I don't know if they'd have any authority in the chain of command. I think Death Wings are like the highest-level lower ranks (like Meteor Aces from Reborn), since they take orders from Executives. 

    On 5/7/2024 at 1:58 PM, Skarot said:

    [1]. As there are many forms of the protag, each later revealed to be individuals - what is each dev's favorite protag?

    Mine is Aevia!

    On 5/6/2024 at 8:34 PM, Yeshua_Kristos said:

    2. Have you been eating/sleeping properly? ^_^

    For the past couple months, I keep waking up a few times during the night. I only remember one full night of uninterrupted sleep since around early March. I take a nap every afternoon that can go up to an hour+ (I always have, not just because of recent sleep issues) so I'm able to somewhat make up for it, but I'd still like to be able to sleep all the way through the night again. I have no idea what caused it. But I'm always good at eating and staying hydrated!

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    • Veterans

    Aaaaaaaaaand that's the end— the Q&A is now closed!


    No more questions will be accepted from this point forward. It's possible that some questions will still be answered after this post, but we're done for the most part!

    We hope you enjoyed the Q&A and the answers given, as well as that we've been able to give some food for thought! Also, thank you so much for all the kind words of support you've given in your messages! There's so many instances of it that I felt bad only selecting one or two to actually say thanks to so I'll use this moment to collectively thank all of you 😭💞


    We hope you look forward to what we've got in store for V14 and beyond! Things are shaping up to be super exciting even if we can't show much. For now, just trust the process, and we'll see you for whenever the next update takes place! 👋

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    This is now closed for further comments

  • V14 is still very much in active development! We just can't show anything that's not OOC nonsense from the devs because it's all spoilers. Sorry!


    As of 26/10/2024... Paragon Part 1 of V14 is complete, and Part 2 and 3 are being worked on! Renegade has not been touched yet. Please bear with us 🙏


    Enjoy some more nonsense in the meantime!







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