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PokéNations Roster Thread - Week Ten!


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So, it's time for Pokénations week 10! Tha means that we're already 2/3 of the way through!

Doesn't time fly?

This time, it's inverted (I can already FEEL the pain)!

For those of you who don't know, inverted means that moves that are normally super effective become not very effective, and moves that are usually ineffective, become super effective!

The matchups are as follows!

Haven vs Apophyll - Playing UU
Volcanic vs Ruin - Playing LC
Aurora vs Mythic - Playing Ubers

The clauses are as follows: Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, Species Clause, and Self-KO Clause (and of course, inverted!). If you would like to battle with additional clauses, that is between battlers to discuss.

So, you've got until Sunday at 11:59 PM EST in order to submit rosters. Matchups will be posted soon after. You will have exactly one week to complete all matches from the time they are posted. Rosters will include 5 people to play matches and 2 reserve members in case a participant cannot play.

A note: someone asked me if a pokémon with forms is banned does that mean all of it, yes that means all of it

(oh and: http://www.pokemonre...?showtopic=9370 for tiers, this is in the banner on the server by the way.)

Nation leaders, please reply with your rosters and which 3 Pokémon you will be banning from your opponent's use!

Also of note, is that we'll be having our second intermission after this challenge is over and done with, so everyone gets a one week break.

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Roster for Ruin:





Epic C


Abbey Street


Bans: Croagunk, Voltorb, Chinchou (Seriously just threw three up here, sorry. I'm too busy to give actual thought to this)

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Okay, I have made a decision to drop out of nations. Even I thought it would be fun, my schedule is very limited because of my 2 jobs and College, plus when I do have free time, I have an obligation to my Gamer's Club, which I am the president of, as well as producing musical beats for local artist. Another thing the frustrated me is that I have told and showed my availability plenty of times but people either refuse to work with me or they are of different time zones (same tiers for a month is demoralizing).

http://imgur.com/vYZzxGu <---- this is what my schedule is like, and sometimes i can't even be on here.... With that said, I am officially done with PokeNations. I love you all but this is too much.

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Thanks for everything Sir Flash, we'll miss you too.

Sooo, Kyo and Roo, we are in sort of a need for members in Volc now. If things keep like this we'll have almost only one possible roster. Is there anything that could be done to fix that?

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