...And reveals a brand-spanking new logo for the game underneath!
I actually made this as a surprise for Jan a couple of days ago, but the idea to make a new logo has been floating around in the back of my mind for a while now. I finally got the inspiration I needed, and lo and behold! From now on, this new logo will be found on the game's title screens and anything else that might need it. I've also put it (along with the separate elements) in the official art thread in case you might need them for something!
It's not really much of a big update, I'm well aware, but I felt it appropriate to show off the new logo to kick off the new stuff on the dev blog. Outside of that there's not much to share... Except, well, I guess I'm six sprites away from completing all the Gen 8 sprites??? After that it's just shinies (though thankfully I don't have to do those myself) and we're completely done with the graphics side of the Gen 8 addition to the game! I'll very likely have them done by tomorrow or so, so I guess this is an early completion celebration as I'm not gonna make a new post for it?!?!? YEA
On the topic of Gen 8, Alex and Azery are currently blazing through the encounters and sprinkling gen 8 mons in everywhere, so we're starting to get into the swing of things again. Expect some of those status bars to go up in progress sometime soon as a result! There's still a lot left to do, but either way we're still making progress and progress is better than no progress, right? absolutely
That's all for now though! See y'all for the next update o7
Edited by Zumi
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