mmmmaaaaaaaaaaaybe not the first thing you'd expect to show up, huh?
Well, here it is anyways! Welcome to Rejuvenation's first official character popularity poll - we're here to measure which characters you like the most!
"But Zumi, why is this a thing now all of a sudden?", I hear you think, to which I say; Well, dear reader, this popularity poll is to determine who is getting the next bonus wallpaper. For V11 we had Angie and for V12 we had Ryland -- though both of them were internal choices (and with internal i mean my own choices HAHA), so I felt it'd be cool to have the audience vote for the next character that receives a special illustration! Even though I'm already doing a crazy amount of work for V13 (I'm working on the next batch of characters already), I don't mind going the extra mile and throw in another fully rendered illustration for people to enjoy along with V13's release when that time comes around.
Any votes that do not adhere to the rules displayed upon opening the form will not be counted and deemed as invalid. You need a Google account to vote, and you have only one shot at voting. Don't waste the opportunity!
The poll will run until the end of the month, July 31st. The votes will close and the results will be announced shortly after!
Good luck, and may the most popular character win! o7
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