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  • One more package...

    SPU Delivery Guy

    Hey, SPU delivery!


    Listen, it’s the same kind of package for P̸͡L̸AY̴͢E̢͘R̷̸ but please please please just take the damn package off of me, I don’t wanna be holdin’ onto this for any longer! There’s something SHAKIN’ in there dude! I felt it! It’s creeping the shit outta me and I really don’t get paid enough by SPU to be dealing with haunted or possessed shit!




    Ya know the drill by now, no speakin’ the answer out loud and everythin’, yadda yadda yadda!


    I dunno if it’s your friend ordering these boxes or someone’s sendin’ some fucked up shit to them as a joke, but I hope for both of your sakes that this stuff doesn’t end up blowin’ up in your faces. I don’t wanna be the person who unknowingly delivered a dangerous package to a pair of unwittin’ victims!


    Anyways, I feel like if I stay around this thing for much longer I’m gonna end up cursed or suffer from some other horrible shit, so I’m outta here.


    Don’t do anythin’ reckless with that damn box that puts yerselves in danger, ya hear me? I dunno if we’ll be seein’ each other again soon, but you better take care during whatever’s gonna happen next, dude! Don’t go dyin’ from some weird box on me now!

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    2 hours ago, Shaytoplay said:

    What do you all think? Who could this be? Frankly it looks more like saki to me, especially given we can see some sort of white shirt under that big ol sweater, and she has the kerchief. BUT the kerchief in the original saki image is WHITE not dark. And saki's hair doesn't match up as easily as Cresent's does. So who knows.



    Cresent or saki..PNG

    Just wanted to add, that could also be Saki's college clothing since she is a student from the Axis High University.

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    Well, I just saw this riddle and the one before and think...


    The last one sounded like Crescent talking about Melia, how Crescent couldn't avoid her destiny nor Melia will be able to. So this girl is most likely past Crescent/Dahlia.


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    Saki is the fake persona! She's actually Dahlia. Dahlia Blakeory! The true Scion of the Blakeories! Even her house in West Gearen resembles the house where the Interceptor loses their mind and crashes. They were friends with Dahlia. But Spacia and Tiempa interfered with her life, or death, and the result was the Crescent we know.


    But it was not the Crescent that was meant to be.


    So now Mysterious Figure #2 had to dispose of her. The name Freya is important. Saki was told this by a red-headed girl. Likely to help jog her memories or to hint at what when down in the Meira region.


    Also, Crescent has pictures of all the Interceptors. They were her friends, but now only the Player remains.


    Crescent learned the truth about whatever it is that Tiempa and Spacia changed by "saving her". And so she went rogue. She may not have even had all of Dahlia's memories. . .


    That's the theory I cooked up just now. I don't see how else to interpret it: Saki is Crescent. They look VERY similar.


    That is just age. Remember Crescent is older just like how Melia got older from her time with the Stormchasers. Same happened to Dahlia. Crescent is an older Saki with a flower instead of the bow, and hose instead of stockings.


    And of course, her red eye visible when angered by the mere sight of Amber, is now permanently a part of her physical design!


    *I expect to be wrong about this but I just see too much resemblance here between the two. And how Saki seemed like such a non-character. She never was. She was a mindwipe victim. Her situation is the REVERSE of everyone else. Perhaps that is why there's a mirror there? To show that there's reflective opposite themes going on?


    That, or the Puppet Master has a connexion to the Blakeories and this is but the revelation of more of their plans and purpose in all this.


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    3 minutes ago, Feng Lei said:
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    Saki is the fake persona! She's actually Dahlia. Dahlia Blakeory! The true Scion of the Blakeories! Even her house in West Gearen resembles the house where the Interceptor loses their mind and crashes. They were friends with Dahlia. But Spacia and Tiempa interfered with her life, or death, and the result was the Crescent we know.


    But it was not the Crescent that was meant to be.


    So now Mysterious Figure #2 had to dispose of her. The name Freya is important. Saki was told this by a red-headed girl. Likely to help jog her memories or to hint at what when down in the Meira region.


    Also, Crescent has pictures of all the Interceptors. They were her friends, but now only the Player remains.


    Crescent learned the truth about whatever it is that Tiempa and Spacia changed by "saving her". And so she went rogue. She may not have even had all of Dahlia's memories. . .


    That's the theory I cooked up just now. I don't see how else to interpret it: Saki is Crescent. They look VERY similar.


    That is just age. Remember Crescent is older just like how Melia got older from her time with the Stormchasers. Same happened to Dahlia. Crescent is an older Saki with a flower instead of the bow, and hose instead of stockings.


    And of course, her red eye visible when angered by the mere sight of Amber, is now permanently a part of her physical design!


    *I expect to be wrong about this but I just see too much resemblance here between the two. And how Saki seemed like such a non-character. She never was. She was a mindwipe victim. Her situation is the REVERSE of everyone else. Perhaps that is why there's a mirror there? To show that there's reflective opposite themes going on?


    That, or the Puppet Master has a connexion to the Blakeories and this is but the revelation of more of their plans and purpose in all this.



    I have a similar theory, but I more or less believe that Saki and Crescent (Dahlia) are two different people. it's just that Crescent and Saki are distantly related. Since Crescent seems to care and know the player character, while Saki kinda doesn't show either. 

    I said this in an earlier post on this thread but Thomas Blakeory Sr. had a deal with Indriad to make him the next successor of the family. But what if Crescent (Dahlia) was a Blakeory, with all the Playable characters as friends (Aevia, Aevis, Aeros, Axel, Alain, Aria). Indriad kills them but Spacea and Tiempa save Crescent plus the character of our choosing. Crescent seeing only one of her friends are still a live, has a dependence and need to keep them out of trouble. while there is Saki, someone who is likely related to her in some way. which is why she protects Saki from the red-head and Kieran. I quite feel that family is the underlying narrative of this story.

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    Has anyone mentioned how in the are you ready image: https://imgur.com/jHk0hdK, if you pause the gif at the right frame, there will be additional text in the background? 

    I think there are two different pieces of text at different moments, but i haven't been able to get a good image of either. 

    Edit: on second viewing, I think there's only one, here's two images i've got of them but I still haven't been able to figure out what it says. 



    Edited by Iamteehee
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    31 minutes ago, Iamteehee said:

    Has anyone mentioned how in the are you ready image: https://imgur.com/jHk0hdK, if you pause the gif at the right frame, there will be additional text in the background? 

    I think there are two different pieces of text at different moments, but i haven't been able to get a good image of either. 

    Edit: on second viewing, I think there's only one, here's two images i've got of them but I still haven't been able to figure out what it says. 



    I had noticed last night, but didn't bother mentioning it since it looks to just be the same question overlapping each other


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    3 hours ago, enderowl said:

    I'm just wondering who is the one opening up the packages, since it seems that it isn't the player character who is opening these presents up but someone else.

    who was left at the apartment? Or was everyone there right now?

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    4 hours ago, enderowl said:

    I'm just wondering who is the one opening up the packages, since it seems that it isn't the player character who is opening these presents up but someone else.


    1 hour ago, Xavier575 said:

    who was left at the apartment? Or was everyone there right now?

    pretty sure it’s just supposed to be you, as in the person visiting the webpage. 

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    For once I managed to get the right password on the first try, it took ages for me to get the other two because I didn't realize I couldn't have the first letter capitalized, plus with how the first two were it was pretty much an easy guess for the third password. That aside it was a lot of fun, I never actually had the chance to participate in something like this before so it was a unique experience.


    Now I'm eagerly awaiting for whatever comes next, whether it's another riddle or if it's the update is up in the air but thank you for either one.

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    28 minutes ago, Master4058 said:

    so it's been 24 hours and no new number has shown up, so this really is the final clue we get here, until V13 comes out of course.

    there was a date in the source code, tomorow :)

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    1 minute ago, ktbhoi said:

    whats up with zumis twitter?



    Zumi tweeted  16.07.2021  which is tomorrow. So something special will happen tomorrow. 


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    So is anybody gonna mention how the delivery guy mentioned that there's two people he's delivered the package to? So us, the player, and then another person.


    I dunno if it’s your friend ordering these boxes or someone’s sendin’ some fucked up shit to them as a joke, but I hope for both of your sakes that this stuff doesn’t end up blowin’ up in your faces.


    Hmmmmm I wonder who the other person is. Would it be Aelita since it seems the puppet master sorta wants the player and Aelita to be working together?

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    40 minutes ago, skyewardlight said:

    So is anybody gonna mention how the delivery guy mentioned that there's two people he's delivered the package to? So us, the player, and then another person.


    I dunno if it’s your friend ordering these boxes or someone’s sendin’ some fucked up shit to them as a joke, but I hope for both of your sakes that this stuff doesn’t end up blowin’ up in your faces.


    Hmmmmm I wonder who the other person is. Would it be Aelita since it seems the puppet master sorta wants the player and Aelita to be working together?

    I think he is just refering to the person sending you the package

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    1 minute ago, Surgent said:

    I think he is just refering to the person sending you the package

    You see I'd think that too but...


     I don’t wanna be the person who unknowingly delivered a dangerous package to a pair of unwittin’ victims!


    Delivery guy mentioned "A pair of unwittin victims" so I assumed that the player wasn't as alone as I thought when they got the delivery.

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    2 hours ago, Octoberrowsky said:

    hypothetically speaking, if the release date was to be 16th of july, do u guys think it'd be the same time the gifts were delivered?


    I would say probably. They have been releasing these at or very close to midnight UTC. This is the only time of day where everywhere in the world has the same date. Since they seem to be aiming for a 16th release, it is likely they would do it when they are certain that it is the 16th for everyone


    That said, it could also be a complete coincidence and mean nothing at all

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    42 minutes ago, skyewardlight said:

    You see I'd think that too but...


     I don’t wanna be the person who unknowingly delivered a dangerous package to a pair of unwittin’ victims!


    Delivery guy mentioned "A pair of unwittin victims" so I assumed that the player wasn't as alone as I thought when they got the delivery.

    I believe he is referring to us and the player since here we act as an intermediary between the SPU delivery guy and who we are in the game (player).

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    3 minutes ago, Nox Omen said:

    He is referring to us and the player since here we act as an intermediary between the SPU delivery guy and who we are in the game (player).

    Ooooooh that makes sense.

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    On 7/14/2021 at 11:10 AM, DrewR said:
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    I'm pretty sure that's Crescent.?


    That's what I thought too. I thought it was Crescent or Saki. I'm so gosh darn excited for V13 I can't stand it

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    15 minutes ago, ktbhoi said:

    Is the release actually confirmed?

    On Zumi's Twitter is a Pic with puppetmasters(?) eys and the text "16.07.2021" and we know that the last package was the last hint. So I dont know what else it could be. But we'll see. :)

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    34 minutes ago, Xavier575 said:

    Almost time boys and girls

    yeah its exciting also do you have any idea of the exact time like if its in an hour or two so i know when to visit the site thanks

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    3 minutes ago, Mudkip604 said:

    yeah its exciting also do you have any idea of the exact time like if its in an hour or two so i know when to visit the site thanks

    give it aroun 2 and a half hours.  the same time the post we're commenting on drops


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    This... This is  o u t r a g e o u s. The rejuv is not  h e r e . . . ? It's. Already. Friday.


    It's. Terrible. It's. Astonishing. It's. Dumbfounding. I'm about to  c r y. Yes. Despair. No v13. Give it  n o w

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    4 minutes ago, Gastronely said:

    This... This is  o u t r a g e o u s. The rejuv is not  h e r e . . . ? It's. Already. Friday.


    It's. Terrible. It's. Astonishing. It's. Dumbfounding. I'm about to  c r y. Yes. Despair. No v13. Give it  n o w

    Get a hold of yourself. Even if it doesn’t occur now, just wait for a bit longer.

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    3 minutes ago, Gastronely said:

    This... This is  o u t r a g e o u s. The rejuv is not  h e r e . . . ? It's. Already. Friday.


    It's. Terrible. It's. Astonishing. It's. Dumbfounding. I'm about to  c r y. Yes. Despair. No v13. Give it  n o w

    oi, calm down mate.  it'll be here when its ready. would you rather an unfinished product earlier, or a polished product? obviously when its fully polished

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    1 minute ago, Gastronely said:

    Guys wtf. It was a joke... That's what I get for not putting a /s at the end

    people have to be dum dum for not getting such an obvious joke tho

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    11 minutes ago, Door Hinges said:

    people have to be dum dum for not getting such an obvious joke tho


    I was hoping it was a joke, but you know that there are people out there that would act like that.  

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    8 minutes ago, Lorane said:

    im just imagining them dropping a clown emoji at the time and laughing at us for going above and beyond to crack the code🤡

    The surprise is that there is no surprise.

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    16 minutes ago, Lorane said:

    im just imagining them dropping a clown emoji at the time and laughing at us for going above and beyond to crack the code🤡

    "Is the Puppet Master pranking you across time and space? I hate it when he does that!"

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    1 minute ago, ThiroSmash said:

    You know I just remembered something I wanted to ask about v13.

    Are there gonna be changes to field effects? I wanna know if I can use the notes of v12.

    If it's like V12 there should be field effect updates marked in the changeelog

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  • V14 is still very much in active development! We just can't show anything that's not OOC nonsense from the devs because it's all spoilers. Sorry!


    On a more serious note, along with not having as many dev blog posts, the official website will stay down until V14 is released as to not jeopardize the game's development with having too much of an online presence after the turbulence surrounding fan projects lately. We hope you understand our decision for doing so!


    Now... Back to the nonsense!





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