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  • [Art update] zumi rejuvenation vs the sprite world


    its.... an actual game dev update???? that isn't a bunch of character art??? from ZUMI???? whoa!


    yeah i've actually been doing things that probably were a bit overdue anyways.


    Today's update from me to you is about the VS sprites! There's already been a couple of sprites that received updates, namely Zetta & Keta which I have shown off prior to this post -- go check the recap post at the start of the dev blog, they're in there somewhere! -- but I spent yesterday and today fixing up some more! And ooh boy, some of these took a good bit of time to fix up (ariana, i'm looking at you. why did your face give me so much trouble ma'am.), so I hope you'll appreciate the improvements on some of these! Let's do a before and after showcase! The sprites on the left are the old ones, and the ones on the right are the new ones. 




    So this is, along with SEC, one of the sprites that has gone without an update for a long, long LONG ass time, and was in dire need of cleaning. Her hair and and cap have been sprited entirely anew, and looks much more accurate to her official art now.The shading also got a slight fixing, particularly on her hand and the pokeball she's holding.




    Not much has changed in terms of the clothing, but the facial shape is different, along with the shading on the hair being a teeeeny tiny bit different. Honestly, looking at it now next to his old sprite I'm not 100% convinced it's exactly how I want it to look like quite yet? Ren looks kinda young in this sprite compared to the one he has at a later point in the game, so I might still do some further editing before V13 is out. It's headed in the right direction, at least!


    Eli & Sharon


    Eli looks even more clueless, and Sharon looks even more Tired Of This Shit(TM). This is one of the sprites that suffered from pointless detailing in the shading that made the sprite look messy and cluttered (Amanda, Valarie, Flora and Florin also being victims of this), so everything has been simplified a bit. Sharon also no longer has the earpiece, as it felt redundant to keep, and the pokeball shes holding has also been colored red.





    I... Don't think this sprite ever got an update before LOL. I think the difference here is relatively clear; the color has been fixed, and the shading has been updated in several places. The black screen has also been made *slightly* bigger, and the pokeball icon has been redone entirely.


    Madame X


    Not a whole lot has changed on this sprite outside of that the shading has been improved, along with that the colors have been fixed slightly. The outline of the hand now also is darker, making the whole a bit more readable than it was before.




    Ah yes.... Miss hair clutter. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to add so much detail in her hair back when I did the first edit of her existing sprite, but the messiness should be quite a bit less now! Her eye shape is now also slightly different, giving her a little bit more unique facial features instead of being almost entirely the same to Elesa's sprite in B/W. Other than that, there's been some color correction and reshading, so all in all the sprite looks a lot cleaner now!




    I think out of all the edits I've done this one is the least notable? But his face is slightly longer, the eyes are a bit different and his shoulders a bit wider.  At least he no longer looks like he's like 9 years old lmao




    This is probably one of the more significant updates! As much as I like her old hair (despite it being huge in her vs sprite, what the fuck), it's not accurate to her official art, and therefore I had to change it. Next to that, her facial expression is quite different now, along with that she no longer has her hand resting against her face, but instead in a semi-relaxed pose on the right of her. I did this for the reason that I'd like to keep the amount of duplicate poses to an absolute minimum, and Flora used to share a base with Melia's 1st and 2nd VS sprite, which is something I no longer wanted.




    Florin's sprite DEFINITELY needed some polish. His hair was a mess, and so was his hand! Sir!!!! ARE YOUR FINGERS OK????? i don't know why i thought it looked fine the way it did. i suppose as time goes on you get a better eye for these things.

    Either way, he looks quite a bit better now! His hair looks closer to his official art now, and his hand no longer has broken fingers (i also switched it to be his left hand instead of his right). The colors of his shirt and vest now also match the official art better, along with that his shirt has a collar now. The face also has a better overall shape now and has his chin looking less like a V -- and to top it off, he looks more confident in his sprite now!




    Probably the edit I'm the most proud of out of these! The old one honestly looked kinda weird and I 100% understand the comments that I got at the time of V11's release that Adam looked weird (mostly because of his hair), so I made it a point to make him look Less Weird(TM) in his official art. And as I said before, I was going to fix Adam's sprite to match his art better, so here we are! Adam 2.0! His eyes are now peeking from behind his sunglasses (which are smaller now), along with that his facial shape is thinner and his hand is in a slightly different pose. His ponytail now also shows up on screen and his bangs are a bit shorter so they no longer rest on his shoulders. I feel like his sprite emanates a lot more personality in the second version, so I feel like this is a significantly positive change in appearance!


     Moving on, the protagonist sprites also got a couple of touch-ups.





    Almost nothing beside her hair color being slightly lighter, her skin color now matches her official art and her facial shape has changed. However, can I complain about her face for a second? For SOME reason, her face gave me absolute hell to get right. THE EYES, MAN. HOW DO I GET THEM TO LOOK RIGHT. THE ANGLE IS SO WEIRD AND YOU HAVE SO LIMITED SPACE TO WORK WITH. HFJDGDFGNDFBGDHJF I AM DYING, SQUIRTLE




    i am ok. i think.


    either way, Ariana, like Ren, is subject to change in the future because I am still not fully settled on if I'm satisfied with this or not. I'll sleep a night on this one and see again later. maybe i'm just tired and that's why it turned out weird. idk





    Axel had a bit of a messily shaded vs portrait, so I've gone and fixed the shading on his hair, face and vest. He also has a grin on his face now to match the official art better!! The hair has one less color used now, giving it an overall more clean look. His vest is now also distinctly grey, as for some reason the vest in the previous version was the same color as his shirt??? which isn't actually the case in his art?? oh well. in his alt outfit, the edge of the lil jacket he has over his shirt now looks a bit cleaner. overall, it's not that big of an update, but an update nonetheless!


    And last but not least...






    okay. so i can hear you thinking "WAIT. BUT THAT'S A LOT MORE DIFFERENT." and i respond to that with yes! it is! his hair is different!


    Aevis has been under prospect for a while in regards to a slight design change, due to feedback from a good amount of people that his hairstyle felt very plain compared to all the other protagonists. Jan and I did a bit of brainstorming (along with collecting some feedback from Jan's patreon server members), and eventually settled on this new hairstyle for him! His battlesprite and backsprites will be updated to match the change accordingly. Nothing else about him has changed though -- it's just the hair. He'll keep his good ol' green clothes as we saw no reason to change that from what it was before.




    Honestly, normally I don't even write these long winded posts for sprites, but I felt like some people might like to know the thought process behind some of these changes I make to sprites, so I wanted to have a more elaborate post for a change when it comes to graphical updates. I'll also very likely be doing a pass on a couple of battle sprites as well, but I won't be making a separate post for those.


    For now, thank you for reading! Let me know what you guys think of the changes! 👀


    Until next time! (which will probably be a character art post or smth. yeehaw)



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    I love the VS sprite update! Amanda I'm debating if she's more intimidating, or looks more evil either way glorious. Ren the change in Ren's VS sprite actually makes him look like a good guy, rather feeling like he'll betray you. Eli and Sharon, my opinion is the same as yours. SEC, he was never a character I particularly cared about, but definitely looks cool. Madame X looks more intimidating. Valarie got a boost in attractiveness. Crawli seems to have gotten more confidence in himself.  Flora, I liked her old sprite as it made her look less conspicuous, like you would never expect her to be a Bladestar Admin with that smile and hair. Florin I feel like he can now lead GDC into glory. Adam, he's as cocky as ever. Ariana, I have no qualms, and I understand that pain! I can never draw eyes correctly either. That Axel smile makes him look more chilax which I love. Finally Aevis, I have to say against all peoples opinions, I liked his "Plain" Hair style better.

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    Aevis's new sprite looks so cool. It will take some time to get used to Aevis's new sprite, because I loved Aevis's old sprite (and also because Aevis looks like me if I had short hair >:3), but I am not disappointed by that. Keep up the good work, Zumi and I will wait for more news! 😄

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    I didn't even know people felt that strongly about Adam's vs sprite, but now that i'm looking at the old one his hair DOES look weird haha.
    Flora definitely needed that upgrade!
    I kinda prefer Ariana's old sprite.  The new one just kind of looks... goofy to me?  IDK I think it's the mouth/smile that i'm getting that from.
    Probably an unpopular opinion, but I really don't like the change to Aevis.  His hair basically looks like an enlarged version of Axel's on the one side.  To be fair I was a fan of his legacy sprite where he had black hair and wore a hat so should probably take my opinion with a grain of salt.

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    These look really nice! I especially like Amanda, Valarie, Florin, and Adam's revisions. I hope Aelita's (first I think) vs sprite will eventually be revised because her leg really bothers me for some reason. I think it looks a bit short from the knee down and the foot seems to be in a strange position. These look great and you should take your time, but since I've noticed that about her sprite, I can't unsee it.

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    i don't really like aevis' new hairstyle, but i am a bit biased since his design is my favorite out of all the player designs. i do love the rest of the new portraits though, there's definitely an improvement, especially with florin's and adam's new vs sprites!

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    I don't really like Aevis' new design change, I think the old one is better because simple design not necessarily means bad or boring. The rest of the characters looks awesome

    Edited by RedLion
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    OMG, THANK YOU!!! I'm playing as Ariana in my main file, and it always bothered me how derpy her VS. sprite looked. It's like looking at Shulk in the original Xenoblade Chronicles vs. the definitive edition. It's a definite improvement from before. She's so much cuter than before.


    Flora's sprite is also a giant thumbs up. I didn't feel that the old one matched her personality. Like, she's always sassing and bossing Florin out, but looked docile in the VS. sprite? Yeah, I wasn't really feeling it. And yeah, her head's humongous.


    As for Aevis' sprite, eh, I like both of them, though the newer one would need getting used to. It just looks a little try-hard, and I kinda like the smidge of femininity in the original one. Though considering that he's supposed to be the unambiguously male character, I guess that would be not good. Oh well.


    Also, I actually really liked Ren's old sprite probably because of his fox eyes, but I guess it doesn't really match his personality. I mean, he's not mischievous, but he was a Dark type-oriented trainer, so I dunno. Please don't change Ren's 2nd sprite! I really like that battle-hardened look conveyed in his expression. But what do I know? You're the artist, and it has all been great! Keep up the good work!


    Edit: Actually, now that I'm looking at it again, I think Ren's newer sprite is suffering the same way as Arianna's original sprite. It has that same derpy feeling to it, though for Ren's newer sprite, it's easier to spot. His eyes are a little too far apart, so it feels out of place.

    Edited by HydrangeanBlackKnight
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    The new portraits look so good! I love all the touch ups like for Eli and Sharon, for Crawli, etc. Florin looks genuinely really cool now, same with Adam,

    I never really liked Aevis's newer design, I much prefer the legacy sprite, but maybe this new hairstyle will make me like his design more. The new hair looks a little weird, maybe the ends are a little too long.

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    For me I really like Ariana's design (sometimes, because her alternative design confuses me in the ponytail tress) and I say that the first sprites are better I'm not saying that the new ones are bad, but they look kinda goofy ^^'
    And reading that her design might change in the future (my english might not be making me clear what Jan said) 

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